50 research outputs found

    Diffusion in simple fluids

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    Computed self diffusion coefficients for the Lennard-Jones and hard sphere fluids are related by Dej = DNs(aB) exp (--e/2kB T) where σB=σLJ(2/[1+ii(1+2kBT/Δ)])1/6, the effective hard sphere diameter, is the (average) distance of closest approach in collisions between molecules which interact with the positive part of the LJ potential, and the Arrhenius term reflects the influence of the negative part. σLJ and Δ are the size and well depth parameters. Measured diffusion coefficients of the halomethane liquids are reproduced by the equation over wide ranges of temperature and density and do not reveal any influence of the inelastic effects associated with molecular anisotropy

    Relation Between the Widom line and the Strong-Fragile Dynamic Crossover in Systems with a Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition

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    We investigate, for two water models displaying a liquid-liquid critical point, the relation between changes in dynamic and thermodynamic anomalies arising from the presence of the liquid-liquid critical point. We find a correlation between the dynamic fragility transition and the locus of specific heat maxima CPmaxC_P^{\rm max} (``Widom line'') emanating from the critical point. Our findings are consistent with a possible relation between the previously hypothesized liquid-liquid phase transition and the transition in the dynamics recently observed in neutron scattering experiments on confined water. More generally, we argue that this connection between CPmaxC_P^{\rm max} and dynamic crossover is not limited to the case of water, a hydrogen bond network forming liquid, but is a more general feature of crossing the Widom line. Specifically, we also study the Jagla potential, a spherically-symmetric two-scale potential known to possess a liquid-liquid critical point, in which the competition between two liquid structures is generated by repulsive and attractive ramp interactions.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figure

    Instantaneous Normal Mode Analysis of Supercooled Water

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    We use the instantaneous normal mode approach to provide a description of the local curvature of the potential energy surface of a model for water. We focus on the region of the phase diagram in which the dynamics may be described by the mode-coupling theory. We find, surprisingly, that the diffusion constant depends mainly on the fraction of directions in configuration space connecting different local minima, supporting the conjecture that the dynamics are controlled by the geometric properties of configuration space. Furthermore, we find an unexpected relation between the number of basins accessed in equilibrium and the connectivity between them.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Density anomaly in a competing interactions lattice gas model

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    We study a very simple model of a short-range attraction and an outer shell repulsion as a test system for demixing phase transition and density anomaly. The phase-diagram is obtained by applying mean field analysis and Monte Carlo simulations to a two dimensional lattice gas with nearest-neighbors attraction and next-nearest-neighbors repulsion (the outer shell). Two liquid phases and density anomaly are found. The coexistence line between these two liquid phases meets a critical line between the fluid and the low density liquid at a tricritical point. The line of maximum density emerges in the vicinity of the tricritical point, close to the demixing transition

    Waterlike thermodynamic anomalies in a repulsive-step potential system

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    We report a computer-simulation study of the equilibrium phase diagram of a three-dimensional system of particles with a repulsive step potential. The phase diagram is obtained using free-energy calculations. At low temperatures, we observe a number of distinct crystal phases. We show that at certain values of the potential parameters the system exhibits the water-like thermodynamic anomalies: density anomaly and diffusion anomaly. The anomalies disappear with increasing the repulsive step width: their locations move to the region inside the crystalline phase.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Boundary lubrication properties of materials with expansive freezing

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    We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of solid-solid contacts lubricated by a model fluid displaying many of the properties of water, particularly its expansive freezing. Near the region where expansive freezing occurs, the lubricating film remains fluid, and the friction force decreases linearly as the shear velocity is reduced. No sign of stick-slip motion is observed even at the lowest velocities. We give a simple interpretation of these results, and suggest that in general good boundary lubrication properties will be found in the family of materials with expansive freezing.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Configurational Entropy and Diffusivity of Supercooled Water

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    We calculate the configurational entropy S_conf for the SPC/E model of water for state points covering a large region of the (T,rho) plane. We find that (i) the (T,rho) dependence of S_conf correlates with the diffusion constant and (ii) that the line of maxima in S_conf tracks the line of density maxima. Our simulation data indicate that the dynamics are strongly influenced by S_conf even above the mode-coupling temperature T_MCT(rho).Comment: Significant update of reference

    Supercooled confined water and the Mode Coupling crossover temperature

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    We present a Molecular Dynamics study of the single particle dynamics of supercooled water confined in a silica pore. Two dynamical regimes are found: close to the hydrophilic substrate molecules are below the Mode Coupling crossover temperature, TCT_C, already at ambient temperature. The water closer to the center of the pore (free water) approaches upon supercooling TCT_C as predicted by Mode Coupling Theories. For free water the crossover temperature and crossover exponent γ\gamma are extracted from power-law fits to both the diffusion coefficient and the relaxation time of the late α\alpha region.Comment: To be published, Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 pages, 3 figures, revTeX, minor changes in the figures, references added, changes in the tex

    Pressure dependence of the self-diffusion in liquid trifluoromethane

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    A simple modification of a high resolution N.M.R. spectrometer is presented, permitting determination of self-diffusion coefficients at pressures up to 200 MPa in the temperature range between 140 K and 450 K. The self-diffusion coefficients of CHF3 are determined between 142 K and 250 K. The activation energies derived from the data are [EaD]p = const = (6·1 ± 0·4) kJ mol-1, [EaD]V = const = (3·5 ± 0·4) kJ mol-1. Except for the lowest temperatures, compressed CHF3 appears to behave as a normal, rough hard-sphere fluid