385 research outputs found

    An Extension of Level-spacing Universality

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    Dyson's short-distance universality of the correlation functions implies the universality of P(s), the level-spacing distribution. We first briefly review how this property is understood for unitary invariant ensembles and consider next a Hamiltonian H = H_0+ V , in which H_0 is a given, non-random, N by N matrix, and V is an Hermitian random matrix with a Gaussian probability distribution. n-point correlation function may still be expressed as a determinant of an n by n matrix, whose elements are given by a kernel K(λ,μ)K(\lambda,\mu) as in the H_0=0 case. From this representation we can show that Dyson's short-distance universality still holds. We then conclude that P(s) is independent of H_0.Comment: 12 pages, Revte

    Universal correlations for deterministic plus random Hamiltonians

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    We consider the (smoothed) average correlation between the density of energy levels of a disordered system, in which the Hamiltonian is equal to the sum of a deterministic H0 and of a random potential φ\varphi. Remarkably, this correlation function may be explicitly determined in the limit of large matrices, for any unperturbed H0 and for a class of probability distribution P(φ)(\varphi) of the random potential. We find a compact representation of the correlation function. From this representation one obtains readily the short distance behavior, which has been conjectured in various contexts to be universal. Indeed we find that it is totally independent of both H0 and P(φ\varphi).Comment: 26P, (+5 figures not included

    Characteristic polynomials of random matrices at edge singularities

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    We have discussed earlier the correlation functions of the random variables \det(\la-X) in which XX is a random matrix. In particular the moments of the distribution of these random variables are universal functions, when measured in the appropriate units of the level spacing. When the \la's, instead of belonging to the bulk of the spectrum, approach the edge, a cross-over takes place to an Airy or to a Bessel problem, and we consider here these modified classes of universality. Furthermore, when an external matrix source is added to the probability distribution of XX, various new phenomenons may occur and one can tune the spectrum of this source matrix to new critical points. Again there are remarkably simple formulae for arbitrary source matrices, which allow us to compute the moments of the characteristic polynomials in these cases as well.Comment: 22 pages, late

    Universal singularity at the closure of a gap in a random matrix theory

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    We consider a Hamiltonian H=H0+V H = H_0+ V , in which H0 H_0 is a given non-random Hermitian matrix,and VV is an N×NN \times N Hermitian random matrix with a Gaussian probability distribution.We had shown before that Dyson's universality of the short-range correlations between energy levels holds at generic points of the spectrum independently of H0H_{0}. We consider here the case in which the spectrum of H0H_{0} is such that there is a gap in the average density of eigenvalues of HH which is thus split into two pieces. When the spectrum of H0H_{0} is tuned so that the gap closes, a new class of universality appears for the energy correlations in the vicinity of this singular point.Comment: 20pages, Revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Spectral form factor in a random matrix theory

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    In the theory of disordered systems the spectral form factor S(τ)S(\tau), the Fourier transform of the two-level correlation function with respect to the difference of energies, is linear for τ<τc\tau<\tau_c and constant for τ>τc\tau>\tau_c. Near zero and near τc\tau_c its exhibits oscillations which have been discussed in several recent papers. In the problems of mesoscopic fluctuations and quantum chaos a comparison is often made with random matrix theory. It turns out that, even in the simplest Gaussian unitary ensemble, these oscilllations have not yet been studied there. For random matrices, the two-level correlation function ρ(λ1,λ2)\rho(\lambda_1,\lambda_2) exhibits several well-known universal properties in the large N limit. Its Fourier transform is linear as a consequence of the short distance universality of ρ(λ1,λ2)\rho(\lambda_1,\lambda_2). However the cross-over near zero and τc\tau_c requires to study these correlations for finite N. For this purpose we use an exact contour-integral representation of the two-level correlation function which allows us to characterize these cross-over oscillatory properties. The method is also extended to the time-dependent case.Comment: 36P, (+5 figures not included

    A simple model of dimensional collapse

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    We consider a simple model of d families of scalar field interacting with geometry in two dimensions. The geometry is locally flat and has only global degrees of freedom. When d<0 the universe is locally two dimensional but for d>0 it collapses to a one dimensional manifold. The model has some, but not all, of the characteristics believed to be features of the full theory of conformal matter interacting with quantum gravity which has local geometric degrees of freedom.Comment: 10 pages, plain Late

    Critical behavior of the Random-Field Ising model at and beyond the Upper Critical Dimension

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    The disorder-driven phase transition of the RFIM is observed using exact ground-state computer simulations for hyper cubic lattices in d=5,6,7 dimensions. Finite-size scaling analyses are used to calculate the critical point and the critical exponents of the specific heat, magnetization, susceptibility and of the correlation length. For dimensions d=6,7 which are larger or equal to the assumed upper critical dimension, d_u=6, mean-field behaviour is found, i.e. alpha=0, beta=1/2, gamma=1, nu=1/2. For the analysis of the numerical data, it appears to be necessary to include recently proposed corrections to scaling at and beyond the upper critical dimension.Comment: 8 pages and 13 figures; A consise summary of this work can be found in the papercore database at http://www.papercore.org/Ahrens201

    Scaling Relations for Logarithmic Corrections

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    Multiplicative logarithmic corrections to scaling are frequently encountered in the critical behavior of certain statistical-mechanical systems. Here, a Lee-Yang zero approach is used to systematically analyse the exponents of such logarithms and to propose scaling relations between them. These proposed relations are then confronted with a variety of results from the literature.Comment: 4 page

    "Single Ring Theorem" and the Disk-Annulus Phase Transition

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    Recently, an analytic method was developed to study in the large NN limit non-hermitean random matrices that are drawn from a large class of circularly symmetric non-Gaussian probability distributions, thus extending the existing Gaussian non-hermitean literature. One obtains an explicit algebraic equation for the integrated density of eigenvalues from which the Green's function and averaged density of eigenvalues could be calculated in a simple manner. Thus, that formalism may be thought of as the non-hermitean analog of the method due to Br\'ezin, Itzykson, Parisi and Zuber for analyzing hermitean non-Gaussian random matrices. A somewhat surprising result is the so called "Single Ring" theorem, namely, that the domain of the eigenvalue distribution in the complex plane is either a disk or an annulus. In this paper we extend previous results and provide simple new explicit expressions for the radii of the eigenvalue distiobution and for the value of the eigenvalue density at the edges of the eigenvalue distribution of the non-hermitean matrix in terms of moments of the eigenvalue distribution of the associated hermitean matrix. We then present several numerical verifications of the previously obtained analytic results for the quartic ensemble and its phase transition from a disk shaped eigenvalue distribution to an annular distribution. Finally, we demonstrate numerically the "Single Ring" theorem for the sextic potential, namely, the potential of lowest degree for which the "Single Ring" theorem has non-trivial consequences.Comment: latex, 5 eps figures, 41 page

    The 3-D O(4) universality class and the phase transition in two-flavor QCD

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    We determine the critical equation of state of the three-dimensional O(4) universality class. We first consider the small-field expansion of the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy). Then, we apply a systematic approximation scheme based on polynomial parametric representations that are valid in the whole critical regime, satisfy the correct analytic properties (Griffiths' analyticity), take into account the Goldstone singularities at the coexistence curve, and match the small-field expansion of the effective potential. From the approximate representations of the equation of state, we obtain estimates of several universal amplitude ratios. The three-dimensional O(4) universality class is expected to describe the finite-temperature chiral transition of quantum chromodynamics with two light flavors. Within this picture, the O(4) critical equation of state relates the reduced temperature, the quark masses, and the condensates around T_c in the limit of vanishing quark masses.Comment: 19 pages, 5 fig