792 research outputs found

    Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride (DADMAC) in Water Treated with Poly-Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride (PDADMAC) by Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair Chromatography—Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Poly-diallyldimethylammonium (PDADMAC) chloride is a flocculant agent extensively used in water clarification treatments. Commercial polyelectrolyte formulations often contain residual monomer (DADMAC), reaction by-products and other reactants as contaminants that could potentially affect human health. In the present study, we optimized an analytical method based on reversed-phase ion-pair chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for quantifying ultra-trace levels of DADMAC, without preliminary treatments, in drinking water distributed by the Palermo aqueduct. The method was validated in terms of accuracy (recovery between 80 to 120%), precision (RSD < 10%), linearity range (from 0.5 to 15 ”g/L), limit of quantification and limit of detection (LOQ 0.42 ”g/L and LOD 0.12 ”g/L). DADMAC was detected in all analysed water samples and the concentration ranged from 1.2 to 3.8 ”g/L whit a mean value of 1.7 ”g/L. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first study concerning DADMAC concentration in water samples collected in Italy and, in this context, this paper can be considered very interesting when comparing future data on DADMAC monitoring in water. Moreover, this is one of a few cases where DADMAC was found in drinking water

    Bio-based building components: A newly sustainable solution for traditional walls made of Arundo donax and gypsum

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    To contribute to the use of bio-based materials in the building sector, a novel bio-based wall panel, with a high thermal performance level, is proposed in this work. The panel is based on an ancient rural technique, widely diffused in southern Italy, which makes use of Arundo donax L. canes combined with gypsum plaster to build walls and ceilings of rural buildings. The enhancement of the thermal capacity of these panels by means of the introduction in the canes of a natural wax oleogel (WO) is proposed in this paper. A specific experimental campaign aiming at the comparison of traditional and innovative panels was carried out to assess the enhanced thermal performance of the proposed solution. The maximum value of heat flow absorbed from the panel with WO was 61.08 W/m(2) around a mean panel temperature of 24 & DEG;C, corresponding to the melting temperature range of the WO. The panel without WO at the same temperature absorbed an incoming heat flow of 34.64 W/m(2) which is about 57% of the panel with WO. The panel with WO released at a temperature of about 27.5 & DEG;C, a heat flow of 43.42 W/m(2). At the same temperature of about 27.5 & DEG;C, the panel without WO released a heat flow of 34.38 W/m(2) which is about 80% that of the panel with WO. The results highlighted that the addition of natural WO has enhanced the thermal capacity of the panel facilitating heat dissipation through the borders. These characteristics make the panel a suitable component for internal partitions of controlled temperature zones such as residential rooms, storage food areas, livestock buildings, and where it is necessary to obtain a constant environmental temperature. In particular, the null or low toxicity of the panel's materials allows for partition use, also in hygienically safe environments

    A multilayer panel in cork and natural phase change materials: thermal and energy analysis

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    This paper presents thermal and energy analysis of a multilayer panel in bio-based cork material and natural phase change materials (PCMs) for the development of prefabricated, recyclable and energy-efficient and autonomous building modules. For this purpose, a calculation tool is developed for the dynamic simulation of the thermal and energy behaviour of the sandwich panel. In particular, through an extensive parametric survey, the panel is sized with the identification of the arrangement of the layers, PCM temperature, and layer thicknesses to optimize the insulating and damping properties, considering typical climatic conditions of the Mediterranean climates of Southern Italy. From the conducted simulations, the types of sandwich panels that have the best insulating and storage characteristics for the building module construction were chosen. The results of these simulations will be used in future research for the preliminary design of tests to be carried out in a climatic chamber and to build a building module in real conditions to be constantly monitored through the automatic instrumental survey of internal and external physical quantities such as temperature, humidity and radiant temperature

    Antibody-drug conjugates for lymphoma patients: preclinical and clinical evidences

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    Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a recent, revolutionary approach for malignancies treatment, designed to provide superior efficacy and specific targeting of tumor cells, compared to systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy. Their structure combines highly potent anti-cancer drugs (payloads or warheads) and monoclonal antibodies (Abs), specific for a tumor-associated antigen, via a chemical linker. Because the sensitive targeting capabilities of monoclonal Abs allow the direct delivery of cytotoxic payloads to tumor cells, these agents leave healthy cells unharmed, reducing toxicity. Different ADCs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of a wide range of malignant conditions, both as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy, including for lymphoma patients. Over 100 ADCs are under preclinical and clinical investigation worldwide. This paper provides an overview of approved and promising ADCs in clinical development for the treatment of lymphoma. Each component of the ADC design, their mechanism of action, and the highlights of their clinical development progress are discussed

    Safety performance assessment of food industry facilities using a fuzzy approach

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    The latest EU policies focus on the issue of food safety with a view to assuring adequate and standard quality levels for the food produced and/or consumed within the EC. To that purpose, the environment where agricultural products are manufactured and processed plays a crucial role in achieving food hygiene. As a consequence, it is of the utmost importance to adopt proper building solutions which meet health and hygiene requirements and to use suitable tools to measure the levels achieved. Similarly, it is necessary to verify and evaluate the level of safety and welfare of the workers in their working environment. The safety of the workers has not only an ethical and social value but also an economic implication, since possible accidents or environmental stressors are the major causes of the lower efficiency and productivity of workers. However, the technical solutions adopted in the manufacturing facilities in order to achieve adequate levels of safety and welfare of the workers are not always consistent with the solutions aimed at achieving adequate levels of food hygiene, even if both of them comply with sectoral rules which are often unconnected with each other. Therefore, it is fundamental to design suitable models of analysis that allow assessing buildings as a whole, taking into account both health and hygiene safety as well as the safety and welfare of workers. Hence, this paper proposes an evaluation model that, based on an established study protocol and on the application of a fuzzy logic procedure, allows evaluating the global safety level of a building. The proposed model allows to obtain a synthetic and global value of the building performance in terms of food hygiene and safety and welfare of the workers as well as to highlight possible weaknesses. Though the model may be applied in either the design or the operational phase of a building, this paper focuses on its application to certain buildings already operational in a specific productive context

    Faulting, sediment loading, and flow of underlying ductile units : A case study from the Western Ionian Basin Offshore Eastern Sicily

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    Acknowledgements Bathymetric data are from a compilation provided by Gutscher et al. (2017) and from EMODnet open dataset (http://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/). Digital topography was achieved from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ALOS/en/aw3d30/index.htm). The authors also acknowledge the use of MOVE Software Suite granted by Petroleum Experts Limited (www.petex.com). Bernard Mercier de Lepinay (GeoAzur, UniversitĂ© de Nice/CNRS), is also acknowledged for the CIRCEE-HR seismic data processing. Juan I. Soto (The University of Texas at Austin) is warmly acknowledged for the critical and constructive discussions provided. The research was partly funded by the University of Catania in the framework of the project ‘SeismoFront’ (resp. G. Barreca), Grant n. 22722132176.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Recent activity and kinematics of the bounding faults of the Catanzaro trough (Central Calabria, italy): new morphotectonic, geodetic and seismological data

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    A multidisciplinary work integrating structural, geodetic and seismological data was performed in the Catanzaro Trough (central Calabria, Italy) to define the seismotectonic setting of this area. The Catanzaro Trough is a structural depression transversal to the Calabrian Arc, lying in-between two longitudinal grabens: the Crati Basin to the north and the Mesima Basin to the south. The investigated area experienced some of the strongest historical earthquakes of Italy, whose seismogenic sources are still not well defined. We investigated and mapped the major WSW–ENE to WNW–ESE trending normal-oblique Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System, bounding to the north the Catanzaro Trough. Morphotectonic data reveal that some fault segments have recently been reactivated since they have displaced upper Pleistocene deposits showing typical geomorphic features associated with active normal fault scarps such as triangular and trapezoidal facets, and displaced alluvial fans. The analysis of instrumental seismicity indicates that some clusters of earthquakes have nucleated on the Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System. In addition, focal mechanisms indicate the prevalence of left-lateral kinematics on E–W roughly oriented fault plains. GPS data confirm that slow left-lateral motion occurs along this fault system. Minor north-dipping normal faults were also mapped in the southern side of the Catanzaro Trough. They show eroded fault scarps along which weak seismic activity and negligible geodetic motion occur. Our study highlights that the Catanzaro Trough is a poliphased Plio-Quaternary extensional basin developed early as a half-graben in the frame of the tear-faulting occurring at the northern edge of the subducting Ionian slab. In this context, the strike-slip motion contributes to the longitudinal segmentation of the Calabrian Arc. In addition, the high number of seismic events evidenced by the instrumental seismicity, the macroseismic intensity distribution of the historical earthquakes and the scaling laws relating to earthquakes and seismogenic faults support the hypothesis that the Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System may have been responsible for the historical earthquakes since it is capable of triggering earthquakes with magnitude up to 6.9

    Expectations and outcomes when moving from open to laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Multivariate analysis

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    Various authors have suggested that laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) leads to better surgical outcomes than open surgery. The debate is still open, however, and indications and limitations of minimally invasive surgery have not been completely established. The objective of our study was to compare surgical outcomes of LA and open adrenalectomy (OA), using multivariate analysis to adjust for potential confounding factors (e.g., size of the lesion, histology). Between 1995 and June 2000 at "Careggi" Hospital in Florence, Italy patients with an indication for adrenalectomy were treated laparoscopically if the lesion was 2 hours, blood loss greater than or equal to 500 ml) between patients operated on through a traditional approach and those who underwent LA. On the other hand, patients operated on laparoscopically have a significantly higher probability than the OA group of experiencing a better recovery from surgery (i.e., require less postoperative analgesics and return to normal activities earlier). The results of the present study show that, although LA does not add much benefit in terms of expected intraoperative outcomes, it dramatically speeds patients' recovery from surgery. The two approaches are complementary and should both be integrated into the technical background of all endocrine surgeons
