575 research outputs found

    Localized - delocalized electron quantum phase transitions

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    Metal--insulator transitions and transitions between different quantum Hall liquids are used to describe the physical ideas forming the basis of quantum phase transitions and the methods of application of theoretical results in processing experimental data. The following two theoretical schemes are discussed and compared: the general theory of quantum phase transitions, which has been developed according to the theory of thermodynamic phase transitions and relies on the concept of a partition function, and a theory which is based on a scaling hypothesis and the renormalization-group concept borrowed from quantum electrodynamics, with the results formulated in terms of flow diagrams.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figure

    Quantum Metallicity on the High-Field Side of the Superconductor-Insulator Transition

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    We investigate ultrathin superconducting TiN films, which are very close to the localization threshold. Perpendicular magnetic field drives the films from the superconducting to an insulating state, with very high resistance. Further increase of the magnetic field leads to an exponential decay of the resistance towards a finite value. In the limit of low temperatures, the saturation value can be very accurately extrapolated to the universal quantum resistance h/e^2. Our analysis suggests that at high magnetic fields a new ground state, distinct from the normal metallic state occurring above the superconducting transition temperature, is formed. A comparison with other studies on different materials indicates that the quantum metallic phase following the magnetic-field-induced insulating phase is a generic property of systems close to the disorder-driven superconductor-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Superconductor insulator transition in thin films driven by an orbital parallel magnetic field effect

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    We study theoretically orbital effects of a parallel magnetic field applied to a disordered superconducting film. We find that the field reduces the phase stiffness and leads to strong quantum phase fluctuations driving the system into an insulating behavior. This microscopic model shows that the critical field decreases with the sheet resistance, in agreement with recent experimental results. The predictions of this model can be used to discriminate spin and orbital effects. We find that experiments conducted by A. Johansson \textit{et al.} are more consistent with the orbital mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Width of the Zero-Field Superconducting Resistive Transition in the Vicinity of the Localization Threshold

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    Resistive superconducting zero-field transition in amorphous In-O films in states from the vicinity of the insulator-superconductor transition is analyzed in terms of two characteristic temperatures: the upper one, Tc0T_{c0}, where the finite amplitude of the order parameter is established and the lower one, TcT_c, where the phase ordering takes place. It follows from the magnetoresistance measurements that the resistance in between, Tc<T<Tc0T_c<T<T_{c0}, cannot be ascribed to dissipation by thermally dissociated vortex pairs. So, it is not Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition that happens at TcT_c.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of chemical pressure effects on nonlinear thermal conductivity of intrinsically granular superconductors

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    Using a 2D model of capacitively coupled Josephson junction arrays (created by a network of twin boundary dislocations with strain fields acting as an insulating barrier between hole-rich domains in underdoped crystals), we study the influence of chemical pressure on nonlinear thermal conductivity (NLTC) of an intrinsically granular superconductor. Quite a substantial enhancement of NLTC is predicted when intrinsic chemoelectric field closely matches the externally produced thermoelectric field. The estimates of the model parameters suggest a realistic possibility to experimentally monitor this effect in non-stoichiometric superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Superconductivity on the localization threshold and magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition in TiN films

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    Temperature- and magnetic-field dependent measurements of the resistance of ultrathin superconducting TiN films are presented. The analysis of the temperature dependence of the zero field resistance indicates an underlying insulating behavior, when the contribution of Aslamasov-Larkin fluctuations is taken into account. This demonstrates the possibility of coexistence of the superconducting and insulating phases and of a direct transition from the one to the other. The scaling behavior of magnetic field data is in accordance with a superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) driven by quantum phase fluctuations in two-dimensional superconductor. The temperature dependence of the isomagnetic resistance data on the high-field side of the SIT has been analyzed and the presence of an insulating phase was confirmed. A transition from the insulating to a metallic phase is found at high magnetic fields, where the zero-temperature asymptotic value of the resistance being equal to h/e^2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, RevTeX4, Published versio

    Chemical localization

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    Analysis of experimental data shows that the metal--insulator transition is possible in materials composed of atoms of only metallic elements. Such a transition may occur in spite of the high concentration of valence electrons. It requires stable atomic configurations to act as deep potential traps absorbing dozens of valence electrons. This means in essence that bulk metallic space transforms into an assembly of identical quantum dots. Depending on the parameters, such a material either does contain delocalized electrons (metal) or does not contain such electrons (insulator). The degree of disorder is one of these parameters. Two types of substances with such properties are discussed: liquid binary alloys with both components being metallic, and thermodynamically stable quasicrystals.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure
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