6 research outputs found

    The evaluation of public relation studies in food industry in Bursa

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    İşletmelerin ürettikleri mal ve hizmetlerin pazarda satabilmeleri için bu ürünlerinin rekabet dolu pazarda rakiplerinden sıyrılarak satılabilecek özelliklere sahip olmaları gerekmektedir. Yani bu ürünlerin tüketicileri satınalma eğiliminden satınalma eylemine geçirebilecek bir tercih unsuru sağlamaları gerekmektedir. Bunun için de mal ve hizmetlerin rakiplere göre ya çok ucuz olması ya çok teknolojik olması ya da marka olması gerekmektedir. Gereksinimler hiyerarşisi piramidinin tabanında yer alan ve insanların açlık ve susuzluk gibi fizyolojik ihtiyaçlarını gidermeye yönelik olan gıda konusu son derece hijyenik ve teknolojik bir üretim yapmayı gerektirmektedir. Bu anlamda rakiplere göre çok daha ucuza satılması ya da çok büyük teknolojik üstünlük sağlanması mümkün olmayan tarımsal ürünlerde markalaşmaya gidilmesi zorunlu hale gelmektedir. Tüm bu markalaşma çalışmaları sırasında işletmelerin pazarlama bileşenleri dahilinde olan tutundurma faaliyetlerine ihtiyaçları bulunmaktadır. Bu tutundurma faaliyetleri, her türlü reklam ve halkla ilişkiler ile markalaşmayı bünyesinde toplayan pazarlama iletişim yönetimi çalışmalarının bütünüdür. Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası’nın 2003 verilerine göre Bursa’da satış cirosu bakımından ilk 250 firma içine giren 34 adet gıda tarım ve hayvancılık konusunda faaliyet gösteren firma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, gıda firmalarının içinde en üst sırada yer alan Sütaş, Marmarabirlik, Aroma, Penguen, Erbak-Uludağ, Erikli ve Kafkas ele alınarak pazarlama iletişim çalışmaları incelenmiştir.The goods and services of the firms should have the distinctive features to be sold among their rivals in the market. This means that these products should provide a reason of preference which can convert the consumers from the tendency of buying to the action of buying. Therefore, the goods and services should be cheaper compared to the competitors’, or very technological or has a well known brand. Food production need the most hygienically and technological processes, being at the bottom of the pyramid of needs hierarchy and aiming to satisfy the physiological needs of human being such as hunger and thirst. In this context, the agricultural products, which are impossible to sell with cheaper prices compared to the competitors’ or have no superior technological advantages, should have a well known brand. During the whole activity of creating a brand, the firms need the activity of promotion which is one of the main marketing components. Such promotion activities are the whole of the studies of the marketing communication management which covers all kinds of advertising and public relations and branding. According to 2003 data of Bursa Chamber of Commerce, among the top 250 companies according to the turnover, there are 34 firms which are active in the food sector in Bursa. In this study, Sütaş, Marmarabirlik, Aroma, Penguen, Erbak-Uludağ, Erikli and Kafkas, which are the leading food producers, were examined considering their marketing communication studies

    Determination of pathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus species on different pine species under natural conditions in Duzce

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    Akbulut, Suleyman/0000-0002-1497-3562WOS: 000458305800010The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is a pathogen of conifer forest trees. This pest is characterized by the sudden death of infected pine trees. In this study, pathogenicity tests of six native Bursaphelenchus species (B. mucronatus, B. sexdentati, B. anamurius, B. vallesianus, B. andrassyi and B. hellenicus) on three pine species (Pinus pinaster, P. nigra and P. sylvestris) using two inoculum doses under natural conditions were conducted. For each treatment, 8 trees of each species were inoculated. For each tree species 8 trees were used as control groups. Inoculated trees were monitored for a year after inoculation. Monthly oleoresin flow measurements were carried out and external symptoms (foliage coloration) observed. Nematode inoculated trees did not die at the end of the study. The amount of oleoresin flow differed significantly among tree species. Inoculated Bursaphelenchus species did not cause any significant difference in the oleoresin flow between inoculated and uninoculated trees. We concluded that Bursaphelenchus species used in this study were not pathogenic to pine trees growing under natural forest stand conditions.Duzce UniversityDuzce University [2015.02.02.338]This study is supported by Duzce University, Research Fund Project Number 2015.02.02.338. The authors greatly acknowledged the assistance and permission of General Directorate of Forestry, Bolu Regional Directorate of Forestry. The authors thank to Abdulmutalip Ozturk and Eyup Ozturk for their help during field studies. The authors also kindly thank Dr. W. T. Stamps (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA) for his review of the manuscript