901 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping the 3d Ising twist defect

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    Recent numerical results point to the existence of a conformally invariant twist defect in the critical 3d Ising model. In this note we show that this fact is supported by both epsilon expansion and conformal bootstrap calculations. We find that our results are in good agreement with the numerical data. We also make new predictions for operator dimensions and OPE coefficients from the bootstrap approach. In the process we derive universal bounds on one-dimensional conformal field theories and conformal line defects.Comment: 24+8 pages, 12 figures, references adde

    Thermodynamic Bubble Ansatz

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    Motivated by the computation of scattering amplitudes at strong coupling, we consider minimal area surfaces in AdS_5 which end on a null polygonal contour at the boundary. We map the classical problem of finding the surface into an SU(4) Hitchin system. The polygon with six edges is the first non-trivial example. For this case, we write an integral equation which determines the area as a function of the shape of the polygon. The equations are identical to those of the Thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz. Moreover, the area is given by the free energy of this TBA system. The high temperature limit of the TBA system can be exactly solved. It leads to an explicit expression for a special class of hexagonal contours.Comment: 55 pages, 22 figures. v2: references added, V3: small typo fixe

    The elliptic genus from split flows and Donaldson-Thomas invariants

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    We analyze a mixed ensemble of low charge D4-D2-D0 brane states on the quintic and show that these can be successfully enumerated using attractor flow tree techniques and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In this low charge regime one needs to take into account worldsheet instanton corrections to the central charges, which is accomplished by making use of mirror symmetry. All the charges considered can be realized as fluxed D6-D2-D0 and anti-D6-D2-D0 pairs which we enumerate using DT invariants. Our procedure uses the low charge counterpart of the picture developed Denef and Moore. By establishing the existence of flow trees numerically and refining the index factorization scheme, we reproduce and improve some results obtained by Gaiotto, Strominger and Yin. Our results provide appealing evidence that the strong split flow tree conjecture holds and allows to compute exact results for an important sector of the theory. Our refined scheme for computing indices might shed some light on how to improve index computations for systems with larger charges.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    An Operator Product Expansion for Polygonal null Wilson Loops

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    We consider polygonal Wilson loops with null edges in conformal gauge theories. We derive an OPE-like expansion when several successive lines of the polygon are becoming aligned. The limit corresponds to a collinear, or multicollinear, limit and we explain the systematics of all the subleading corrections, going beyond the leading terms that were previously considered. These subleading corrections are governed by excitations of high spin operators, or excitations of a flux tube that goes between two Wilson lines. The discussion is valid for any conformal gauge theory, for any coupling and in any dimension. For N=4 super Yang Mills we check this expansion at strong coupling and at two loops at weak coupling . We also make predictions for the remainder function at higher loops. In the process, we also derived a new version for the TBA integral equations that determine the strong coupling answer and present the area as the associated Yang-Yang functional.Comment: 48 pages, 12 figures, harvmac. v2 fixed a small issue regarding divergence

    5D Black Rings and 4D Black Holes

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    It has recently been shown that the M theory lift of a IIA 4D BPS Calabi-Yau black hole is a 5D BPS black hole spinning at the center of a Taub-NUT-flux geometries, and a certain linear relation between 4D and 5D BPS partition functions was accordingly proposed. In the present work we fortify and enrich this proposal by showing that the M-theory lift of the general 4D multi-black hole geometry are 5D black rings in a Taub-NUT-flux geometry.Comment: 8 pages; version 2, with additional references and explanation

    N=2 SU Quiver with USP Ends or SU Ends with Antisymmetric Matter

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    We consider the four dimensional scale invariant N=2 SU quiver gauge theories with USp(2N) ends or SU(2N) ends with antisymmetric matter representations. We argue that these theories are realized as six dimensional A_{2N-1} (0,2) theories compactified on spheres with punctures. With this realization, we can study various strongly coupled cusps in moduli space and find the S-dual theories. We find a class of isolated superconformal field theories with only odd dimensional operators D(ϕ)≥3D(\phi)\geq3 and superconformal field theories with only even dimensional operators D(ϕ)≥4D(\phi)\geq4.Comment: Minor changes are made; refrences are added; 21 pages, 18 figure

    Examples of M5-Brane Elliptic Genera

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    We determine the modified elliptic genus of an M5-brane wrapped on various one modulus Calabi-Yau spaces, using modular invariance together with some known Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of small degrees. As a bonus, we find nontrivial relations among Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of different degrees and genera from modular invariance.Comment: 13 page

    New Seiberg Dualities from N=2 Dualities

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    We propose a number of new Seiberg dualities of N=1 quiver gauge theories. The new Seiberg dualities originate in new S-dualities of N=2 superconformal field theories recently proposed by Gaiotto. N=2 S-dual theories deformed by suitable mass terms flow to our N=1 Seiberg dual theories. We show that the number of exactly marginal operators is universal for these Seiberg dual theories and the 't Hooft anomaly matching holds for these theories. These provide strong evidence for the new Seiberg dualities. Furthermore, we study in detail the Klebanov-Witten type theory and its dual as a concrete example. We show that chiral operators and their non-linear relations match between these theories. These arguments also give non-trivial consistency checks for our proposal.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. v2:version to appear in JHE

    Black Hole Deconstruction

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    A D4-D0 black hole can be deconstructed into a bound state of D0 branes with a D6-anti-D6 pair containing worldvolume fluxes. The exact spacetime solution is known and resembles a D0 accretion disk surrounding a D6-anti-D6 core. We find a scaling limit in which the disk and core drop inside an AdS_2 throat. Crossing this AdS_2 throat and the D0 accretion disk into the core, we find a second scaling region describing the D6-anti-D6 pair. It is shown that the M-theory lift of this region is AdS_3 x S^2. Surprisingly, time translations in the far asymptotic region reduce to global, rather than Poincare, time translations in this core AdS_3. We further find that the quantum mechanical ground state degeneracy reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy-area law.Comment: 11 page

    The M5-Brane Elliptic Genus: Modularity and BPS States

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    The modified elliptic genus for an M5-brane wrapped on a four-cycle of a Calabi-Yau threefold encodes the degeneracies of an infinite set of BPS states in four dimensions. By holomorphy and modular invariance, it can be determined completely from the knowledge of a finite set of such BPS states. We show the feasibility of such a computation and determine the exact modified elliptic genus for an M5-brane wrapping a hyperplane section of the quintic threefold.Comment: 21 page
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