34 research outputs found

    Utilização de Telenomus podisi no manejo de Euschistus heros em soja.

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    Conteúdo do volume 2: Ácaros; Biologia, fisiologia, morfologia; Controle biológico com bactérias entomopatogênicas; Controle biológico com fungos entomopatológicos; Controle biológico com nematoides; Controle biológico com parasitoides; Controle biológico com predadores; Ecologia e biodiversidade; Educação e etnoentomologia; Entomologia florestal; Entomologia Forense; Entomologia médica e veterinária; Entomologia molecular; Manejo integrado de pragas; Organismos geneticamente modificados; Plantas inseticidas; Polinização; Pragas quarentenárias e invasivas; Resistência de insetos a táticas de controle; Resistência de plantas a insetos; Semioquímicos e comportamento; Sistemática e taxonomia; Tecnologia de aplicação; Controle biológico com vírus entomopatogênicos; Controle químico

    Perspectives on metaphyseal conservative stems

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    Total hip replacement is showing, during the last decades, a progressive evolution toward principles of reduced bone and soft tissue aggression. These principles have become the basis of a new philosophy, tissue sparing surgery. Regarding hip implants, new conservative components have been proposed and developed as an alternative to conventional stems. Technical and biomechanical characteristics of metaphyseal bone-stock-preserving stems are analyzed on the basis of the available literature and our personal experience. Mayo, Nanos and Metha stems represent, under certain aspects, a design evolution starting from shared concepts: reduced femoral violation, non-anatomic geometry, proximal calcar loading and lateral alignment. However, consistent differences are level of neck preservation, cross-sectional geometry and surface finishing. The Mayo component is the most time-tested component and, in our hands, it showed an excellent survivorship at the mid-term follow-up, with an extremely reduced incidence of aseptic loosening (partially reduced by the association with last generation acetabular couplings). For 160 implants followed for a mean of 4.7 years, survivorship was 97.5% with 4 failed implants: one fracture with unstable stem, 1 septic loosening and 2 aseptic mobilizations. DEXA analysis, performed on 15 cases, showed a good calcar loading and stimulation, but there was significant lateral load transfer to R3–R4 zones, giving to the distal part of the stem a function not simply limited to alignment. Metaphyseal conservative stems demonstrated a wide applicability with an essential surgical technique. Moreover, they offer the options of a “conservative revision” with a conventional primary component in case of failure and a “conservative revision” for failed resurfacing implants

    Effect of the Ages of Parasitoid and Host Eggs on Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) Parasitism.

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    This study investigates the influence of parasitoid age and egg age of the hosts Euschistus heros (Fabricius) and Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) on parasitism of Telenomus podisi Ashmead. Six separate bioassays were conducted: parasitism on eggs of E. heros (bioassay 1) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 2) by T. podisi females of different age (1, 5, and 10 days old); parasitism by T. podisi on eggs of different age (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days of embryonic development) of the hosts E. heros (bioassay 3) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 4); preference of T. podisi females for eggs at different embryonic developmental stages (eggs of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days) of the hosts E. heros (bioassay 5) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 6). The age of T. podisi females and their hosts affected parasitism on both E. heros and D. melacanthus eggs. Overall, the parasitism rate was higher in older than younger parasitoids, independent of the tested host species, and host eggs between 1 and 3 days old were similarly parasitized. Thus, in T. podisi mass rearing facilities, it is recommended to use older adults (5 to 10 days old) as mother wasps to increase parasitism on the offered eggs. In addition, when hosts are completely absent in the field, or climatic conditions are unfavorable for release, mass-reared adults can be kept in the laboratory (25°C) for up to 10 days for later release in the field without any impairment of their subsequent parasitism performance

    Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) parasitism on Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs: different parasitoid and host egg ages.

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    Título em português: Parasitismo de Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): diferentes idades do parasitoide e do ovo hospedeiro

    Effects of parasitoid and host age on the parasitism of Trichogramma pretiosum on eggs of Anticarsia gemmatalis.

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    Abstract The ages of parasitoid females and their hosts can have substantial effects on parasitism and parasitoid efficacy. This relationship has been investigated over the last few decades and found to vary among species. To our knowledge, it was virtually unknown for Trichogramma pretiosum wasps that parasitize Anticarsia gemmatalis eggs. Therefore, the influence of parasitoid and host age on the parasitism of T. pretiosum on eggs of A. gemmatalis was here evaluated in three independent bioassays. Neither the number of parasitized eggs nor that of emerged parasitoids differed between T. pretiosum females of different age. The number of parasitoids per egg and the sex ratio were higher for 5-day-old females. Regarding host age, the number of parasitized eggs was highest for A. gemmatalis eggs aged 24 h (9.60), followed by eggs aged 48 h (1.00), while no parasitism was observed for eggs aged 72 h. The number of parasitoids per egg and sex ratio were not influenced by host age. Preference was significantly higher for host eggs aged 24 h (79.67%), followed by eggs aged 48 h (16.99%) and 72 h (3.33%). Accordingly to these results, the key challenge for a successful T. pretiosum release to control A. gemmatalis in the field is to synchronize the presence of up to 5-day-old adults with the most susceptible phase of the host eggs (1 day)