81,226 research outputs found

    A space station onboard scheduling assistant

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    One of the goals for the Space Station is to achieve greater autonomy, and have less reliance on ground commanding than previous space missions. This means that the crew will have to take an active role in scheduling and rescheduling their activities onboard, perhaps working from preliminary schedules generated on the ground. Scheduling is a time intensive task, whether performed manually or automatically, so the best approach to solving onboard scheduling problems may involve crew members working with an interactive software scheduling package. A project is described which investigates a system that uses knowledge based techniques for the rescheduling of experiments within the Materials Technology Laboratory of the Space Station. Particular attention is paid to: (1) methods for rapid response rescheduling to accommodate unplanned changes in resource availability, (2) the nature of the interface to the crew, (3) the representation of the many types of data within the knowledge base, and (4) the possibility of applying rule-based and constraint-based reasoning methods to onboard activity scheduling

    The implications of precise timekeeping of Doppler gravitational wave observations

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    Gravitational radiation from galactic and extragalactic astrophysical sources will induce spatial strains in the solar system, strains which can be measured directly by the Doppler radio link to distant spacecraft. Current noise sources in Pioneer and Voyager Doppler data are delineated and a comparison is made with expected signal levels from gravitational wave sources. The main conclusion is that it is possible to detect gravitational radiation with current DSN hydrogen maser systems stable in fractional frequency + or - 2 x 10 to the minus 14th power over 1000 sec. In the future, however, a serious Doppler observational program in gravitational wave astronomy will require frequency systems stable to at least 10 to the minus 16th power, but at the same time the current single frequency S-band uplink transmission will have to be replaced by a dual frequency capability

    Oscillatory decay of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the decay of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with negative effective interaction energy. With a decreasing atom number due to losses, the atom-atom interaction becomes less important and the system undergoes a transition from a bistable Josephson regime to the monostable Rabi regime, displaying oscillations in phase and number. We study the equations of motion and derive an analytical expression for the oscillation amplitude. A quantum trajectory simulation reveals that the classical description fails for low emission rates, as expected from analytical considerations. Observation of the proposed effect will provide evidence for negative effective interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figue

    Spatial patterns in the evolution of Cenozoic dynamic topography and its influence on the Antarctic continent

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    Our knowledge of dynamic topography in Antarctica remains in an infancy stage compared to other continents. We assess the space-time variability in dynamic topography in Antarctica by analysing grids of global dynamic topography in the Cenozoic (and late Cretaceous) based on the tomographic model S40RTS. Our model reveals that the Gamburtsev Province and Dronning Maud Land, two of the major nucleation sites for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) were ~500 m higher 60 Ma ago. The increased elevation may have facilitated ephemeral ice cap development in the early Cenozoic. Between ca 25 and 50 Ma the northern Wilkes Subglacial Basin was ca 200 m higher than today and a major increase in regional elevation (>600 m) occurred over the last 20-15 Ma over the northern and southern Victoria Land in the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). The most prominent signal is observed over the Ross Sea Rift (RSR) where predicted Neogene dynamic topography exceeds 1,000 m. The flow of warm mantle from the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS)may have driven these dynamic topography effects over the TAM and RSR. However, we found that these effects are comparatively less significant over the Marie Byrd Land Dome and the interior of the WARS. If these contrasting dynamic topography effects are included, then the predicted elevations of the Ross Sea Embayment ca 20 Ma ago are more similar to the interior of the WARS, with significant implications for the early development of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

    Maternal employment and overweight children

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    This paper seeks to determine whether a causal relationship exists between maternal employment and childhood overweight. We use matched mother/child data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and employ econometric techniques to control for observable and unobservable differences across individuals and families that may influence both children's weight and their mothers' work patterns. Our results indicate that a child is more likely to be overweight if his/her mother worked more hours per week over the child's life. Analyses by subgroups show that it is higher socioeconomic status mothers whose work intensity is particularly deleterious for their children's overweight status.Employment (Economic theory) ; Overweight children

    Maternal Employment and Overweight Children

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    This paper investigates whether children are more or less likely to be overweight if their mothers work. The prevalence of both overweight children and working mothers has risen dramatically over the past few decades, although these parallel trends may be coincidental. The goal of this paper is to help determine whether a causal relationship exists between maternal employment and childhood overweight. To accomplish this, we mainly utilize matched mother/child data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and employ three main econometric techniques, probit models, sibling difference models, and instrumental variables models in this analysis. Our results indicate that a child is more likely to be overweight if his/her mother worked more intensively (in the form of greater hours per week) over the child's life. This effect is particularly evident for children of white mothers, of mothers with more education, and of mothers with a high income level. Applying our estimates to the trend towards greater maternal employment indicates that the increased hours worked per week among mothers between 1975 and 1999 led to about a 0.4 to 0.7 percentage point increase in overweight children, which represents a relatively small share of the overall increase.

    Economic perspectives on childhood obesity

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    Obesity rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed in the last 30 years. Among adults, obesity rates more than doubled from the early 1970s to the late 1990s. Children obesity rates nearly tripled over the same period. This article discusses why obesity is of interest from an economic perspective. It them examines changes in children's lives, particularly the increase in maternal employment, that may have contributed to increases in children's weight.Overweight children

    Spontaneous superconductivity and optical properties of high-Tc cuprates

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    We suggest that the high temperature superconductivity in cuprate compounds may emerge due to interaction between copper-oxygen layers mediated by in-plane plasmons. The strength of the interaction is determined by the c-axis geometry and by the ab-plane optical properties. Without making reference to any particular in-plane mechanism of superconductivity, we show that the interlayer interaction favors spontaneous appearance of the superconductivity in the layers. At a qualitative level the model describes correctly the dependence of the transition temperature on the interlayer distance, and on the number of adjacent layers in multilayered homologous compounds. Moreover, the model has a potential to explain (i) a mismatch between the optimal doping levels for critical temperature and superconducting density and (ii) a universal scaling relation between the dc-conductivity, the superfluid density, and the superconducting transition temperature.Comment: 4.4 pages, 2 figures; v2 matches the published version (clarifying remarks and references are added

    Significant techniques in the processing and interpretation of ERTS-1 data

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    The discipline oriented investigations underway at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) using ERTS-1 data provide an appropriate framework for the systematic evaluation of the various elements comprising a prototype multispectral data processing and analysis system. In particular such a system may be thought of as the integration of: (1) a preprocessing subsystem; (2) a spectral clustering subsystem, (3) a correlation and classification subsystem; (4) mensuration subsystem; and (5) an information management subsystem. Specific elements of this system are already operational at JSC. It is in the context of this system that technique development and application is being pursued at JSC. Aircraft, ERTS and EREP data will be utilized to refine the subsystem elements for each of the data acquisition systems or system combinations that are optimally suited for a specific Earth Resources application. The techniques reported are those that have been developed to date during the utilization of ERTS-1 data in this processing and analysis system

    Scale-invariance in gravity and implications for the cosmological constant

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    Recently a scale invariant theory of gravity was constructed by imposing a conformal symmetry on general relativity. The imposition of this symmetry changed the configuration space from superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms - to conformal superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms and conformal transformations. However, despite numerous attractive features, the theory suffers from at least one major problem: the volume of the universe is no longer a dynamical variable. In attempting to resolve this problem a new theory is found which has several surprising and atractive features from both quantisation and cosmological perspectives. Furthermore, it is an extremely restrictive theory and thus may provide testable predictions quickly and easily. One particularly interesting feature of the theory is the resolution of the cosmological constant problem.Comment: Replaced with final version: minor changes to text; references adde