557 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic emission from hot medium measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC

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    Electromagnetic radiation has been of interest in heavy ion collisions because they shed light on early stages of the collisions where hadronic probes do not provide direct information since hadronization and hadronic interactions occur later. The latest results on photon measurement from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC reflect thermodynamic properties of the matter produced in the heavy ion collisions. An unexpectedly large positive elliptic flow measured for direct photons can not be explained by any of the current models.Comment: Talk contributed to Rutherford Centennial Conference, Aug 8-12, 2011, held in Manchester, U

    Renormalization of a gapless Hartree-Fock approximation to a theory with spontaneously broken O(N)-symmetry

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    The renormalization of a gapless Phi-derivable Hartree--Fock approximation to the O(N)-symmetric lambda*phi^4 theory is considered in the spontaneously broken phase. This kind of approach was proposed by three of us in a previous paper in order to preserve all the desirable features of Phi-derivable Dyson-Schwinger resummation schemes (i.e., validity of conservation laws and thermodynamic consistency) while simultaneously restoring the Nambu--Goldstone theorem in the broken phase. It is shown that unlike for the conventional Hartree--Fock approximation this approach allows for a scale-independent renormalization in the vacuum. However, the scale dependence still persists at finite temperatures. Various branches of the solution are studied. The occurrence of a limiting temperature inherent in the renormalized Hartree--Fock approximation at fixed renormalization scale mu is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures / Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D: title and one reference change

    Interpretation of Recent SPS Dilepton Data

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    We summarize our current theoretical understanding of in-medium properties of the electromagnetic current correlator in view of recent dimuon data from the NA60 experiment in In(158 AGeV)-In collisions at the CERN-SPS. We discuss the sensitivity of the results to space-time evolution models for the hot and dense partonic and hadronic medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and the contributions from different sources to the dilepton-excess spectra.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2006) v2: references added, minor typos correcte

    Renormalization in Self-Consistent Approximation schemes at Finite Temperature III: Global Symmetries

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    We investigate the symmetry properties for Baym's Φ\Phi-derivable schemes. We show that in general the solutions of the dynamical equations of motion, derived from approximations of the Φ\Phi-functional, do not fulfill the Ward-Takahashi identities of the symmetry of the underlying classical action, although the conservation laws for the expectation values of the corresponding Noether currents are fulfilled exactly for the approximation. Further we prove that one can define an effective action functional in terms of the self-consistent propagators which is invariant under the operation of the same symmetry group representation as the classical action. The requirements for this theorem to hold true are the same as for perturbative approximations: The symmetry has to be realized linearly on the fields and it must be free of anomalies, i.e., there should exist a symmetry conserving regularization scheme. In addition, if the theory is renormalizable in Dyson's narrow sense, it can be renormalized with counter terms which do not violate the symmetry.Comment: 32 papges, 3 figures, uses ReVTeX 4, V2: Added one more reference, V3: Corrected some typos, added two more sections about the large-N expansio

    Bottomonium Production at RHIC and LHC

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    Properties of bottomonia (Upsilon, chi_b and Upsilon') in the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) are investigated by assessing inelastic reaction rates and their interplay with open-bottom states (b-quarks or B-mesons) and color-screening. The latter leads to vanishing quarkonium binding energies at sufficiently high temperatures (close to the dissolution point), which, in particular, renders standard gluo-dissociation, g+Upsilon -> b + b-bar, inefficient due to a substantial reduction in final-state phase space. This problem is overcome by invoking a "quasifree" destruction mechanism, g,q,q-bar + Upsilon -> g,q,q-bar + b + b-bar, as previously introduced for charmonia. The pertinent reaction rates are implemented into a kinetic theory framework to evaluate the time evolution of bottomonia in heavy-ion reactions at RHIC and LHC within an expanding fireball model. While bottom quarks are assumed to be exclusively produced in primordial nucleon-nucleon collisions, their thermal relaxation times in the QGP, which importantly figure into Upsilon-formation rates, are estimated according to a recent Fokker-Planck treatment. Predictions for the centrality dependence of Upsilon production are given for upcoming experiments at RHIC and LHC. At both energies, Upsilon suppression turns out to be the prevalent effect.Comment: 16 Pages, 21 figures, 1 table v2: Manuscript reorganized, several sections moved to appendices, additional comments included, contents unchange

    Chiral symmetry restoration in linear sigma models with different numbers of quark flavors

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    Chiral symmetry restoration at nonzero temperature is studied in the framework of the O(4) linear sigma model and the U(N_f)_r x U(N_f)_l linear sigma model with N_f=2,3, and 4 quark flavors. We investigate the temperature dependence of the masses of the scalar and pseudoscalar mesons, and the non-strange, strange, and charm condensates within the Hartree approximation as derived from the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism. We find that the masses of the non-strange and strange mesons at nonzero temperature depend sensitively on the particular symmetry of the model and the number of light quark flavors N_f. On the other hand, due to the large charm quark mass, neither do charmed mesons significantly affect the properties of the other mesons, nor do their masses change appreciably in the temperature range around the chiral symmetry restoration temperature. In the chiral limit, the transition temperatures for chiral symmetry restoration are surprisingly close to those found in lattice QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Heavy-Quark Diffusion, Flow and Recombination at RHIC

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    We discuss recent developments in assessing heavy-quark interaction in the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). While induced gluon radiation is expected to be the main energy-loss mechanism for fast-moving quarks, we focus on elastic scattering which prevails toward lower energies, evaluating both perturbative (gluon-exchange) and nonperturbative (resonance formation) interactions in the QGP. The latter are treated within an effective model for D- and B-meson resonances above T_c as motivated by current QCD lattice calculations. Pertinent diffusion and drag constants, following from a Fokker-Planck equation, are implemented into an expanding fireball model for Au-Au collisions at RHIC using relativistic Langevin simulations. Heavy quarks are hadronized in a combined fragmentation and coalescence framework, and resulting electron-decay spectra are compared to recent RHIC data. A reasonable description of both nuclear suppression factors and elliptic flow up to momenta of ~5 GeV supports the notion of a strongly interacting QGP created at RHIC. Consequences and further tests of the proposed resonance interactions are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, contribution to the proceedings for the "International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter 2006

    Off-equilibrium photon production in heavy-ion collisions

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