1,173 research outputs found

    Development and subunit composition of synaptic NMDA receptors in the amygdala: NR2B Synapses in the adult central amygdala

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    NMDA receptors are well known to play an important role in synaptic development and plasticity. Functional NMDA receptors are heteromultimers thought to contain two NR1 subunits and two or three NR2 subunits. In central neurons, NMDA receptors at immature glutamatergic synapses contain NR2B subunits and are largely replaced by NR2A subunits with development. At mature synapses, NMDA receptors are thought to be multimers that contain either NR1/NR2A or NR1/NR2A/NR2B subunits, whereas receptors that contain only NR1/NR2B subunits are extrasynaptic. Here, we have studied the properties of NMDA receptors at glutamatergic synapses in the lateral and central amygdala. We find that NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the central amygdala in both immature and mature synapses have slow kinetics and are substantially blocked by the NR2B-selective antagonists (1S, 2S)-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxy-4-phenylpiperidino)-1-propano and ifenprodil, indicating that there is no developmental change in subunit composition. In contrast, at synapses on pyramidal neurons in the lateral amygdala, whereas NMDA EPSCs at immature synapses are slow and blocked by NR2B-selective antagonists, at mature synapses their kinetics are faster and markedly less sensitive to NR2B-selective antagonists, consistent with a change from NR2B to NR2A subunits. Using real-time PCR and Western blotting, we show that in adults the ratio of levels of NR2B to NR2A subunits is greater in the central amygdala than in the lateral amygdala. These results show that the subunit composition synaptic NMDA receptors in the lateral and central amygdala undergo distinct developmental changes

    Direct current control of three magnon scattering processes in spin-valve nanocontacts

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    We have investigated the generation of spin waves in the free layer of an extended spin-valve structure with a nano-scaled point contact driven by both microwave and direct electric current using Brillouin light scattering microscopy. Simultaneously with the directly excited spin waves, strong nonlinear effects are observed, namely the generation of eigenmodes with integer multiple frequencies (2 \emph{f}, 3 \emph{f}, 4 \emph{f}) and modes with non-integer factors (0.5 \emph{f}, 1.5 \emph{f}) with respect to the excitation frequency \emph{f}. The origin of these nonlinear modes is traced back to three magnon scattering processes. The direct current influence on the generation of the fundamental mode at frequency \emph{f} can be related to the spin-transfer torque, while the efficiency of three-magnon-scattering processes is controlled by the Oersted field as an additional effect of the direct current

    Temperature dependence of electrical properties of electrodeposited Ni-based nanowires

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    The influence of annealing on the microstructure and the electrical properties of cylindrical nickel-based nanowires has been investigated. Nanowires of nickel of nominally 200 nm diameter and of permalloy (Py) of nominally 70 nm were fabricated by electrochemical deposition into nanoporous templates of polycarbonate and anodic alumina, respectively. Characterization was carried out on as-grown nanowires and nanowires heat treated at 650°C. Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction imaging of as-grown and annealed nanowires showed temperature-correlated grain growth of an initially nano-crystalline structure with ≤8 nm (Ni) and ≤20 nm (Py) grains towards coarser poly-crystallinity with grain sizes up to about 160 nm (Ni) and 70 nm (Py), latter being limited by the nanowire width. The electrical conductivity of individual as-grown and annealed Ni nanowires was measured in situ within a scanning electron microscope environment. At low current densities, the conductivity of annealed nanowires was estimated to have risen by a factor of about two over as-grown nanowires. We attribute this increase, at least in part, to the observed grain growth. The annealed nanowire was subsequently subjected to increasing current densities. Above 120 kA mm -2 the nanowire resistance started to rise. At 450 kA mm -2 the nanowire melted and current flow ceased

    On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

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    In this paper, we consider the relation between two nonabelian Fourier transforms. The first one is defined in terms of the Langlands-Kazhdan-Lusztig parameters for unipotent elliptic representations of a split p-adic group and the second is defined in terms of the pseudocoefficients of these representations and Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform for characters of finite groups of Lie type. We exemplify this relation in the case of the p-adic group of type G_2.Comment: 17 pages; v2: several minor corrections, references added; v3: corrections in the table with unipotent discrete series of G

    Medical treatment with diosmin in chronic venous insufficiency

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    Scopul lucrării. Insuficiența venoasă cronică a membrelor inferioare este o patologie pe larg răspândită în întreaga lume. Conform studiilor efectuate, în țările înalt dezvoltate semne de insuficiență venoasă cronică dezvoltă aproximativ 80% din populația care se încadrează în câmpul muncii. Luând în considerare caracterul cronic al patologiei, abordarea este una complexă, tratamentul conservativ având un rol semnificativ în soluționarea ei. Ne-am propus conturarea datelor despre răspândirea insuficienței venoase cronice, aspectelor contemporane asupra factorilor de risc, patogeniei și a tratamentului aplicat. Materiale și metode. Lucrarea dată este un review literar și constă în analiza de date a studiilor clinice, a datelor literaturii de specialitate în ceea ce ține de eficiența tratamentului medicamentos cu Diosmină aplicat pacienților cu insuficiență venoasă cronică manifestată în diverse forme. Rezultate. Rezultatele studiilor au arătat că administrarea Diosminei 600 în doză de 1 comprimat, zilnic, este eficient în diminuarea durerii, edemului și reducerea senzației de greutate în membre în cazurile cu o clinică ușoară. Când este administrat pe o perioadă îndelungată, în combinație cu intervenția chirurgicală are un efect benefic asupra modificărilor trofice cutanate. Concluzii. În pofida faptului incidenței sporite a insuficienței venoase cronice în rândul populației active, terapia medicamentoasă contemporană permite ameliorarea vădită a simptomaticii. Diosmina 600 este un medicament efectiv în toate formele de insuficiență venoasă cronică.Aim of study. Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs is a widely prevalent pathology worldwide. According to conducted studies, in highly developed countries, approximately 80% of the working population shows signs of chronic venous insufficiency. Considering the chronic nature of the pathology, the approach is complex, and conservative treatment plays a significant role in its management. We aimed at outlining data on the prevalence of chronic venous insufficiency, contemporary aspects regarding risk factors, pathogenesis, and applied treatment. Materials and methods. This paper is a literature review and consists of data analysis from clinical studies and specialized literature regarding the effectiveness of medication treatment with Diosmin in patients with chronic venous insufficiency manifested in various forms. Results. The results of the studies have shown that the administration of Diosmin 600 at a dose of 1 tablet daily is effective in reducing pain, edema, and the sensation of heaviness in the limbs in cases with mild clinical presentation. When administered over a prolonged period, in combination with surgical intervention, it has a beneficial effect on cutaneous trophic changes. Conclusions. Despite the increased incidence of chronic venous insufficiency among the active population, contemporary medication therapy allows for noticeable improvement in symptoms. Diosmin 600 is an effective medication for all forms of chronic venous insufficiency