804 research outputs found

    The Autonomous Learners' Language Learning Strategies at Senior High Schools in Coastal Areas of Riau Province - Indonesia

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    This study focuses on examining the use of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) by autonomous learners at senior high schools in relation to the type of school and academic factors in Dumai, Bengkalis, and Selat Panjang (coastal areas). The study also concentrates on the preferred by ways operated by the selected respondents to master general English, four language skills, vocabulary, and structure. The target groups of the research are autonomous learners ( more or less 3000 students) from state senior high schools in three different small towns. Due to the homogenous characters of the target groups; academic achievement, age, and learning motivation, the sample is taken randomly as big as 10% out of the population. To collect the needed data quantitatively, the strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) (Oxford 1990) is applied, and for the qualitative data, an interview is conducted to 60 selected learners out of the sample. To analyze the quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics are used and for the qualitative data, listing the preferred ways are made accordingly. The findings reveal that the various LLS are used based on academic and types of school backgrounds. The social strategy is the highest use of LLS (402) among other strategies (memory, cognition, compensation, metacognition, and affection). The qualitative findings exist in the body of this article (table 6 – through table 8). The suggestion is that LLS would be better to be well instructed and discussed in the classroom

    An Analysis of the Ability of the First Year Students of Sman 1 Banuhampu in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    The aim of this study is to find out the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts. The population of this research were all of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu which consist of 238 students. There were 33 students who participated in this study. The instrument was a test adapted from authentic material and consists of 35 questions. The frame of the test covers 7 components: main idea, factual information, contextual meaning, reference, restatement, generic structure and language feature and had 5 questions for each component. Before the test was administered, the test was tried out to find out the difficulty level and the reliability of the test. To analyze the data, the raw scores and the level of ability of the students was calculated and identified by using the classification of ability level by Harris (1974). The result showed that the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts was at average to good level with mean score 72.12. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the students were able to comprehend narrative text. However, the students are suggested to learn the seven components in comprehending narrative text that will help them in comprehending others reading texts

    An Analysis of the Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 2 Pangkalan Kerinci in Comprehending Procedure Texts

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    The aim of this study is to find out the reading ability of the second year students of SMAN 2 Pangkalan Kerinci in comprehending procedure texts. The population of this research were all of the second year students which consisted of 253 students. There were 25 students who participated in this study. The instrument was a test adapted from authentic material. The frame of the test covers 8 components such as: finding main idea, finding factual information, finding meaning of difficult word, finding references, finding inferences, finding social function, finding generic structure, and finding language features. Each component consist of 4 question and for finding generic structure and language features consist of 3 question because the generic structure question and the language features is too difficult for the students. The test containing 30 items was used to collect the data. Before the test was administered, the test was tried out to find out the difficulty level and the reliability of the test. To analyze the data, the raw scores of the students were calculated and the level of ability was identified by using the classification of ability level by Harris (1974). The result showed that the ability of the second year students of SMAN 2 Pangkalan Kerinci in comprehending procedure texts was at Average to Good level with mean score 67. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the students were able to comprehend procedure texts. However, the students are suggested to do more practice in reading procedure texts in order to comprehend procedure texts to improve the ability in reading due to the poorness of their reading ability

    Correlation Between Self-efficacy And The Listening Comprehension Of The Eighth Semester Students Of English Study Program Fkip-ur

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    This correlational research is aimed to find out whether there is a significant correlation between self-efficacy and the listening comprehension of the eighth semester students of English Study Program FKIP-UR. The sample was 35 students selected through purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in this research were the questionnaire on self-efficacy and the documentation of the students' TOEFL listening comprehension score provided by the Language Centre of Universitas Riau. The research findings revealed that the self-efficacy of the eighth semester students of English Study Program FKIP-UR was at the average level (180.60), and their listening comprehension was at the mediocre level (49.83). The cross tabulation analysis showed that the students who had higher self-efficacy had a high tendency to have better listening comprehension score level. Based on Pearson correlation analysis, it was obtained that the correlation coefficient between students' self-efficacy and the listening comprehension was 0.786 with the Sig. value=0.00. Hence, it could be concluded that there was a significant correlation between self-efficacy and the listening comprehension of the eighth semester students of English Study Program FKIP-UR. The interpretation of the correlation coefficient showed that there was a strong positive correlation between both variables. As a consequence, the null hypothesis was rejected

    A Study on the Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 15 Pekanbaru in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    This descriptive research was aimed to find out the ability of the second year students of SMAN 15 Pekanbaru in comprehending narrative texts. The subject of this research was class XI IPS 1 which consisted of 32 students. The data were collected by administering a test to the students in the form of multiple choice test. The findings of the research are as following: finding the main idea (75.00), finding the factual information in complication (65.63), finding the factual information in resolution (70.63), finding the meaning of vocabulary (67.50), finding references (71.88), finding inference (51.25), finding social function (73.13). As a conclusion, the highest score was in finding the main ideas (75.00) which categorized into good level, and the lowest score was in finding inference (51.25) which categorized into mediocre level. The implication of the finding is that the second year students of SMAN 15 Pekanbaru should improve their reading skills in order to reach excellent level

    An Analysis of the Students' Ability in Comprehending Recount Text at the Second Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru

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    This research was designed to describe the students' ability in comprehending recount text. The aim was to find out students ability in comprehending the text. This descriptive research took place in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru from March to April 2015. The sample was 40 students from VIII2 class that took by using cluster random sampling. In collecting the data, there were 30 questions that included in this test. The duration time for doing the test was 40 minutes. The data was analyzed by calculating the students' score individually and finding out the mean score. The students' score classified into four level mastery; they are: poor, poor to average, average to good, and good to excellent. The data was presented by using graphic. Based on the result finding of this research, the students' ability in comprehending recount text at second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru was in poor to average level. Meanwhile, the mean score of the whole students' scores was 52.6
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