14 research outputs found

    from the Law of Primitive Man to the Socio-Legal Study of Complex Society

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan garis besar perkembangan antropologi hukum sejak munculnya karya H.Maine pada akhir abad ke-19 hingga masa kini. Dalam uraian tentang sejarah subdisiplin ini dari sudut pandang empiris-historis, penulis mengetengahkan adanya beberapa fase utama dalam perkembangan antropologi hukum beserta karakteristik pokoknya, yakni fase akhir abad ke-19, awal abad ke-20, dan akhir tahun 1960-an. Pada awal tulisannya, penulis menyatakan bahwa sejarah itu senantiasa mengalami perubahan-perubahan dan kesinambungan. Antropologi hukum juga bervariasi sepanjang sejarah perkembangannya. Dalam periode sejarah yang berbeda, berkembang asumsi-asumsi teoritis, minat perhatian, serta metode yang berbeda pula. Karena itu, patut dihindari adanya upaya pencarian untuk suatu sifat yang hakiki dan esensial dari antropologi hukum, serta interpretasi yang tepat "apakah" antropologi hukum itu. Penulis membahas pula  hubungan antara antropologi hukum dan ilmu hukum, tema sentral dalam penelitian subdisiplin ini, perlunya kombinasi metode antara antropologi hukum dan sosiologi hukum walau tetap ada pembedaan bidang akademis diantara keduanya, dan relevansi praktis dari subdisiplin ini. &nbsp

    Bringing Justice to the Poor: Bottom-Up Legal Development Cooperation

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    The Long Shadow of the Air War: composure, memory and the renegotiation of self in the oral testimonies of Bomber Command veterans since 2015

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    The following article examines oral testimonies collected by the International Bomber Command Centre project since 2015. The study considers the challenges posed by post-war discourses that contest the morality of bombing and contemporary constructions of Britishness to Bomber Command veterans making account of their lives. The contested nature of bombing’s position within narratives of the Second World War creates a discursive environment where veterans struggle to assemble satisfying life stories. Despite using a set of similar narrative frameworks to counter questions concerning the morality or purpose of bombing, veterans found limited opportunities to demonstrate personal agency or achieve emotional composure. The interviews illustrate unresolved and challenging feelings stemming from a discourse that has proved inimical to creating satisfying selfhoods. In addition, the difficulty of integrating the story of Bomber Command into narratives of Britain’s wartime myth proved to be a source of considerable discomfort for the interviewees. In their attempts to situate themselves within longer trajectories of Britain and its military in the twenty-first century, the testimonies are thus revealing of the importance to Britain of its wartime past in forming current identities and the ongoing conflict in how Britishness should confront more complex versions of its history