780 research outputs found

    Aspectos biométricos e de produção da cultivar 'BRS Morena' em cultivo protegido.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da cobertura plástica sobre o desenvolvimento da área foliar, dos ramos e dos fatores de produção da cultivar BRS Morena.Resumo

    Sistemas de irrigação para agricultura familiar em assentamento do semi-árido baiano.

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    Os custos iniciais de instalação de sistemas de irrigação para o pequeno produtor sem capital são relevantes e afasta-o de tecnologias que poderiam contribuir economicamente na sua produção. O trabalho objetivou avaliar sete sistemas de irrigação de baixo custo em área plantada com bananeira cultivar Grand Naine, em um assentamento no semi-árido da Bahia. Os sistemas de irrigação implantados foram: S1- canal revestido com bacias de distribuição, S2- microaspersão, S3 - xique-xique modificado 1, S4 - xique-xique modificado 2, S5 - gotejamento, S6 - Bubbler e S7 - aspersão convencional. O delineamento experimental considerado foi em blocos casualizados com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os sistemas propostos para agricultura familiar apresentaram CV considerados elevados e EU abaixo do recomendado. Os sistemas propostos para agricultura familiar, exceto para o S4 resultaram em produtividades próprias de banana irrigada por sistemas comerciais. O sistema bubbler, o canal revestido associado a bacias, o gotejamento e o xique-xique 2 apresentaram produtividades que não diferiram entre si e acima de 26,33 tha-1

    Optimal management of groundwater withdrawals in coastal aquifers

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    In this work, an optimisation model has been developed for planning and managing saltwater-intruded coastal aquifer systems. We apply this model, which uses the simulation / optimisation approach, for managing water resources in coastal areas. The management model finds the best policies to maximize the present value of economic results of meeting water demands and to keep under control the saltwater intrusion. The idea of security distance to a control point provides the establishment of a trade-off relationship between the increased management cost and the desired level of protection. The model was applied to a typical case with interesting results. It was also crucial to have an understanding of the tradeoffs between groundwater withdrawals, positions of the wells from the coast line, and the security distance. This model allows the sustainable use of coastal water resources

    Coffee industrial waste as a natural source of bioactive compounds with antibacterial and antifungal activities

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    Coffee is one of the most popular and consumed beverages in the world, which leads to a high contents of solid residue known as spent coffee grounds (SCG). As is known, coffee beans contain several classes of health related chemicals, including phenolic compounds, melanoidins, diterpenes, xanthines and carotenoids which are associated with therapeutic and pharmaceutical effects, due to antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-infectious and antitumour activities. Considering that this coffee industrial waste has no commercial value and are currently disposed as a solid waste or employed as fertilizers, we intend to highlight the use of SCG as a raw material with potential interest to the food and pharmaceutical industries. Moreover, this work seems to be valuable to promote the use of SCG as natural and an inexpensive food supplements or pharmaceutical additive. The phytochemical compounds content among the crude aqueous extracts of SCG followed this order: phenolics > flavonoids > carotenoids (mg/ g dry waste), respectively. Caffeine content found in SCG was ~ 0.82 g/100 g dry waste, 70 % lower than coffee roasting beans. Coffee ground extracts showed inhibition to S. aureus and E. coli growth for concentrations of 1.0 mg/ mL and a stronger inhibition was also observed against C. albicans, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis growth using lower concentration (0.5 mg/ mL).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coffee industrial waste as a natural source of bioactive compounds with antibacterial and antifungal activities

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    Coffee is one of the most popular and consumed beverages in the world, which leads to a high contents of solid residue known as spent coffee grounds (SCG). As is known, coffee beans contain several classes of health related chemicals, including phenolic compounds, melanoidins, diterpenes, xanthines and carotenoids which are associated with therapeutic and pharmaceutical effects, due to antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-infectious and antitumour activities. Considering that this coffee industrial waste has no commercial value and are currently disposed as a solid waste or employed as fertilizers, we intend to highlight the use of SCG as a raw material with potential interest to the food and pharmaceutical industries. Moreover, this work seems to be valuable to promote the use of SCG as natural and an inexpensive food supplements or pharmaceutical additive. The phytochemical compounds content among the crude aqueous extracts of SCG followed this order: phenolics > flavonoids > carotenoids (mg/ g dry waste), respectively. Caffeine content found in SCG was ~ 0.82 g/100 g dry waste, 70 % lower than coffee roasting beans. Coffee ground extracts showed inhibition to S. aureus and E. coli growth for concentrations of 1.0 mg/ mL and a stronger inhibition was also observed against C. albicans, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis growth using lower concentration (0.5 mg/ mL).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fungos associados e fitopatogênicos a espécies florestais nativas e exóticas na Amazônia.

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    Os ambientes amazônicos possuem grande diversidade de fungos fitopatogênicos e associados a manchas foliares em espécies florestais, entretanto são pouco estudados. A importância do levantamento de doenças no viveiro é fundamental para o sucesso na obtenção de mudas sadias, visto que as condições de alta umidade e densidade de plantas, temperatura, substrato e tecido vegetal tenro presentes neste ambiente favorecem o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de doenças em níveis epidêmicos. Assim a identificação de novos registros e a descoberta de novas espécies de fungos fitopatogênicos contribuem para a ciência da sistemática e filogenia, assim como possibilita a tomada de decisão quanto ao melhor manejo das doenças com menor impacto arnbiental e econômico. Por outro lado, tem-se como limitações a ausência de esporulação desses fungos in vitro, o pequeno numero de micologistas, e a não identificação da espécie hospedeira