29 research outputs found

    Potyvirus complexes in Sweetpotato: Occurrence in Australia, serological and molecular resolution, and analysis of the Sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2) component

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    A survey for viruses in sweetpotato revealed the presence of Sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2; synonymous to Sweet potato virus Y and Ipomoea vein mosaic virus), a tentative member of the genus Potyvirus, for the first time in Australia. The SPV2-infected sweetpotato plants were also infected with strains RC and/or C of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; genus Potyvirus). Five SPV2 and SPFMV isolates from Australia were sequence-characterized at the 3′-proximal end (ca. 1.8 kb) of the genome. A simple and sensitive diagnostic procedure was devised to readily differentiate SPV2 and the two strains of SPFMV from sweetpotato plants that contained these viruses in complexes. The method involved reverse transcription with oligoT 25 primer, polymerase chain reaction using a combination of degenerate primers, and restriction analysis of the 1.8-kb amplification products with HindIII and PvuII endonucleases. The N-proximal 543 nucleotides of the SPV2 coat protein-encoding sequence of the Australian isolates and 14 other isolates from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America were subjected to phylogenetic analysis. The Australian SPV2 isolates formed a separate clade that was closest to a clade containing two North American isolates

    Phytoplasma from little leaf disease affected sweetpotato in Western Australia: detection and phylogeny

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    Symptoms of leaf and stem chlorosis and plant stunting were common in sweetpotato plants (Ipomoea batatas) in farmers' fields in two widely separated locations, Kununurra and Broome, in the tropical Kimberley region in the state of Western Australia in 2003 and 2004. In the glasshouse, progeny plants developed similar symptoms characteristic of phytoplasma infection, consisting of chlorosis and a stunted, bushy appearance as a result of proliferation of axillary shoots. The same symptoms were reproduced in the African sweetpotato cv. Tanzania grafted with scions from the plant Aus1 with symptoms and in which no viruses were detected. PCR amplification with phytoplasma-specific primers and sequencing of the 16S-23S rRNA gene region from two plants with symptoms, Aus1 (Broome) and Aus142A (Kununurra), revealed highly identical sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from previously described sweetpotato phytoplasma and inclusion of other selected phytoplasma for comparison indicated that Aus1 and Aus142A belonged to the Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia species (16SrII). The 16S genes of Aus1 and Aus142A were almost identical to those of sweet potato little leaf (SPLL-V4) phytoplasma from Australia (99.3%-99.4%) but different from those of the sweetpotato phytoplasma from Taiwan (95.5%-95.6%) and Uganda (SPLL-UG, 90.0%-90.1%). Phylogenetically, Aus1, Aus142A and a phytoplasma previously described from sweetpotato in the Northern Territory of Australia formed a group distinctly different from other isolates within Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia species. These findings indicate that novel isolates of the 16SrII-type phytoplasma pose a potential threat to sustainable sweetpotato production in northern Australia

    Analysis of gene content in sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus RNA1 reveals the presence of the p22 RNA silencing suppressor in only a few isolates: Implications for viral evolution and synergism.

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    Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (genus Crinivirus) belongs to the family Closteroviridae, members of which have a conserved overall genomic organization but are variable in gene content. In the bipartite criniviruses, heterogeneity is pronounced in the 3'-proximal region of RNA1, which in sweet potato chlorotic stuat virus (SPCSV) encodes two novel proteins, RNase3 (RNase III endonuclease) and p22 (RNA silencing suppressor). This study showed that two ugandan SPCSV isolates contained the p22 gene, in contrast to three isolates of the east african strain from Tanzania and Peru and an isolate of the west african strain from Israel, which were missing a 767 nt fragment of RNA1 that included the p22 gene. Regardless of the presence of p22, all tested SPCSV isolates acted synergistically with potyvirus sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) in co-infected sweetpotato plants (Ipomoea batatas), which greatly enhanced SPFMV titres and caused severe sweetpotato virus disease (SPVD). Therefore, the results indicate that any efforts to engineer pathogen-derived RNA silencing-based resistance to SPCSV and SPVD in sweetpotato should not rely on p22 as the transgene. The data from this study demonstrate that isolates of this virus species can vary in the genes encoding RNA silencing suppressor proteins. This study also provides the first example of intraspecific variability in gene content of the family Closteroviridae and may be a new example of the recombination-mediated gene gain that is characteristic of virus evolution in this virus family

    Sweetpotato viruses: 15 years of progress on understanding and managing complex diseases

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    Sweetpotato is a member of the morning glory family that is thought to have originated in Central or South America but also has a secondary center of diversity in the southwest Pacific islands. It is grown in all tropical and subtropical areas of the world and consistently ranks among the 10 most important food crops worldwide on the basis of dry weight produced, yielding about 130 million metric tons per year on about 9 million hectares. Sweetpotato is an important crop for food security. It has been relied on as a source of calories in many circumstances. Vines and/or storage roots can be used for direct human consumption or animal feed. Growing awareness of health benefits attributed to sweetpotato has stimulated renewed interest in the crop. Orange-fleshed cultivars, a source of vitamin A, were introduced to developing countries with hope that they would replace the white-flesh varieties and help alleviate vitamin A deficiencies. In East Africa, sweetpotato virus disease, which is caused by the synergistic interaction of the whitefly-transmitted crinivirus and the aphid-transmitted potyvirus, can cause losses of 80 to 90% in many high-yielding genotypes. During the past 15 years, as molecular methods have been adopted, much has been learned about the composition of the sweetpotato virus complexes, the effects of virus diseases on production systems, the biology of the virus–plant interaction, and management approaches to sweetpotato virus diseases. This article is intended to summarize what has been learned since earlier reviews, integrate knowledge gleaned from experiences in tropical and temperate production systems, and suggest courses of action to develop sustainable management programs for these diseases

    Sweetpotato seed systems in Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda

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    Surveys were made of the seed systems used in Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda and to investigate the reasons underlying them. Along the equator in Uganda, where rainy seasons are evenly spaced and occur twice a year, vine cuttings from mature plants only are used as planting material. Where there is a long dry season, the seed system includes a diversity of means of conservation: the passive production of volunteer plants from groundkeeper roots sprouting when the rains come; small-scale propagation of plants in the shade or backyard production using waste domestic water; and relatively large-scale propagation in wetlands or irrigated land. The last is the only means of obtaining sufficient quantity for sales, but is also the most expensive. Volunteers only produce planting material one or two months after the start of the rains and tend to be regarded as common property; nevertheless, they are an important source of planting material for poorer farmers. Although farmers perceive multiple benefits from planting early, planting material is in short supply at the beginning of the rains and mainly larger scale farmers gain these benefits. Farmers select carefully to avoid using plants with symptoms of virus disease as planting material and may also remove any diseased plants from crops