1,826 research outputs found
Heavy mesons in the Quark Model
Since the discovery of the , the quark model was very successful in
describing the spectrum and properties of heavy mesons including only
components. However since 2003, with the discovery of the , many
states that can not be accommodated on the naive quark model have been
discovered, and they made unavoidable to include higher Fock components on the
heavy meson states. We will give an overview of the success of the quark model
for heavy mesons and point some of the states that are likely to be more
complicated structures such as meson-meson molecules.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on
Meson Physics - MESON201
Puzzles in quarkonium hadronic transitions with two pion emission
The anomalously large rates of some hadronic transitions from quarkonium are
studied using QCD multipole expansion (QCDME) in the framework of a constituent
quark model which has been successful in describing hadronic phenomenology. The
hybrid intermediate states needed in the QCDME method are calculated in a
natural extension of our constituent quark model based on the Quark Confining
String (QCS) scheme. Some of the anomalies are explained due to the presence of
an hybrid state with a mass near the mass of the decaying resonance whereas
other are justified by the presence of molecular components in the wave
function. Some unexpected results are pointed out.Comment: Conference proceedings of the XI Quark Confinement and the Hadron
Spectrum (CONFINEMENT XI). Saint Petersburg (Russia) from 8 to 12 September
The X(3872) and other possible molecular states
We perform a coupled channel calculation of the and sectors
in the framework of a constituent quark model. The interaction for the
states is obtained using the Resonant Group Method (RGM) and the underlying
quark interaction model. The coupling with the two quark system is performed
using the model. The X(3872) is found as a molecular state with a
sizable component. A comparison with Belle and BaBar data has been
done, finding a good agreement. Other possible molecular molecular states are
discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings to the Hadron 2009 - XIII
International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Florida State University
Nonleptonic decays and the nature of the orbitally excited charmed-strange mesons
The Belle Collaboration has recently reported a study of the decays and has given also estimates of relevant
ratios between branching fractions of decays
providing important information to check the structure of the
, and mesons. The
disagreement between experimental data and Heavy Quark Symmetry has been used
as an indication that and mesons could
have a more complex structure than the canonical one. We analyze
these ratios within the framework of a constituent quark model, which allows us
to incorporate the effects given by finite -quark mass corrections. Our
findings are that while the meson could have a sizable
non- component, the and mesons
seem to be well described by a pure structure.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
La exclusión métodica del tiempo en metafÃsica
El lÃmite mental es descrito como la plenitud formal del tiempo en
atención a su carácter de condición antecedente en relación con la esencia inteligible.
El conocimiento metafÃsico incluye una exclusión metódica que confina el
tiempo en la posición de tema en orden a su abandono. El abandono de la plenitud
formal del tiempo advierte el ser. Como condición antecedente del objeto pensado,
el lÃmite queda atrás de la acción práctica y es en ella traspasado
La superación del tiempo (III)
Se estudian los sentidos en los que cabe entender
el comiendo, deteniendo la atención en el comienzo del pensar (distinto
del ser) como articulación presencial del tiempo. Este trabajo continúa el estudio sobre
el tema del tiempo en la filosofÃa de Polo comenzado en La superación del
tiempo {Studia Poliana, 2003, n° 5, 75-102 y 2005, n° 7, 41-74)
Recomendações técnicas para o cultivo de melancia (Citrullus lanatus [Thumb.] Matsumura & Nakai) no Amapá.
Introdução; Botanica; Cultivares; Clima e época de plantio; Solo; Adubação; Preparo da terra; Preparo de mudas; Transplante; Crescimento e desenvolvimento; Tratos culturais; Doenças; Rotação de culturas; Colheita; Armazenamento; Mercado; Coeficientes técnicos; Bibliografia consultada.bitstream/item/97840/1/CPAF-AP-1999-Recomendacoes-melancia.pd
Los sentidos del tiempo en Hegel.
l. Estudio del tiempo en la filosofÃa de Hegel,
de acuerdo con la interpretación de Polo. Se distinguen dos sentidos hegeüanos del
tiempo, y se expone el modo del tránsito dialéctico desde el uno hasta el otro. El primero
es el tiempo entendido como la pura forma vacÃa del devenir, el segundo es el tiempo
del espÃritu, la pura variaáón negativa que se expresa en términos modales como
posibilidad enter
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