189 research outputs found
Correlations and realistic interactions in doubly closed shell nuclei
We review the latest variational calculations of the ground state properties
of doubly closed shell nuclei, from C to Pb, with semirealistic
and realistic two- and three-nucleon interactions. The studies are carried on
within the framework of the correlated basis function theory and integral
equations technique, with state dependent correlations having central and
tensor components. We report results for the ground state energy, one- and
two-body densities and static structure functions. For O and Ca
we use modern interactions and find that the accuracy of the method is
comparable to that attained in nuclear matter with similar hamiltonians, giving
nuclei underbound by 2 MeV/A. The computed Coulomb sums are in complete
agreement with the latest analysis of the experimental data.Comment: 11 Latex pages, 2 ps figures. Talk delivered at the 10th
International Conference on Recent Progress In Many-Body Theories, Seattle
1999. To appear in "Advances in Quantum Many-Body Theory", vol.3, World
New Results in the CBF theory for medium-heavy nuclei
Momentum distributions, spectroscopic factors and quasi-hole wave functions
of medium-heavy doubly closed shell nuclei have been calculated in the
framework of the Correlated Basis Function theory, by using the Fermi
hypernetted chain resummation techniques. The calculations have been done by
using microscopic two-body nucleon-nucleon potentials of Argonne type, together
with three-body interactions. Operator dependent correlations, up to the tensor
channels, have been used.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceeding of the "XI Convegno su problemi di
Fisica Nucleare Teorica" 11-14 Ottobre 2006, Cortona, Ital
Ground state of medium-heavy doubly-closed shell nuclei in correlated basis function theory
The correlated basis function theory is applied to the study of medium-heavy
doubly closed shell nuclei with different wave functions for protons and
neutrons and in the jj coupling scheme. State dependent correlations including
tensor correlations are used. Realistic two-body interactions of Argonne and
Urbana type, together with three-body interactions have been used to calculate
ground state energies and density distributions of the 12C, 16O, 40Ca, 48Ca and
208Pb nuclei.Comment: Latex 10 pages, 3 Tables, 10 Figure
Renormalized Fermi hypernetted chain approach in medium-heavy nuclei
The application of the Correlated basis function theory and of the Fermi
hypernetted chain technique, to the description of the ground state of
medium-heavy nuclei is reviewed. We discuss how the formalism, originally
developed for symmetric nuclear matter, should be changed in order to describe
finite nuclear systems, with different number of protons and neutrons. This
approach allows us to describe doubly closed shell nuclei by using microscopic
nucleon-nucleon interactions. We presents results of numerical calculations
done with two-nucleon interactions of Argonne type,implemented with three-body
forces of Urbana type. Our results regard ground-state energies, matter, charge
and momentum distributions, natural orbits, occupation numbers, quasi-hole wave
functions and spectroscopic factors of 12C, 16O, 40Ca, 48Ca and 208Pb nuclei.Comment: 127 Pages, 37 figures, Accepted for publication in Physics Report
Short-range Correlations in a CBF description of closed-shell nuclei
The Correlated Basis Function theory (CBF) provides a theoretical framework
to treat on the same ground mean-field and short-range correlations. We
present, in this report, some recent results obtained using the CBF to describe
the ground state properties of finite nuclear systems. Furthermore we show some
results for the excited state obtained with a simplified model based on the CBF
theory.Comment: 10 latex pages plus 6 uuencoded figure
Model calculations of doubly closed shell nuclei in CBF theory III. j-j coupling and isospin dependence
Correlated Basis Function theory and Fermi Hypernetted Chain technique are
extended to study medium-heavy, doubly closed shell nuclei in j-j coupling
scheme, with different single particle wave functions for protons and neutrons
and isospin dependent two-body correlations. Central semirealistic interactions
are used. Ground state energies, one-body densities, distribution functions and
momentum distributions are calculated for 12C, 16O, 40Ca, 48Ca and 208Pb
nuclei. The values of the ground state energies provided by isospin dependent
correlations are lower than those obtained with isospin independent
correlations. In finite nuclear systems, the two--body Euler equations provide
correlation functions variationally more effective than those obtained with the
same technique in infinite nuclear matter.Comment: 29 Latex pages plus 6 Postscript figure
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