14 research outputs found

    Nitrogen use in winter-type malting barley

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    In the last three decades, N fertilizer consumption has not changed both in western Europe and in the USA, whereas N use efficiency decreased for cereals. In Italy about 6-7 percent of domestic barley production is processed by national malsters; malting crops require a well-tuned nitrogen management due to the trade-off between yield and technological quality of the grains. Results about grain yield and N use of winter-type malting barley crop grown on a superficial soil (Chromi-Skeletic Cambisol; FAO 1998) are presented here

    Dysfunction of the serotonergic system in the brain of synapsin triple knockout mice is associated with behavioral abnormalities resembling synapsin-related human pathologies

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    none6Synapsins (Syns) are a family of phosphoproteins associated with synaptic vesicles (SVs). Their main function is to regulate neurotransmitter release by maintaining a reserve pool of SVs at the presynaptic terminal. Previous studies reported that the deletion of one or more Syn genes in mice results in an epileptic phenotype and autism-related behavioral abnormalities. Here we aimed at characterizing the behavioral phenotype and neurobiological correlates of the deletion of Syns in a Syn triple knockout (TKO) mouse model. Wild type (WT) and TKO mice were tested in the open field, novelty suppressed feeding, light-dark box, forced swim, tail suspension and three-chamber sociability tests. Using in vivo electrophysiology, we recorded the spontaneous activity of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) serotonin (5-HT) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine (DA) neurons. Levels of 5-HT and DA in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of WT and TKO mice were also assessed using a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. TKO mice displayed hyperactivity and impaired social and anxiety-like behavior. Behavioral dysfunctions were accompanied by reduced firing activity of DRN 5-HT, but not VTA DA, neurons. TKO mice also showed increased responsiveness of DRN 5-HT-1A autoreceptors, measured as a reduced dose of the 5-HT-1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT necessary to inhibit DRN 5-HT firing activity by 50%. Finally, hippocampal 5-HT levels were lower in TKO than in WT mice. Overall, Syns deletion in mice leads to a reduction in DRN 5-HT firing activity and hippocampal 5-HT levels along with behavioral alterations reminiscent of human neuropsychiatric conditions associated with Syn dysfunction.mixedTassan Mazzocco M.; Guarnieri F.C.; Monzani E.; Benfenati F.; Valtorta F.; Comai S.Tassan Mazzocco, M.; Guarnieri, F. C.; Monzani, E.; Benfenati, F.; Valtorta, F.; Comai, S

    The distribution of Ambrosia spp. pollen grains through North East of Italy, Slovenia and Carinthia (Austria) in the year 2021

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    Introduction The data sharing of Ambrosia spp. pollen particles detection among the Environmental Agencies of North East Italy, Carinthia (Austria) and Slovenia has allowed the development of a geographical map showing where ragweed was mostly concentrated in 2021. Materials and Methods Ambrosia spp. pollen grains were identified during the routine microscope analysis of the samples collected in 2021 from n.24 stations belonging to the monitoring networks of the Environmental Agencies involved in the study. Specific training in the recognition of Ambrosia spp pollen was previously carried out to distinguish it from similar genera. Pollen concentration data collected from each station were reported as annual pollen index, i.e. the sum of daily pollen concentration over the year (fig.1). Kriging model was applied to spatialize the punctual annual data and visualize the areas of greatest presence of the pollen. Results and Discussion The annual pollen indexes of Ambrosia spp. from North East of Italy, Carinthia (Austria) and Slovenia, spatialized with the Kriging method are represented in figure 2. On this map, the sampling stations are also reported and since each station represents the main phytoclimatic areas of each territory, it was possible to validate the result obtained. It is evident a higher concentration of Ambrosia pollen in the eastern-south part of the study are

    Temporal trends in airborne pollen seasonality: evidence from the Italian POLLnet network data

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    Airborne pollen reflects local vegetative composition and is a proxy for flowering phase. Long-term pollen data might reflect changes in biodiversity and phenology, attributable also to the effect of climate change. The present study, based on pollen data collected within the Italian aerobiological network POLLnet, aimed to verify whether there is any evidence of temporal changes in pollen season timing and its relation with meteorological variables. To this purpose, nine stations located in North and Central Italy were selected, and twelve pollen taxa, both arboreal and herbaceous, were considered. For each taxon and station, 11–17-year datasets of airborne pollen concentration within the period 2000–2016 were analysed. Four different pollen season descriptors were elaborated (start, end and peak date, season length) and analysed their temporal trend, also in relation to temperature and precipitation. Overall, the results showed a negative temporal trend in pollen season starting date, which indicates a tendency towards an earlier flowering for Corylus, Quercus, Gramineae and Urticaceae in all stations (even if statistically significant in six out of 36 cases). The effect of meteorological parameters was evidenced by negative correlations between pollen season starting date and temperature. With the exception of Olea, Ambrosia and Artemisia, all the remaining pollen taxa showed significant (negative) correlations between pollen season start date and average temperature of the previous months in at least half of the stations. As for precipitation, no relevant correlations were detected with pollen season parameters. The results are also interpreted considering the different biogeographic areas in which the nine stations are located. Long-term pollen dataset is useful in phenological studies and for the detection of climate change effect

    The Italian Network POLLnet: the database as background to detect airborne pollen trends and investigate climate change effects

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    Airborne pollen reflects structure and changes in vegetation .It is well known that pollen seasons and their intensity could help to detect the effects of climatic changes so pollen is a good bioindicator. Our investigation has been supported by a national network among regional agencies; each centre refers to the same protocol compliant with UNI 11108 subsequent amendments . Thus, it was possible to obtain reliable data, consistent with accuracy and precision requirements. Aim of this work is to draw attention on possible trends in the parameters describing the pollen season and pollen amount and to investigate the role of meteorological factors. Aerobiological data were validated; comprehensiveness requirements of the data set were established. Nine different pollen descriptors were considered and examined in relation with different meteorological parameters through a non parametric statistical approach. We took into account 9 stations in northern and central Italy, analysing 12 herbaceous and arboreal taxa during a time period from 2000 to 2017. The first results show a homogeneity of trends of the pollen season’s indicators. Trends of general advance in the starting date for Poaceae, Urticaceae, Quercus and Corylus and in the peak date for Poaceae and Corylus is one of the most relevant signals found. On the other hand, trends related to indicators of pollen production (peak value and pollen index), which are certainly more influenced by local features, are less homogeneous. The effects of climate change are underlined by several relevant signals of (negative) correlation with temperature. For some taxa it is possible to highlight a relevant connection both with minimum temperature (with particular reference to the winter and autumn one) and with the maximum (winter and spring) temperature; as regards precipitations, relevant values of correlation appear only occasionally. Conclusions: The obtained results are reported and discussed in light of the state of the art