16 research outputs found

    I gruppi sanguigni nel gatto : attuali conoscenze

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    La conoscenza dei gruppi sanguigni nel gatto \ue8 di fondamentale importanza non solo nella pratica dell\u2019emotrasfusione, ma anche nella prevenzione della malattia emolitica neonatale. In questo articolo vengono descritte le caratteristiche dei gruppi sanguigni del gatto, la loro distribuzione in base alla razza e la loro applicazione pratica nell\u2019ambito della medicina felina

    Islet transplantation and insulin administration relieve long-term complications and rescue the residual endogenous pancreatic cells

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    Islet transplantation is a poorly investigated Long-term strategy for insulin replacement and for treatment of complications in patients with diabetes. We investigated whether islet transplantation and insulin treatment can relieve diabetic neuropathy and rescue the residual endogenous pancreatic beta cells. We used a multimodal approach, with five groups of Sprague-Dawley rats studied for 8 months: control rats, diabetic rats, insulin-treated diabetic rats with moderate or mild hyperglycemia, and diabetic rats transplanted with microencapsulated islets. Islet transplantation normalized glycemia and increased body and muscle weight; it was also effective in reducing proteinuria and altered liver function. Transplantation significantly improved tail nerve conduction velocity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity, and morphological alterations in the sciatic nerve as evidenced by decrease in g-ratio; it also restored thermal and ameliorated mechanical nociceptive thresholds. Morphometric analysis of pancreas indicated a significant beta-cell volume increase in transplanted rats, compared with mildly and moderately hyperglycemic rats. Thus, allogeneic islet transplantation had a positive systemic effect in diabetic rats and induced regression of the established neuropathy and restitution of the typical characteristics of the islets. These findings strongly reinforce the need for improving glycemic control, not only to reverse established diabetic complications but also to improve beta-cell status in diabetic pancreas

    Concentrazione della fosfatasi alcalina nel plasma seminale del cane

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    I gruppi sanguigni nel gatto \u2013 La tipizzazione mediante eritrosedimentazione su colonna di gel

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    In base a quanto gi\ue0 effettuato nel cane, gli autori hanno sperimentato l\u2019impiego in campo ambulatoriale di un kit diagnostico per la tipizzazione dei gruppi sanguigni A, B e AB nel gatto. La metodica \ue8 risultata affidabile, di semplice e veloce realizzazione e ha permesso di individuare il gruppo sanguigno di ogni soggetto. Il campione era costituito da 80 prelievi di sangue prelevati da gatti di differente razza, et\ue0 e di entrambi i sessi, tra i quali il gruppo sanguigno A \ue8 risultato predominante. L\u2019impiego di tale kit \ue8 auspicabile, nella pratica trasfusionale, per garantire l\u2019accurata scelta dei donatori e nella riproduzione, per programmare gli accoppiamenti e prevenire cos\uec il rischio di insorgenza di malattia emolitica neonatale nelle razze dove l\u2019incidenza del gruppo sanguigno B \ue8 predominante

    CR4056, a new analgesic I2 ligand, is highly effective against bortezomib-induced painful neuropathy in rats

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    Cristina Meregalli,1 Cecilia Ceresa,1 Annalisa Canta,1 Valentina Alda Carozzi,1 Alessia Chiorazzi,1 Barbara Sala,1 Norberto Oggioni,1 Marco Lanza,2 Ornella Letar,i2 Flora Ferrari,2 Federica Avezza,1 Paola Marmiroli,1 GianFranco Caselli,2 Guido Cavaletti11Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Technologies, University of Milan-Bicocca, 2Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Rottapharm | Madaus Research Center, Monza, ItalyAbstract: Although bortezomib (BTZ) is the frontline treatment for multiple myeloma, its clinical use is limited by the occurrence of painful peripheral neuropathy, whose treatment is still an unmet clinical need. Previous studies have shown chronic BTZ administration (0.20 mg/kg intravenously three times a week for 8 weeks) to female Wistar rats induced a peripheral neuropathy similar to that observed in humans. In this animal model of BTZ-induced neurotoxicity, the present authors evaluated the efficacy of CR4056, a novel I2 ligand endowed with a remarkable efficacy in several animal pain models. CR4056 was administered in a wide range of doses (0.6–60 mg/kg by gavage every day for 2–3 weeks) in comparison with buprenorphine (Bupre) (28.8 µg/kg subcutaneously every day for 2 weeks) and gabapentin (Gaba) (100 mg/kg by gavage every day for 3 weeks). Chronic administration of BTZ reduced nerve conduction velocity and induced allodynia. CR4056, Bupre, or Gaba did not affect the impaired nerve conduction velocity. Conversely, CR4056 dose-dependently reversed BTZ-induced allodynia (minimum effective dose 0.6 mg/kg). The optimal dose found, 6 mg/kg, provided a constant pain relief throughout the treatment period and without rebound after suspension, being effective when coadministered with BTZ, starting before or after allodynia was established, or when administered alone after BTZ cessation. A certain degree of tolerance was seen after 7 days of administration, but only at the highest doses (20 and 60 mg/kg). Bupre was effective only acutely, since tolerance was evident from the fourth day onwards. Gaba showed a significant activity only at the fourth day of treatment. CR4056, over the range of concentrations of 3–30 µM, was unable to hinder BTZ cytotoxicity on several tumor cell lines, which could indicate that this substance does not directly interfere with BTZ antitumor activity. Therefore, CR4056 could represent a new treatment option for BTZ-induced neuropathic pain.Keywords: imidazoline I2 receptor ligand, antinociception, allodynia, neuropathic pain, bortezomi