221 research outputs found

    Classical Strongly Coupled QGP: VII. Shear Viscosity and Self Diffusion

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    We construct the Liouville operator for the SU(2) classical colored Coulomb plasma (cQGP) for arbitrary values of the Coulomb coupling Γ=V/K\Gamma=V/K, the ratio of the mean Coulomb to kinetic energy. We show that its resolvent in the classical colored phase space obeys a hierarchy of equations. We use a free streaming approximation to close the hierarchy and derive an integral equation for the time-dependent structure factor. Its reduction by projection yields hydrodynamical equations in the long-wavelength limit. We discuss the character of the hydrodynamical modes at strong coupling. The shear viscosity is shown to exhibit a minimum at Γ8\Gamma\approx 8 near the liquid point. This minimum follows from the cross-over between the single particle collisional regime which drops as 1/Γ5/21/\Gamma^{5/2} and the hydrodynamical collisional regime which rises as Γ1/2\Gamma^{1/2}. The self-diffusion constant drops as 1/Γ3/21/\Gamma^{3/2} irrespective of the regime. We compare our results to molecular dynamics simulations of the SU(2) colored Coulomb plasma. We also discuss the relevance of our results for the quantum and strongly coupled quark gluon plasma (sQGP)Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    Classical Strongly Coupled QGP II: Screening and Equation of State

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    We analyze the screening and bulk energy of a classical and strongly interacting plasma of color charges, a model we recently introduced for the description of a quark-gluon plasma at T=(1-3)Tc. The partition function is organized around the Debye-Huckel limit. The linear Debye-Huckel limit is corrected by a virial expansion. For the pressure, the expansion is badly convergent even in the dilute limit. The non-linear Debye-Huckel theory is studied numerically as an alternative for moderately strong plasmas. We use Debye theory of solid to extend the analysis to the crystal phase at very strong coupling. The analytical results for the bulk energy per particle compare well with the numerical results from molecular dynamics simulation for all couplings.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Rethinking the Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma at TTcT\sim T_c

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    We argue that although at asymptotically high temperatures the QGP in bulk behaves as a gas of weakly interacting quasiparticles (modulo long-range magnetism), at temperatures up to few times the critical temperature TcT_c it displays different properties. If the running of the QCD coupling constant continues in the Coulomb phase till the screening length scale, it reaches the strong coupling treshold αs(mD)1\alpha_s(m_D)\sim 1. As a result, the Coulomb phase supports weakly bound Coulombic s-wave cˉc\bar c c, light quark and even gggg states. The existence of shallow bound states dramatically increases the quasiparticle rescattering at low energies, reducing the viscosity and thereby explaining why heavy ion collisions at RHIC exhibit robust collective phenomena. In conformal gauge theories at finite temperature the Coulomb binding persists further in the strong coupling regime, as found for N=4{\cal N}=4 SUSY YM in the Maldacena regime.Comment: v2 version have one more figure and one more reference, v3 is the same as v2 except a double-page format (the v2 had corrupted last lines on the page

    Classical Strongly Coupled QGP I: The Model and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    We propose a model for the description of strongly interacting quarks and gluon quasiparticles at T=(13)TcT=(1-3)T_c, as a classical and nonrelativistic colored Coulomb gas. The sign and strength of the inter-particle interactions are fixed by the scalar product of their classical {\it color vectors} subject to Wong's equations. The model displays a number of phases as the Coulomb coupling is increased ranging from a gas, to a liquid, to a crystal with antiferromagnetic-like color ordering. We analyze the model using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and discuss the density-density correlator in real time. We extract pertinent decorrelation times, diffusion and viscosity constants for all phases. The classical results when extrapolated to the sQGP suggest that the phase is liquid-like, with a diffusion constant D0.1/TD\approx 0.1/T and a bulk viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s1/3\eta/s\approx 1/3.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Potassium channels in cell cycle and cell proliferation

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    Normal cell-cycle progression is a crucial task for every multicellular organism, as it determines body size and shape, tissue renewal and senescence, and is also crucial for reproduction. On the other hand, dysregulation of the cell-cycle progression leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation is the hallmark of cancer. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is a tightly regulated process, with multifaceted and very complex control mechanisms. It is now well established that one of those mechanisms relies on ion channels, and in many cases specifically on potassium channels. Here, we summarize the possible mechanisms underlying the importance of potassium channels in cell-cycle control and briefly review some of the identified channels that illustrate the multiple ways in which this group of proteins can influence cell proliferation and modulate cell-cycle progression

    Classical strongly coupled QGP: VI. Structure Factors

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    We show that the classical and strongly coupled QGP (cQGP) is characterized by a multiple of structure factors that obey generalized Orstein-Zernicke equations. We use the canonical partition function and its associated density functional to derive analytical equations for the density and charge monopole structure factors for arbitrary values of Γ=V/K\Gamma=V/K, the ratio of the mean potential to Coulomb energy. The results are compared with SU(2) molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Dilepton and Photon Emission Rates from a Hadronic Gas III

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    We extend our early analyses of the dilepton and photon emission rates from a hadronic gas to account for strange mesons using a density expansion. The emission rates are reduced to vacuum correlation functions using three-flavor chiral reduction formulas, and the latters are assessed in terms of empirical data. Using a fire-ball, we compare our results to the low and intermediate mass dilepton data available from CERN. Our results suggest that a baryon free hadronic gas does not account for the excess of low mass dielectrons observed at CERES but do well in accounting for the intermediate dimuons at HELIOS. The same observations apply to the recent low and high ptp_t dielectron rates from CERES.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, 11 eps figure

    Semiclassical Double-Pomeron Production of Glueballs and η\eta'

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    A semiclassical theory of high energy scattering based on interrupted tunneling (instantons) or QCD sphaleron production has been recently developed to describe the growing hadronic cross section and properties of the soft Pomeron. In this work we address double-pomeron processes in this framework for the first time. We specifically derive the cross section for central production of parity even and odd clusters, scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs, and η\eta' in parton-parton scattering at high energy. We show that the specific dependence of the production cross section on all its kinematical variables compares favorably with the UA8 data on inclusive cluster production, as well as the WA102 data on exclusive central production of scalar glueball and η\eta', in double-pomeron exchange pppp scattering. The magnitude of the cross section and its dependece on kinematic variables is correct, explaining in particular a large deviation from the Pomeron factorization at cluster masses in the range MX<8M_X<8 GeV reported by UA8

    Level Crossing Analysis of Growing surfaces

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    We investigate the average frequency of positive slope να+\nu_{\alpha}^{+} , crossing the height α=hhˉ\alpha = h- \bar h in the surface growing processes. The exact level crossing analysis of the random deposition model and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in the strong coupling limit before creation of singularities are given.Comment: 5 pages, two column, latex, three figure

    The Skyrme model predictions for the 27J=3/2{\bf 27}_{J=3/2} mass spectrum and the 273/2{\bf 27}_{3/2}-10ˉ\bar{\bf 10} mass splittings

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    The 27J=3/2{\bf 27}_{J=3/2}-plet mass spectrum and the 273/2{\bf 27}_{3/2}-10ˉ\bar{\bf 10} mass splittings are computed in the framework of the minimal SU(3)f_f extended Skyrme model. As functions of the Skyrme charge ee and the SU(3)f_f symmetry breaking parameters the predictions are presented in tabular form. The predicted mass splitting 273/2{\bf 27}_{3/2}-10ˉ\bar{\bf 10} is the smallest among all SU(3)f_f baryonic multiplets.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables, version to appear in Phys. Rev.