19 research outputs found
Distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and future projections according to global climate change.
In this work, we mapped the distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and projected future scenarios of climate change, using potential distribution modeling (MDP). In the first step, we mapped the climate of the current period and for future scenarios (1961-1990, 2011-2041, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100, respectively). the next step, these maps were compared to the 114 points of occurrences of the species. The climate projections were made in accordance with scenarios presented in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - AR4 / IPCC. The projections for the next decades indicate alterations in the distribution of H. heptaphyllus. Additionally, it demonstrated a significant reduction of distribution areas in the northern limit, with retreated ecological niche from latitudes south and to higher altitudes. We conclude that the preservation of H. heptaphyllus, protecting it from the climatic changes that will occur in the next decades. The BAGs with the populations this species should be established based on the same criteria for the seed collection areas, in order to maintain the similar environmental conditions and avoid the effects of undue external influences
Distribuição de Handroanthus impetiginosus no Brasil e as projeções futuras conforme as mudanças climáticas globais.
O objetivo do trabalho foi mapear a ocorrência de Handroanthus impetiginosus em território brasileiro e projetar possíveis mudanças em sua distribuição espacial de acordo com os cenários climáticos futuros, elaborados com o uso de modelagem de distribuição potencial (MDP). Para esse fim, mapeamos o clima do período base e dos cenários futuros (1961-1990; 2011-2041; 2041-2070 e 2071-2100, respectivamente) e os relacionamos com 373 pontos de ocorrência da espécie. As projeções climáticas foram realizadas de acordo com cenários apresentados no 4o Relatório de Avaliação do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas - AR4/IPCC. Os modelos simulados indicam alterações na distribuição da espécie no futuro, com significativa redução da área potencial nos seus limites latitudinais norte, o que corresponde aos Biomas Amazônia, Cerrado e Caatinga, e deslocamento das populações para a região sul do país em locais antes não previstos pelos modelos de distribuição atual. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam a necessidade do estabelecimento de estratégias de curto e médio prazo voltadas à conservação desta espécie
In this work, we mapped the distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and projected future scenarios of climate change, using potential distribution modeling (MDP). In the first step, we mapped the climate of the current period and for future scenarios (1961-1990, 2011-2041, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100, respectively). the next step, these maps were compared to the 114 points of occurrences of the species. The climate projections were made in accordance with scenarios presented in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - AR4 / IPCC. The projections for the next decades indicate alterations in the distribution of H. heptaphyllus. Additionally, it demonstrated a significant reduction of distribution areas in the northern limit, with retreated ecological niche from latitudes south and to higher altitudes. We conclude that the preservation of H. ffThereby, protecting it from the climatic changes that will occur in the next decades. The BAGs with the populations this species should be established based on the same criteria for the seed collection areas, in order to maintain the similar environmental conditions and avoid the effects of undue external influences
Proposta metodológica para subsidiar conservação e melhoramento genético da erva mate no sul do Brasil, baseada em grupos climáticos.
Além de interferir no fenótipo das plantas, o clima atua como uma grande força seletiva que interfere no genótipo e direciona a variação genética entre as populações e,por isso, deve ser considerado ao se explorar a variabilidade genética em programas de conservação e melhoramento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar grupos climáticos onde a erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensisS.T. Hill) ocorre naturalmente no sul do Brasil. Para isto foi montada uma base de dados com 195 ocorrências. Os dados foram submetidos à análise multivariada, georreferenciamento e modelagem. Foram identificados, espacialmente, quatro grupos utilizando 11 parâmetros climáticos e também altitude. Embora os grupos apresentem contiguidade espacial, foi verificado que a erva-mate ocorre em vários substratos litológicos e em diferentes ecossistemas (Floresta Ombrófila Mista, Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana, Floresta Estacional Decidual e Semidecidual eos biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica). Esta adaptação indica uma grande plasticidade adaptativa da erva-mate, bem maior que a da Araucária, espécie companheira da erva mate em muitos ecossistemas. Os grupos isolados podem pertencer a populações geneticamente distintas. Os resultados destes estudos podem ser utilizados para apoiar programas de melhoramento e conservação de espécies, uso atual e futuro, considerando as mudanças climáticas e as pressões antrópicas
Genetic Ablation of the Isoform γ of PI3K Decreases Antidepressant Efficacy of Ketamine in Male Mice
About one-third of major depressive disorder (MDD) patients demonstrate unresponsiveness to classic antidepressants, and even the clinical efficacy of fast-acting drugs such as ketamine varies significantly among patients with treatment-resistant depression. Nevertheless, the lack of suitable animal models that mimic a possible ketamine-resistant phenotype challenges the understanding of resistance to drug treatment. In this study, we showed that PI3Kγ knock-out (KO) mice do not respond to classical doses of ketamine and classical antidepressants. PI3Kγ KO mice were unresponsive to both the rapid and sustained antidepressant-like effects of a single dose of ketamine in the forced swimming test. Additionally, they were unresponsive to the antidepressant-like effects induced by the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine. However, acute pharmacological inhibition of PI3Kγ did not block the antidepressant-like effect of ketamine, showing that a chronic deficiency of the PI3Kγ-mediated pathway is necessary for the effects of classic doses of ketamine and antidepressants. Therefore, we propose that PI3Kγ participates in the antidepressant activity and is likely implicated in the neurobiology and phenotype observed in patients with MDD who demonstrate treatment resistance
Atrial natriuretic peptide in Cushing's disease.
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANF), is secreted by atrial myocytes in response to atrial stretch. Its plasma levels have been found elevated in conditions leading to salt and fluid repletion and consequent atrial distention. Recently, it has been demonstrated that dexamethasone can enhance ANF secretion, by acting on ANF gene expression and mRNA synthesis. High plasma levels of ANF have been observed in normal man after administration of cortisol and ACTH. In the case of glucocorticoid excess, as in Cushing's disease, limited and conflicting data are available. Therefore, we measured ANF basal values and ANF response to postural changes and volume expansion in eight patients with Cushing's disease. In our patients ANF values were higher than normals. ANF responded to volume expansion, 47.8 +/- 5.1 pg/ml before sodium load and 69.9 +/- 7.0 pg/ml after sodium load, and changed minimally after postural manoeuvres, 47.3 +/- 3.2 pg/ml supine and 41.7 +/- 5.1 pg/ml upright. These data indicate that ANF secretion is enhanced in Cushing's disease, and its regulation is partially altered. Since in this condition hypervolemia has not been certainly demonstrated, a direct relationship between elevated ANF and glucocorticoid excess could be suggested
Cannabinoid Modulation of the Stressed Hippocampus
Exposure to stressful situations is one of the risk factors for the precipitation of several psychiatric disorders, including Major Depressive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Schizophrenia. The hippocampal formation is a forebrain structure highly associated with emotional, learning and memory processes; being particularly vulnerable to stress. Exposure to stressful stimuli leads to neuroplastic changes and imbalance between inhibitory/excitatory networks. These changes have been associated with an impaired hippocampal function. Endocannabinoids (eCB) are one of the main systems controlling both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, as well as neuroplasticity within the hippocampus. Cannabinoids receptors are highly expressed in the hippocampus, and several lines of evidence suggest that facilitation of cannabinoid signaling within this brain region prevents stress-induced behavioral changes. Also, chronic stress modulates hippocampal CB1 receptors expression and endocannabinoid levels. Moreover, cannabinoids participate in mechanisms related to synaptic plasticity and adult neurogenesis. Here, we discussed the main findings supporting the involvement of hippocampal cannabinoid neurotransmission in stress-induced behavioral and neuroplastic changes
Distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and future projections according to global climate change.
In this work, we mapped the distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and projected future scenarios of climate change, using potential distribution modeling (MDP). In the first step, we mapped the climate of the current period and for future scenarios (1961-1990, 2011-2041, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100, respectively). the next step, these maps were compared to the 114 points of occurrences of the species. The climate projections were made in accordance with scenarios presented in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - AR4 / IPCC. The projections for the next decades indicate alterations in the distribution of H. heptaphyllus. Additionally, it demonstrated a significant reduction of distribution areas in the northern limit, with retreated ecological niche from latitudes south and to higher altitudes. We conclude that the preservation of H. heptaphyllus, protecting it from the climatic changes that will occur in the next decades. The BAGs with the populations this species should be established based on the same criteria for the seed collection areas, in order to maintain the similar environmental conditions and avoid the effects of undue external influences.Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-08T00:14:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017M.WregeRGDistribution.pdf: 352464 bytes, checksum: 9a98be94d55ac614b38ce711a6363d2b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-0
In this work, we mapped the distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and projected future scenarios of climate change, using potential distribution modeling (MDP). In the first step, we mapped the climate of the current period and for future scenarios (1961-1990, 2011-2041, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100, respectively). the next step, these maps were compared to the 114 points of occurrences of the species. The climate projections were made in accordance with scenarios presented in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - AR4 / IPCC. The projections for the next decades indicate alterations in the distribution of H. heptaphyllus. Additionally, it demonstrated a significant reduction of distribution areas in the northern limit, with retreated ecological niche from latitudes south and to higher altitudes. We conclude that the preservation of H. ffThereby, protecting it from the climatic changes that will occur in the next decades. The BAGs with the populations this species should be established based on the same criteria for the seed collection areas, in order to maintain the similar environmental conditions and avoid the effects of undue external influences
Chronic sleep restriction in the rotenone Parkinson's disease model in rats reveals peripheral early-phase biomarkers
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic disorder that presents a range of premotor signs, such as sleep disturbances and cognitive decline, which are key non-motor features of the disease. Increasing evidence of a possible association between sleep disruption and the neurodegenerative process suggests that sleep impairment could produce a detectable metabolic signature on the disease. In order to integrate neurocognitive and metabolic parameters, we performed untargeted and targeted metabolic profiling of the rotenone PD model in a chronic sleep restriction (SR) (6 h/day for 21 days) condition. We found that SR combined with PD altered several behavioural (reversal of locomotor activity impairment; cognitive impairment; delay of rest-activity rhythm) and metabolic parameters (branched-chain amino acids, tryptophan pathway, phenylalanine, and lipoproteins, pointing to mitochondrial impairment). If combined, our results bring a plethora of parameters that represents reliable early-phase PD biomarkers which can easily be measured and could be translated to human studies