153 research outputs found

    Applications Research-based Learning Environment Education Course For Writing Scientific

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    The purpose of this study to explain applications research-based learning in educational environment for scientific writing majors social studies department. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with two groups of experimental classes and control classes. The results showed the significant value of 0.002 t-test (<0.05). This means that there is the influence of research-based learning applications on students\u27 ability to write scientific subjects of environmental education with the study of carrying capacity. Four indicators were biggest increase in the introduction, literature review, methods, and the results and discussion

    Pengaruh Sari Seduh Teh Hitam (Camelia Sinensis) Terhadap Penghambatan Ppar Γ Sel Adiposa Jaringan Lemak Visera Rattus Norvegicus Strain Wistar

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh sari seduh teh hitam terhadap pengekspresian PPAR ã sel adiposa jaringan lemak visera Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar. Duabelas ekor tikus (Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar) jantan umur 6-8 minggu, berat 200 gram, diberi 4 macam perlakuan, yaitu A (diet tinggi lemak + SSTH 0 g/hari), B (diet tinggi lemak + SSTH 0,015 g/hari), C (diet tinggi lemak + SSTH 0,030 g/hari) dan D (diet tinggi lemak + SSTH 0,045 g/hari) selama 90 hari. Setelah masa perlakuan, tikus dibedah dan diambil lemak viseranya. Jaringan tersebut kemudian dibuat preparat dengan metode parafin. Jumlah sel yang mengekspresikan PPAR ã dianalisis dengan menggunakan pewarnaan immunohistokimia dan untuk mengkonfirmasi bentuk sel adiposa digunakan pewarnaan Hematoxylene&Eosin. Antibodi primer yang digunakan adalah anti PPAR gamma poliklonal antibody rabbit IgG dan antibodi sekunder biotin-goat-anti rabbit IgG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sel adiposa yang mengekspresikan PPAR ã mengalami penurunan seiring dengan penambahan dosis SSTH. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan SSTH dapat menurunkan pengekspresian PPAR ã pada sel adiposa jaringan lemak visera

    Water-Energy Nexus in Saudi Arabia

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    Water and energy systems have often been treated as separate "silo" systems over the entire pathway from production to consumption. However, their close interdependence requires some perspective of the water-energy nexus (WEN), especially in regions with very high water stresses combined with a myriad of rapid changes in resource production and consumption. This work provides a comprehensive analysis of the interdependence of water and energy in Saudi Arabia, including collecting data to map out energy and water consumption across the Kingdom. By combining and cross-referencing numerous data sources, this work creates the first country-wide Sankey diagram describing the interdependence of water and energy use in the Kingdom, and provides the most comprehensive mapping of power plant type and size. Additionally, this work reviews the energy and water industries, including outlining trends in population, urbanization, natural gas, oil, electricity, desalination, water use in energy production, and energy use in water production. Overall, a clear pattern has emerged: converging trends of rapid population increases, dwindling water resources, and rapidly growing desalination means that water use must be one of the primary driver of resource planning in Saudi, and plans to shift energy production to reduce GHG emissions must include water needs

    The Influence of Group Investigation Learning Model on College Students Learning Motivation Towards Environment Education

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of group investigation (GI) model on learning motivation of Student Environmental Education. This type of research is quasi experiment with non equivalent control group posttest only design. Research subjects consist of 2 semester students (2 classes) selected based on the value of Middle Semester Exam (UTS) odd semester of academic year 2017-2018 which has the average value is almost the same (homogeneous). The control class uses lecture and discussion models, while the experimental class uses the GI model. The instrument used to measure learning motivation is A Manual for the Use of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) developed by Pintrich et al. Further data obtained were analyzed by using Independent Sample T-Test Test with the help of SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of GI model on the motivation to learn the environment of mahMahasiswa. It was based on the analysis results of the Independent Sample T-Test Test that showed the p-level 0.000. The p-level value is less than 0.05 (p <0.05). Key words: Group Investigation model, motivation to learn Environmental Education Studen
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