21 research outputs found

    Integration of streaming services and TCP data transmission in the Internet

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    We study in this paper the integration of elastic and streaming traffic on a same link in an IP network. We are specifically interested in the computation of the mean bit rate obtained by a data transfer. For this purpose, we consider that the bit rate offered by streaming traffic is low, of the order of magnitude of a small parameter \eps \ll 1 and related to an auxiliary stationary Markovian process (X(t)). Under the assumption that data transfers are exponentially distributed, arrive according to a Poisson process, and share the available bandwidth according to the ideal processor sharing discipline, we derive the mean bit rate of a data transfer as a power series expansion in \eps. Since the system can be described by means of an M/M/1 queue with a time-varying server rate, which depends upon the parameter \eps and process (X(t)), the key issue is to compute an expansion of the area swept under the occupation process of this queue in a busy period. We obtain closed formulas for the power series expansion in \eps of the mean bit rate, which allow us to verify the validity of the so-called reduced service rate at the first order. The second order term yields more insight into the negative impact of the variability of streaming flows

    Large deviations for polling systems

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    Related INRIA Research report available at : http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/27/62/PDF/RR-3892.pdfInternational audienceWe aim at presenting in short the technical report, which states a sample path large deviation principle for a resealed process n-1 Qnt, where Qt represents the joint number of clients at time t in a single server 1-limited polling system with Markovian routing. The main goal is to identify the rate function. A so-called empirical generator is introduced, which consists of Q t and of two empirical measures associated with S t the position of the server at time t. The analysis relies on a suitable change of measure and on a representation of fluid limits for polling systems. Finally, the rate function is solution of a meaningful convex program

    On a Theory of Interacting Queues

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    A Nonlinear Integral Operator Encountered in the Bandwidth Sharing of a Star-Shaped Network

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    We consider a symmetrical star-shaped network, in which bandwidth is shared among the active connections according to the iminj policy. Starting from a chaos propagation hypothesis, valid when the system is large enough, one can write equilibrium equations for an arbitrary link of the network. This paper describes an approach based on functional analysis of nonlinear integral operators, which allows to characterize quantitatively the behaviour of the network under heavy load conditions