543 research outputs found

    Validación de escala de calidad, valor percibido, futura intención de práctica y satisfacción de la actividad chárter enfocada al desarrollo de los negocios naúticos

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    © 2023. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ This document is the Published version that appeared in final form in Journal of Sport and Health Reserarch. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.58727/jshr.98612The quality of the touristic and sports services as the nautical charter requires a careful treatment and analysis due to the economic impact that it represents in the sector in general, and moreover in Balearic Islands, which is a reflection of tourism and recreation globally. Through a questionnare, which has into account four measure factors, 185 users of charter companies during the summer season from different nationalities, ages and genders were surveyed. The objective was to verify its meassure validity for users of these services. The figures obtained by the adjustement and error rate were successful, same as every value obtained in the estimation of the scale’s fiability and its convergent and discriminant validity. This questionnare will provide a general view of the users’ opinion in conection with sport.La calidad de los servicios turísticos y deportivos como el chárter náutico requiere un tratamiento y análisis cuidadoso debido al impacto económico que representa en el sector en general, máxime en las Islas Baleares, donde es un reflejo del turismo y la recreación a nivel mundial. A través de un cuestionario, que tiene en cuenta cuatro factores de medida, se encuestó a 185 usuarios de compañías chárter durante la temporada de verano de diferentes nacionalidades, edades y géneros. El objetivo era verificar su validez de medida para los usuarios de estos servicios. Las cifras obtenidas por el ajuste y la tasa de error fueron exitosas, igual que cada valor obtenido en la estimación de la confiabilidad de la escala y su validez convergente y discriminante. Este cuestionario proporcionará una visión general de la opinión de los usuarios en relación con el deporte

    Predicting Density and Refractive Index of Ionic Liquids

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    The determination of the physicochemical properties of ionic liquids (ILs), such as density and refractive index, is essential for the design of processes that involve ILs. Density has been widely studied in ILs because of its importance whereas refractive index has received less attention even though its determination is rapid, highly accurate and needs a small amount of sample in most techniques. Due to the large number of possible cation and anion combinations, it is not practical to use trial and error methods to find a suitable ionic liquid for a given function. It would be preferable to predict physical properties of ILs from their structure. We compile in this work different methods to predict density and refractive index of ILs from literature. Especially, we describe the method developed by the authors in a previous work for predicting density of ILs through their molecular volume. We also correlate our experimental measurements of density and refractive index of ILs in order to predict one of the parameters knowing the other one as a function of temperature. As the measurement of refractive index is very fast and needs only a drop of the ionic liquid, this is also a very useful approach

    The Use of Multivariate Analysis in Tropical Grass and Legume Seed Production in Cuban Regions

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    Seed production is an important activity in developing countries where pastures are the main source for animal feeding (Febles et al. 2003). Another outstanding aspect is the mathematical analysis used when a large number of species, varieties and ecotypes are used in the same study. The objective of this paper was to examine the use of multivariate analysis in studies on the effects of edaphoclimatic factors on seed production from tropical grasses and legumes

    A step ahead on efficient microwave heating for kaolinite

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    [EN] The thermal evolution of kaolin clay under microwave radiation shows an unexpected large heating rate up to 500 degrees C/min for temperatures > 650 degrees C. Such heating rate is associated with a resistivity drop of > 10(3) Omega.m observed after the dehydroxylation process of the kaolin structure. The high efficiency of the microwave heating effect is correlated with the presence of surface carriers that absorbs microwaves electromagnetic field. The layered structure of the clay-based materials allows the appearance of charge carriers at the surface of the crystal lattice that is electromagnetically activated. This effect represents a breakthrough in the efficient use of microwaves energy in order to produce efficient thermal treatments in large volume of non-metallic minerals with a drastic reduction of the greenhouse gasses for mass production industries.The authors express their thanks to the project MAT-2017-86450-C4-1-R from the Spanis Goverment for the financial support.Reinosa, JJ.; García-Baños, B.; Catalá Civera, JM.; Fernández Lozano, JF. (2019). A step ahead on efficient microwave heating for kaolinite. Applied Clay Science. 168:237-243. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2018.11.001S23724316

    Relationship of indicators of ability and experience of military sports skydiving with the psychological state and performance in competition of elite jumpers

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    © 2018: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte.Se deben considerar múltiples variables cuando se habla de rendimiento deportivo. Entre ellas, la literatura establece la importancia de la psicología y las técnicas indicadoras de la experiencia adquirida en la disciplina. Este estudio pretende establecer la relación entre determinados constructos que definen el perfil psicológico del deportista con indicadores de habilidad en paracaidismo militar. Para ello, se encuestó a 42 saltadores de 40,86 años (±7,35) pertenecientes al ejército español y a la guardia civil durante la celebración del Campeonato Nacional Militar de paracaidismo que se celebra anualmente, para conocer su nivel de optimismo, resiliencia, bienestar psicológico y burnout. Se concluye que los años de experiencia en paracaidismo y el número de saltos, como indicadores de habilidad, deben ser tomados en cuenta con un mayor nivel de concreción y especificidad, ya que ciertas variables psicológicas pueden aumentar o disminuir dependiendo de ellas. Conviene estudiar cada caso en particular para comprender qué puede ocurrir en el estado del paracaidista y desarrollar estrategias para optimizar el rendimiento deportivo.Multiple variables must be considered when talking about sports performance. Among them, the literature estblishes the importance of psychology and indicator techniques of experience acquired in the discipline. This study aims to establish the relationship between certain constructs that define the psychological profile of the athlete with skill indicators in military parachuting. For this, 42 jumpers aged 40.86 years old (±7.35) belonging to the Spanish army and the civil guard during the celebration of the National Military Championship of Skydiving which is held annually surveyed to know their level of optimism, resilience, psychological well-being, and burnout. It is concluded that the years of skydiving experience and the number of jumps, as indicators of skill, must be taken into account with a higher level of concreteness and specificity since certain psychological variables can increase or decrease depending on them. It is convenient to study each case, in particular, to understand what can happen in the state of the parachutist and develop strategies for optimizing sports performance.Múltiplas variáveis devem ser consideradas quando se fala em desempenho desportivo. Eentre eles, a literatura estabelece a importância da psicologia e das técnicas indicadoras da experiência adquirida na disciplina. Este estudo visa estabelecer a relação entre determinados constructos que definem o perfil psicológico do atleta com indicadores de habilidade no paraquedismo militar. Para tal, foram inquiridos 42 saltadores com 40,86 anos (±7,35) pertencentes ao exército espanhol e à guarda civil durante a celebração do Campeonato Nacional Militar de paraquedismo que se realiza anualmente para conhecer o seu nível de optimismo, resiliência, bem-estar psicológico e esgotamento. Conclui-se que os anos de experiência em paraquedismo e o número de saltos, como indicadores de habilidade, devem ser levados em consideração com maior grau de especificidade, pois certas variáveis psicológicas podem aumentar ou diminuir. É conveniente estudar cada caso em articular para entender o que pode acontecer no estado do paraquedista e desenvolver estratégias para otimizar o desempenho esportivo

    Levels of Sustainability Awareness in Spanish University Students of Nautical Activities as Future Managers of Sports and Active Tourism Programmes

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).Abstract: University students will play an important role in making decisions that will affect the environment, as future leaders of our society. Their level of sensitivity and environmental knowledge will play an important role in adequately facing future challenges. This article aims to measure the sustainability awareness of a sample of future graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in Spain. The literature supports that the sensitivity of these students can be estimated by using the Spanish adaptation of the SCQ-S. This allows for establishing the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to sustainability in three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The sample consisted of 170 students (58.8% males; 41.2% females) with a mean age of 20.5 years (±4.039). The overall Cronbach’s alpha showed a fairly good value (α = 0.836). The same was true for the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test values (KMO = 0.816) and Bartlett’s sphericity test (p < 0.001). The knowledge construct (4.56 ± 0.53) was the highest descriptive, followed by attitude (4.12 ± 0.59). The lowest value was behaviour (3.79 ± 0.66). By gender, girls obtained the highest sensitivity indexes. In addition, the place of habitual residence and physical activity in the natural environment were related to the overall behaviour of the university students. It is concluded that being in active contact with the natural environment allows us to have a higher level of awareness