116 research outputs found

    From contigs towards chromosomes: automatic improvement of long read assemblies (ILRA)

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    Recent advances in long read technologies not only enable large consortia to aim to sequence all eukaryotes on Earth, but they also allow individual laboratories to sequence their species of interest with relatively low investment. Long read technologies embody the promise of overcoming scaffolding problems associated with repeats and low complexity sequences, but the number of contigs often far exceeds the number of chromosomes and they may contain many insertion and deletion errors around homopolymer tracts. To overcome these issues, we have implemented the ILRA pipeline to correct long read-based assemblies. Contigs are first reordered, renamed, merged, circularized, or filtered if erroneous or contaminated. Illumina short reads are used subsequently to correct homopolymer errors. We successfully tested our approach by improving the genome sequences of Homo sapiens, Trypanosoma brucei, and Leptosphaeria spp., and by generating four novel Plasmodium falciparum assemblies from field samples. We found that correcting homopolymer tracts reduced the number of genes incorrectly annotated as pseudogenes, but an iterative approach seems to be required to correct more sequencing errors. In summary, we describe and benchmark the performance of our new tool, which improved the quality of novel long read assemblies up to 1 Gbp. The pipeline is available at GitHub: https://github.com/ThomasDOtto/ILRA

    From contigs towards chromosomes: automatic improvement of long read assemblies (ILRA)

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    Recent advances in long read technologies not only enable large consortia to aim to sequence all eukaryotes on Earth, but they also allow individual laboratories to sequence their species of interest with relatively low investment. Long read technologies embody the promise of overcoming scaffolding problems associated with repeats and low complexity sequences, but the number of contigs often far exceeds the number of chromosomes and they may contain many insertion and deletion errors around homopolymer tracts. To overcome these issues, we have implemented the ILRA pipeline to correct long read-based assemblies. Contigs are first reordered, renamed, merged, circularized, or filtered if erroneous or contaminated. Illumina short reads are used subsequently to correct homopolymer errors. We successfully tested our approach by improving the genome sequences of Homo sapiens, Trypanosoma brucei, and Leptosphaeria spp., and by generating four novel Plasmodium falciparum assemblies from field samples. We found that correcting homopolymer tracts reduced the number of genes incorrectly annotated as pseudogenes, but an iterative approach seems to be required to correct more sequencing errors. In summary, we describe and benchmark the performance of our new tool, which improved the quality of novel long read assemblies up to 1 Gbp. The pipeline is available at GitHub: https://github.com/ThomasDOtto/ILRA

    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Episodic Memory Related to Emotional Visual Stimuli

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    The present study investigated emotional memory following bilateral transcranial electrical stimulation (direct current of 1 mA, for 20 minutes) over fronto-temporal cortical areas of healthy participants during the encoding of images that differed in affective arousal and valence. The main result was a significant interaction between the side of anodal stimulation and image emotional valence. Specifically, right anodal/left cathodal stimulation selectively facilitated the recall of pleasant images with respect to both unpleasant and neutral images whereas left anodal/right cathodal stimulation selectively facilitated the recall of unpleasant images with respect to both pleasant and neutral images. From a theoretical perspective, this double dissociation between the side of anodal stimulation and the advantage in the memory performance for a specific type of stimulus depending on its pleasantness supported the specific-valence hypothesis of emotional processes, which assumes a specialization of the right hemisphere in processing unpleasant stimuli and a specialization of the left hemisphere in processing pleasant stimuli. From a methodological point of view, first we found tDCS effects strictly dependent on the stimulus category, and second a pattern of results in line with an interfering and inhibitory account of anodal stimulation on memory performance. These findings need to be carefully considered in applied contexts, such as the rehabilitation of altered emotional processing or eye-witness memory, and deserve to be further investigated in order to understand their underlying mechanisms of action
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