519 research outputs found

    Biases affecting injected doses of an experimental drug during clinical trials.

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    During clinical trials, researchers rarely question nominal doses specified on labels of investigational products, overlooking the potential for inaccuracies that may result when calculating pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters. This study evaluated the disparity between nominal doses and the doses actually administered in two Phase I trials of a biosimilar drug. In Trial A, 12 healthy volunteers received various doses of an interferon β-1a biosimilar via either subcutaneous or intravenous injection, prepared by partially emptying 0.53 ml syringes supplied by the manufacturer. In Trial B, 12 volunteers received three different formulations of the drug via intravenous injection (biosimilar with and without albumin and a comparator), followed by multiple subcutaneous injections. In both trials, the dose administered was calculated as D = C × V - losses, where C is the drug concentration assessed using ELISA, V is the volume administered calculated using syringe weighing and losses are deduced from in-vitro experiments. Interferon binding to added albumin and infusion lines was evaluated using a (125)I-interferon tracer with gel-filtration chromatography. In Trial A, measured concentrations were close to the nominal strength indicated by the manufacturer (median bias: -6 %), whereas in Trial B they differed significantly for all three formulations (median biases: +67 %, +73 % and +31 % for the biosimilar with albumin, the biosimilar without albumin and the comparator, respectively). In Trial A, the doses actually administered showed large variability and biases, especially at the lowest doses. Indeed, actually injected volumes differed by as much as 74 % from theoretical volumes - a phenomenon mainly attributed to unnoticed fluid re-aspiration through the syringe needle. This was corrected in Trial B. Interferon was not significantly adsorbed on the infusion lines used for intravenous administration. Its binding to albumin was slow, reaching 50 % after a 16 h incubation. These examples illustrate the importance of assessing the actual doses administered in clinical trials, to ensure accuracy in the determination of clearance, distribution volume, bioavailability and dose-response relationships. Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02515695 (Trial A) and NCT02517788 (Trial B). Registered on 24 July and 5 August 2015, respectively

    Daratumumab and venetoclax in combination with chemotherapy provide sustained molecular remission in relapsed/refractory CD19, CD20, and CD22 negative acute B lymphoblastic leukemia with KMT2A-AFF1 transcript.

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    Relapsed/refractory (R/R) B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) has a very poor prognosis with a median overall survival of four to nine months. Achieving a complete molecular response is most often required to obtain a sustained leukemia-free survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Immunotherapies targeting CD19, CD20, or CD22 are very efficient in achieving this goal. However, in the absence of the expression of these immunotherapeutic targets by lymphoblasts, treatment options are extremely scarce. We report the successful treatment of a 26-year-old man who suffered R/R, CD19, CD20, and CD22 negative B-ALL targeting Bcl-2 and CD38 by combining venetoclax and daratumumab with chemotherapy

    Novel birch pollen specific immunotherapy formulation based on contiguous overlapping peptides.

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    BACKGROUND: Synthetic contiguous overlapping peptides (COPs) may represent an alternative to allergen extracts or recombinant allergens for allergen specific immunotherapy. In combination, COPs encompass the entire allergen sequence, providing all potential T cell epitopes, while preventing IgE conformational epitopes of the native allergen. METHODS: Individual COPs were derived from the sequence of Bet v 1, the major allergen of birch pollen, and its known crystal structure, and designed to avoid IgE binding. Three sets of COPs were tested in vitro in competition ELISA and basophil degranulation assays. Their in vivo reactivity was determined by intraperitoneal challenge in rBet v 1 sensitized mice as well as by skin prick tests in volunteers with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis to birch pollen. RESULTS: The combination, named AllerT, of three COPs selected for undetectable IgE binding in competition assays and for the absence of basophil activation in vitro was unable to induce anaphylaxis in sensitized mice in contrast to rBet v 1. In addition no positive reactivity to AllerT was observed in skin prick tests in human volunteers allergic to birch pollen. In contrast, a second set of COPs, AllerT4-T5 displayed some residual IgE binding in competition ELISA and a weak subliminal reactivity to skin prick testing. CONCLUSIONS: The hypoallergenicity of contiguous overlapping peptides was confirmed by low, if any, IgE binding activity in vitro, by the absence of basophil activation and the absence of in vivo induction of allergic reactions in mouse and human. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01719133

    Interferon α kinoid induces neutralizing anti-interferon α antibodies that decrease the expression of interferon-induced and B cell activation associated transcripts: analysis of extended follow-up data from the interferon α kinoid phase I/II study.

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    IFN α Kinoid (IFN-K) is a therapeutic vaccine composed of IFNα2b coupled to a carrier protein. In a phase I/II placebo-controlled trial, we observed that IFN-K significantly decreases the IFN gene signature in whole blood RNA samples from SLE patients. Here, we analysed extended follow-up data from IFN-K-treated patients, in order to evaluate persistence of neutralizing anti-IFNα Abs antibodies (Abs), and gene expression profiling. Serum and whole blood RNA samples were obtained in IFN-K-treated patients included in the follow-up study, in order to determine binding and neutralizing anti-IFNα Ab titres, and perform high-throughput transcriptomic studies. Neutralization studies of 13 IFNα subtypes demonstrated the polyclonal nature of the Ab response induced by IFN-K. Follow-up analyses in six patients confirmed a significant correlation between neutralizing anti-IFNα Ab titres and decrease in IFN scores compared to baseline. These analyses also revealed an inhibitory effect of IFNα blockade on the expression of B cell associated transcripts. IFN-K induces a polyclonal anti-IFNα response that decreases IFN- and B cell-associated transcripts. ClinicalTrials.gov, clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01058343

    Molecular mapping of functional domains of the leukocyte receptor for endothelium, LAM-1

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    The human lymphocyte homing receptor LAM-1, like its murine counterpart MEL-14, functions as a mammalian lectin, and mediates the binding of leukocytes to specialized high endothelial cells in lymphoid organs (HEV). LAM-1 is a member of a new family of cell adhesion molecules, termed selectins or LEC-CAMs, which also includes ELAM-1 and PAD-GEM (GMP-140/CD62). To localize the regions of LAM-1 that are involved in cell adhesion, we developed chimeric selectins, in which various domains of PAD-GEM were substituted into LAM-1, and used these chimeric proteins to define the domain requirements for carbohydrate binding, and to localize the regions recognized by several mAb which inhibit the adhesion of lymphocytes to lymph node HEV. The binding of PPME or fucoidin, soluble complex carbohydrates that specifically define the lectin activity of LAM-1 and MEL-14, required only the lectin domain of LAM-1. The LAM1-1, LAM1-3, and LAM1-6 mAb each strongly inhibit the binding of lymphocytes to HEV in the in vitro frozen section assay, and defined three independent epitopes on LAM-1. Blocking of PPME or fucoidin binding by LAM1-3 indicated that this site is identical, or in close proximity, to the carbohydrate binding site, and analysis of the binding of LAM1-3 to chimeric selectins showed that the epitope detected by LAM1-3 is located within the lectin domain. Although the LAM1-6 epitope is also located in the lectin domain, LAM1-6 did not affect the binding of PPME or fucoidin. The LAM1-1 epitope was located in, or required, the EGF domain, and, importantly, binding of LAM1-1 significantly enhanced the binding of both PPME and fucoidin. These results suggest that adhesion mediated by LAM-1 may involve cooperativity between functionally and spatially distinct sites, and support previous data suggesting a role for the EGF domain of LAM-1 in lymphocyte adhesion to HEV

    Conidiobolus pachyzygosporus invasive pulmonary infection in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia: case report and review of the literature.

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    Conidiobolus spp. (mainly C. coronatus) are the causal agents of rhino-facial conidiobolomycosis, a limited soft tissue infection, which is essentially observed in immunocompetent individuals from tropical areas. Rare cases of invasive conidiobolomycosis due to C. coronatus or other species (C.incongruus, C.lamprauges) have been reported in immunocompromised patients. We report here the first case of invasive pulmonary fungal infection due to Conidiobolus pachyzygosporus in a Swiss patient with onco-haematologic malignancy. A 71 year-old female was admitted in a Swiss hospital for induction chemotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia. A chest CT performed during the neutropenic phase identified three well-circumscribed lung lesions consistent with invasive fungal infection, along with a positive 1,3-beta-d-glucan assay in serum. A transbronchial biopsy of the lung lesions revealed large occasionally septate hyphae. A Conidiobolus spp. was detected by direct 18S rDNA in the tissue biopsy and subsequently identified at species level as C. pachyzygosporus by 28S rDNA sequencing. The infection was cured after isavuconazole therapy, recovery of the immune system and surgical resection of lung lesions. This is the first description of C. pachyzygosporus as human pathogen and second case report of invasive conidiobolomycosis from a European country

    Hospital discharges-based search of acute flaccid paralysis cases 2007-2016 in Italy and comparison with the National Surveillance System for monitoring the risk of polio reintroduction

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    Background: Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance has been adopted globally as a key strategy for monitoring the progress of the polio eradication initiative. Hereby, to evaluate the completeness of the ascertainment of AFP cases in Italy, a hospital-discharges based search was carried out. Methods: AFP cases occurring between 2007 and 2016 among children under 15 years of age were searched in the Italian Hospital Discharge Records (HDR) database using specific ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes. AFP cases identified between 2015 and 2016 were then compared with those notified to the National Surveillance System (NSS). Results: Over a 10-year period, 4163 hospital discharges with diagnosis of AFP were reported in Italy. Among these, 956 (23.0%) were acute infective polyneuritis, 1803 (43.3%) myopathy, and 1408 (33.8%) encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis. During the study period, a decreasing trend was observed for all diagnoses and overall the annual incidence rate (IR) declined from 5.5 to 4.5 per 100,000 children. Comparing NSS with HDR data in 2015-2016, we found a remarkable underreporting, being AFP cases from NSS only 14% of those recorded in HDR. In particular, the acute infective polyneuritis cases reported to NSS accounted for 42.6% of those detected in HDR, while only 0.9% of myopathy cases and 13.1% of encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis cases have been notified to NSS. The highest AFP IRs per 100,000 children calculated on HDR data were identified in Liguria (17.4), Sicily (5.7), and Veneto (5.1) Regions; regarding the AFP notified to the NSS, 11 out of 21 Regions failed to reach the number of expected cases (based on 1/100,000 rate), and the highest discrepancies were observed in the Northern Regions. Overall, the national AFP rate was equal to 0.6, therefore did not reach the target value. Conclusions: AFP surveillance data are the final measure of a country's progress towards polio eradication. The historical data obtained by the HDR have been useful to assess the completeness of the notification data and to identify the Regions with a low AFP ascertainment rate in order to improve the national surveillance system

    Comparison of two oral probiotic preparations in a randomized crossover trial highlights a potentially beneficial effect of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 in patients with allergic rhinitis.

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    BACKGROUND: There is promising but conflicting evidence to recommend the addition of probiotics to foods for prevention and treatment of allergy. Based on previous studies with fermented milk containing Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461, we aimed to compare the effect of a powder form of the latter probiotic with the effect of a blend of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC SD5221 and Bifidobacterium lactis ATCC SD5219 in patients with allergic rhinitis. METHODS: A double-blind, randomized, cross-over study, involving 31 adults with allergic rhinitis to grass pollen, was performed outside the grass pollen season (registration number: NCT01233154). Subjects received each product for 4-weeks in two phases separated by a wash-out period of 6 to 8 weeks. A nasal provocation test was performed before and after each 4-week product intake period, and outcome parameters (objective and subjective clinical symptoms; immune parameters) were measured during and/or 24 hours after the test. RESULTS: Out of the 31 subject enrolled, 28 completed the study. While no effect was observed on nasal congestion (primary outcome), treatment with NCC2461 significantly decreased nasal pruritus (determined by VAS), and leukocytes in nasal fluid samples, enhanced IL-5, IL-13 and IL-10 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in an allergen specific manner and tended to decrease IL-5 secretion in nasal fluid, in contrast to treatment with the blend of L. acidophilus and B. lactis. CONCLUSIONS: Despite short-term consumption, NCC2461 was able to reduce subjective nasal pruritus while not affecting nasal congestion in adults suffering from grass pollen allergic rhinitis. The associated decrease in nasal fluid leukocytes and IL-5 secretion, and the enhanced IL-10 secretion in an allergen specific manner may partly explain the decrease in nasal pruritus. However, somewhat unexpected systemic immune changes were also noted. These data support the study of NCC2461 consumption in a seasonal clinical trial to further demonstrate its potentially beneficial effect