85 research outputs found

    UV continuum emission and diagnostics of hydrogen-containing non-equilibrium plasmas

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    For the first time the emission of the radiative dissociation continuum of the hydrogen molecule (a3Σg+b3Σu+a^{3}\Sigma_{g}^{+} \to b^{3}\Sigma_{u}^{+} electronic transition) is proposed to be used as a source of information for the spectroscopic diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmas. The detailed analysis of excitation-deactivation kinetics, rate constants of various collisional and radiative transitions and fitting procedures made it possible to develop two new methods of diagnostics of: (1) the ground X1Σg+X^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} state vibrational temperature TvibT_{\text{vib}} from the relative intensity distribution, and (2) the rate of electron impact dissociation (d[\mbox{H_{2}}]/dt)_{\text{diss}} from the absolute intensity of the continuum. A known method of determination of TvibT_{\text{vib}} from relative intensities of Fulcher-α\alpha bands was seriously corrected and simplified due to the revision of dad \to a transition probabilities and cross sections of dXd \gets X electron impact excitation. General considerations are illustrated with examples of experiments in pure hydrogen capillary-arc and H2_{2}+Ar microwave discharges.Comment: REVTeX, 25 pages + 12 figures + 9 tables. Phys. Rev. E, eprint replaced because of resubmission to journal after referee's 2nd repor

    Origin of the Biologically Important Elements

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    The chemical elements most widely distributed in terrestrial living creatures are the ones (apart from inert helium and neon) that are commonest in the Universe--hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. A chemically different Universe would clearly have different biology, if any. We explore here the nuclear processes in stars, the early Universe, and elsewhere that have produced these common elements, and, while we are at it, also encounter the production of lithium, gold, uranium, and other elements of sociological, if not biological, importance. The relevant processes are, for the most part, well understood. Much less well understood is the overall history of chemical evolution of the Galaxy, from pure hydrogen and helium to the mix of elements we see today. One implication is that we cannot do a very good job of estimating how many stars and which ones might be orbited by habitable planets

    Cohort profile: the German Diabetes Study (GDS)

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    Zellteilung und Strahlung

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    Nachtrag zu der Mitteilung: Die Isotopenh�ufigkeiten im nat�rlichen Blei und das Alter des Urans

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    Über die Bandenfluoreszenz des Quecksilberdampfes

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    Zur Frage der lichtelektrischen Ionisierung des Quecksilberdampfes

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