46 research outputs found

    Children's game library as a Unique Extracurricular Educational Establishment in the USSR (the middle of the 20th century)

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    The article reveals the history of emergence and work of children's game libraries in the USSR in the middle of the 20th century. The first children's game libraries, which were educational establishments where children could come and play different games, using various game and sport equipment free of charge, appeared in the 1930th and became wide spread in the USSR in the 1930th - 1950th. Children's game libraries had different tasks of their work (organizing children's cultural leisure time, increasing the educational and political levels of children's games and entertainments which were conducted in schools, summer camps and extracurricular educational establishments). They also had different directions of their work, namely: organizational, methodic, educational, experimental, instructive and consultative directions. It has been shown in the article that children’s game libraries had great results of their work (they involved a lot of children and adults in their activities; the network of children's game libraries began to grow; a lot of new toys and games were created and produced by them). However, children's game libraries faced certain difficulties in their work, namely: absence of own premises of children’s game libraries, lack of enough support for their activities by some educational institutions and teaching staff, lack of the required amount of toys and games, insufficient instructive and publishing activities of children’s game libraries

    Complex Data Integration Based on a Multi-agent System.

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    Abstract. The expansion of the WWW and the growth of data sources lead to the proliferation of heterogeneous data (texts, images, videos, sounds and relational views). We call these data ”complex data”. In or-der to explore them, we need to carry out their integration into a unified format. Collecting, structuring and storing constitute the different tasks of complex data integration. There exists many approaches for data in-tegration like mediated schemes and wrappers, or warehousing. In this paper, we propose a new approach for complex data integration that uses both classical warehousing approach and multi-agents systems (MAS) technology. We consider the different tasks of the data integration pro-cess as services offered by actors called agents. To validate this approach, we have implemented a multi-agent system for complex data integration named SMAIDoC. One of the advantage of The MAS technology is that it provides an evolutive structure to our system

    Warehousing complex data from the Web

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    ∗ Corresponding authors Abstract: The data warehousing and OLAP technologies are now moving onto handling complex data that mostly originate from the Web. However, intagrating such data into a decision-support process requires their representation under a form processable by OLAP and/or data mining techniques. We present in this paper a complex data warehousing methodology that exploits XML as a pivot language. Our approach includes the integration of complex data in an ODS, under the form of XML documents; their dimensional modeling and storage in an XML data warehouse; and their analysis with combined OLAP and data mining techniques. We also address the crucial issue of performance in XML warehouses

    Energy Window Selection for Bremsstrahlung 90Y SPECT-CT Imaging: A Phantom Study

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    Introduction: In Yttrium-90 SPECT imaging, the energy window and collimator used during projection acquisition can significantly affect image quality. In this work, we used a new and independent method to verify previous results, which suggest suitable energy around 130 keV. Material and Methods: We used Siemens Symbia SPECT-CT system fitted with High Energy General Purpose (HEGP), Medium Energy General Purpose (MEGP), and Low Energy High Resolution (LEHR) to acquire data from NEMA IEC PET Body Phantom filled with 90Y chloride. ISO-counting curve is a new method analysed in this study to evaluate the adequate parameters for 90Y SPECT imaging. Results: HEGP collimator was the most suitable for acquisitions of 90Y bremsstrahlung radiation from the point of view of the correct volume reproduction. ISO-counting analyses have shown that for the bigger phantom spheres, the optimum acquisition energy is centered on 130 keV. Conclusion: The ISO-counting curve method is consistent to previous studies’ results and can help to improve image qualit