322 research outputs found

    The Community Naturalist in the Schools Program: Infusing experiential natural history into secondary school curricula

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    Mesospheric Motions Over Bear Lake

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    Since February 1999, the Utah State University Bear Lake Observatory (41.9oN, 111.4oW) dynasonde has been configured to operate as an Imaging Doppler Interferometer (IDI). Imaging Doppler interferometry is one of a number of MF/HF radar techniques used to estimate mesospheric winds and dynamics. This paper presents results of the mesospheric (50 – 115 km) background wind, tides, and planetary waves as derived from analysis of IDI observations recorded between February 03, 1999 and February 21, 2000 at Bear Lake

    Monitoring neurotoxins in industry: development of a neurobehavioral test battery

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    Huguet Françoise. 104 - Elémens (Les) ou premières instructions de la jeunesse. In: , . Les Livres pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse de Gutenberg à Guizot. Les collections de la Bibliothèque de l'Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique. Paris : Institut national de recherche pédagogique, 1997. p. 57. (Bibliothèque de l'Histoire de l'Education, 16

    Coincident extremely large sporadic sodium and sporadic E layers observed in the lower thermosphere over Colorado and Utah

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    International audienceOn the night of 2 June 2002, the sodium lidar in Fort Collins, CO (40.6 N, 105 W) measured an extremely strong sporadic sodium layer lasting from 03:30 to 05:00 UT with several weaker layers later in the night at 06:00 and 09:00 UT. There is a double layer structure with peaks at 101 and 104 km. The peak sodium density was 21 000 atoms/cm3 with a column abundance of up to twice that of the normal sodium layer. The peak density was 500 times greater than the typical density at that altitude. The sporadic layer abundance and strength factor were higher than any reported in the literature. The two lidar beams, separated by 70 km at this altitude, both measured 0.6 h periodicities in the abundance, but out of phase with each other by 0.3 h. There is also evidence for strong wave activity in the lidar temperatures and winds. The NOAA ionosonde in Boulder, CO (40.0 N, 105 W) measured a critical frequency (foEs) of 14.3 MHz at 03:00 UT on this night, the highest value anytime during 2002. The high values of total ion density inferred means that Na+ fraction must have been only a few percent to explain the neutral Na layer abundances. The Bear Lake, Utah (41.9 N, 111.4 W) dynasonde also measured intense Es between 02:00 and 05:00 UT and again from 06:00 to 08:00 UT about 700 km west of the lidar, with most of the ionograms during these intervals measuring Es up to 12 MHz, the limit of the ionosonde sweep. Other ionosondes around North America on the NGDC database measured normal foEs values that night, so it was a localized event within North America. The peak of Es activity observed in Europe during the summer of 2002 occurred on 4 June. The observations are consistent with the current theories where a combination of wind shears and long period waves form and push downward a concentrated layer of ions, which then chemically react and form a narrow layer of sodium atoms

    Occupational lead neurotoxicity: Improvement in behavioural effects after reduction of exposure.

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    To evaluate critical exposure levels and the reversibility of lead neurotoxicity a group of lead exposed foundry workers and an unexposed reference population were followed up for three years. During this period, tests designed to monitor neurobehavioural function and lead dose were administered. Evaluations of 160 workers during the first year showed dose dependent decrements in mood, visual/motor performance, memory, and verbal concept formation. Subsequently, an improvement in the hygienic conditions at the plant resulted in striking reductions in blood lead concentrations over the following two years. Attendant improvement in indices of tension (20% reduction), anger (18%), depression (26%), fatigue (27%), and confusion (13%) was observed. Performance on neurobehavioural testing generally correlated best with integrated dose estimates derived from blood lead concentrations measured periodically over the study period; zinc protoporphyrin levels were less well correlated with function. This investigation confirms the importance of compliance with workplace standards designed to lower exposures to ensure that individual blood lead concentrations remain below 50 micrograms/dl

    Understanding Mid-Latitude Space Weather: Storm Impacts Observed at BLO on 31 March 2001

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    On 30 March 2001 in the late evening an auroral display was observed over the United States of America. The Bear Lake Observatory (BLO) magnetometer in Utah measured changes of 550 nT in less than 30 min. During the same period, BLO ionosonde measurements showed deep high-frequency radio wave absorption up to 7 MHz. BLO\u27s GPS single-frequency receiver experienced geolocation errors of 20 m for over 3 hours. These storm signatures were also accompanied by L-band scintillation effects which approached an S4 value of 0.2, which is large for midlatitudes. Although such measurements have been have been made at midlatitude locations for many decades, our knowledge of the processes and couplings involved in such events remains incomplete and, at best, qualitative. The interpretation of key ionospheric parameters\u27 storm response is discussed in the context of present-day auroral and geospace electrodynamics understanding. We find that at BLO (L = 2.38) the available data raise more questions and can provide almost no answers without observational inputs from other locations. One solution to this impasse is to field a ground-based sensor network to resolve the spatial scales of the geospace electrodynamics. On the basis of the instrument complement at BLO, we argue for a contiguous U.S. deployment of modest magnetic/optical/RF observatories to observe the next solar maximum period\u27s geomagnetic storms and to use these data to explore the physical processes and couplings on space weather effective scales in assimilative models in conjunction with space-based observations

    Multi-year Observations of Mid-latitude Middle Atmospheric Winds, Waves, and Temperature associated with SSW Events over Northern Utah

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    We investigate the behavior of 14 years of wind, wave, and temperature observations in the middle atmosphere over northeastern Utah, USA during periods of sudden stratospheric warming events. This systematic review of the impacts of sudden stratospheric warming events on the middle atmosphere at a northern mid-latitude site is conducted using ground based measurements from imaging Doppler interferometry and meteor wind radar and Na and Raleigh lidar and space based measurements made by the Sounding of the Atmosphere Using Broadband Emission Radiometry sensor onboard the NASA sponsored Thermosphere Ionosphere mesosphere Energetics Dynamics Mission
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