497 research outputs found

    Identification of prosomatostatin in pancreatic islets.

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    Entwicklung, Erprobung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Strategien in den Bereichen Tiergesundheit, Haltung, Fütterung, Management in der ökologischen Ferkelerzeugung

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    Die ökologische Ferkelerzeugung weist hinsichtlich Tiergesundheit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit große Defizite auf. Die Ursachen sind komplex und betreffen u.a. Fütterung, Haltung und Hygiene. Für diese Bereiche sollten durch Exakt- und Praxisversuche Lösungsansätze entwickelt werden. Teilprojekte umfassten folgende Themen: Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Raufutter in der Fütterung tragender Sauen, die Wirkung einer Inulinzugabe sowie vom Extrudieren von Ackerbohnen in Sauen- und Ferkelfutter, die Bewertung alternativer Desinfektionsverfahren, ein Vergleich von Einzelhaltung versus kombinierte Einzel- und Gruppenhaltung säugender Sauen sowie die Optimierung des Ferkelliegebereichs in der Ferkelaufzucht. Zentrale Ergebnisse: - Die verschiedenen Raufuttervarianten (Kleegrassilage, Heu, Maissilage, Topinamburknollen) hatten keine negativen Effekte auf Körperkonstitution und Reproduktionsleistungen der Sauen. - Die Saugferkel der mit Inulin versorgten Sauen entwickelten sich gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe während der Säugezeit leistungsmäßig besser, während der Ferkelaufzucht gab es keine Leistungssteigerungen. Der Einsatz von getoasteten Ackerbohnen führte zu signifikant besseren Ferkelzunahmen gegenüber dem Einsatz von extrudierten Ackerbohnen. - Keines der getesteten alternativen Desinfektionsverfahren (Heißwasserdampf, elektroaktiviertes Wasser, Abflammen) ist eine Alternative zur chemischen Desinfektion bezüglich Keimreduktion, Arbeitsaufwand und Kosten. - Gruppensäugen führt bei Sauen zu erhöhter Aktivität sowie zu spezifischen Verhaltensanpassungen. Leistungseinbußen konnten weder für Sauen noch für Ferkel dokumentiert werden. „Gruppensäugen“ führt zu einem höheren Arbeitszeitbedarf und steigenden Baukosten. - Der Liegebereich für Aufzuchtferkel ist in vielen Betrieben nicht optimal und durch z. T. einfache Maßnahmen (Abdichten des Liegenestes, Wärmedämmung des Bodens, Bodenheizung, Anbringen einer weiteren Wärmequelle) für die Tiere zu verbessern

    Grooming coercion and the post-conflict trading of social services in wild Barbary macaques

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    In animal and human societies, social services such as protection from predators are often exchanged between group members. The tactics that individuals display to obtain a service depend on its value and on differences between individuals in their capacity to aggressively obtain it. Here we analysed the exchange of valuable social services (i.e. grooming and relationship repair) in the aftermath of a conflict, in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). The relationship repair function of post-conflict affiliation (i.e. reconciliation) was apparent in the victim but not in the aggressor. Conversely, we found evidence for grooming coercion by the aggressor; when the victim failed to give grooming soon after a conflict they received renewed aggression from the aggressor. We argue that post-conflict affiliation between former opponents can be better described as a trading of social services rather than coercion alone, as both animals obtain some benefits (i.e. grooming for the aggressor and relationship repair for the victim). Our study is the first to test the importance of social coercion in the aftermath of a conflict. Differences in competitive abilities can affect the exchange of services and the occurrence of social coercion in animal societies. This may also help explain the variance between populations and species in their social behaviour and conflict management strategies

    The effect of high-dose erythropoietin perinatally on retinal function in school-aged children born extremely or very preterm

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the long-term effects of high-dose recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) administered during the perinatal period on retinal and visual function in children born extremely or very preterm. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind clinical trial follow-up plus cohort study. METHODS: Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Study population: extremely or very preterm-born children aged 7-15 years, previously randomized to receive either high-dose rhEPO or placebo in the perinatal period. Inclusion criteria: participation in an ongoing neuropediatric study (EpoKids), written informed consent (IC). Exclusion criteria: previous ocular trauma or surgery; retinal or developmental disease unrelated to prematurity. Healthy control (HC) children of comparable age were recruited. Inclusion criteria: term birth, IC. Exclusion criteria: any ocular/visual abnormality, high refractive error. Intervention status (rhEPO/placebo) was unknown to examiners and subjects at examination, with examiners unblinded only after completion of all analyses. Observation procedures: Electroretinography (ERG) was performed with the RETeval device (LKC Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg MD). Ophthalmological and orthoptic examinations excluded comorbidity in the prematurely born cohort and ocular diseases in the HC group. Main outcome measures: Scotopic and photopic ERG response amplitudes and peak times (6 amplitudes; 6 peak times). Secondary outcomes were habitual visual acuity and color discrimination performance (for descriptive summary only). RESULTS: No differences in ERG parameters between EPO (n=52; 104 eyes) and placebo (n=35; 70 eyes) subgroups were observed (all corrected p>0.05). Two cone system-mediated peak times were slightly slower in the placebo than HC (n=52; 104 eyes) subgroup (coefficient/95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.53/0.21 to 0.85 and 0.36/0.13 to 0.60; p = 0.012 and 0.022); a predominantly rod system-mediated peak time was slightly faster in the EPO than the HC subgroup (coefficient/95% CI = -4.33/-6.88 to -1.78; p = 0.011). Secondary outcomes were comparable across subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of high-dose rhEPO to infants born extremely or very preterm during the perinatal period has no measurable effects on retinal function in childhood compared to placebo. Premature birth may cause small, likely clinically insignificant effects on retinal function in childhood, which may be partially mitigated by administration of rhEPO during the perinatal period

    The C5a/C5a receptor 1 axis controls tissue neovascularization through CXCL4 release from platelets

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    Platelets contribute to the regulation of tissue neovascularization, although the specific factors underlying this function are unknown. Here, we identified the complement anaphylatoxin C5a-mediated activation of C5a receptor 1 (C5aR1) on platelets as a negative regulatory mechanism of vessel formation. We showed that platelets expressing C5aR1 exert an inhibitory effect on endothelial cell functions such as migration and 2D and 3D tube formation. Growth factor- and hypoxia-driven vascularization was markedly increased in C5ar1(−/−) mice. Platelet-specific deletion of C5aR1 resulted in a proangiogenic phenotype with increased collateralization, capillarization and improved pericyte coverage. Mechanistically, we found that C5a induced preferential release of CXC chemokine ligand 4 (CXCL4, PF4) from platelets as an important antiangiogenic paracrine effector molecule. Interfering with the C5aR1-CXCL4 axis reversed the antiangiogenic effect of platelets both in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, we identified a mechanism for the control of tissue neovascularization through C5a/C5aR1 axis activation in platelets and subsequent induction of the antiangiogenic factor CXCL4

    Dynamics of hydration water in deuterated purple membranes explored by neutron scattering

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    The function and dynamics of proteins depend on their direct environment, and much evidence has pointed to a strong coupling between water and protein motions. Recently however, neutron scattering measurements on deuterated and natural-abundance purple membrane (PM), hydrated in H2O and D2O, respectively, revealed that membrane and water motions on the ns–ps time scale are not directly coupled below 260 K (Wood et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:18049–18054, 2007). In the initial study, samples with a high level of hydration were measured. Here, we have measured the dynamics of PM and water separately, at a low-hydration level corresponding to the first layer of hydration water only. As in the case of the higher hydration samples previously studied, the dynamics of PM and water display different temperature dependencies, with a transition in the hydration water at 200 K not triggering a transition in the membrane at the same temperature. Furthermore, neutron diffraction experiments were carried out to monitor the lamellar spacing of a flash-cooled deuterated PM stack hydrated in H2O as a function of temperature. At 200 K, a sudden decrease in lamellar spacing indicated the onset of long-range translational water diffusion in the second hydration layer as has already been observed on flash-cooled natural-abundance PM stacks hydrated in D2O (Weik et al. in J Mol Biol 275:632–634, 2005), excluding thus a notable isotope effect. Our results reinforce the notion that membrane-protein dynamics may be less strongly coupled to hydration water motions than the dynamics of soluble proteins

    Trueness of CAD/CAM digitization with a desktop scanner – an in vitro study

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    Desktop scanners are devices for digitization of conventional impressions or gypsum casts by indirect Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in dentistry. The purpose of this in vitro study was: 1, to investigate whether virtual models produced by the extraoral scanner have the same trueness as sectioned casts; and 2, to assess if digitization with an extraoral scanner influences the surface information

    Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion

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    Using the recently built Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database, containing data on the distribution of naturalized alien plants in 483 mainland and 361 island regions of the world, we describe patterns in diversity and geographic distribution of naturalized and invasive plant species, taxonomic, phylogenetic and life-history structure of the global naturalized flora as well as levels of naturalization and their determinants. The mainland regions with the highest numbers of naturalized aliens are some Australian states (with New South Wales being the richest on this continent) and several North American regions (of which California with 1753 naturalized plant species represents the world's richest region in terms of naturalized alien vascular plants). England, Japan, New Zealand and the Hawaiian archipelago harbour most naturalized plants among islands or island groups. These regions also form the main hotspots of the regional levels of naturalization, measured as the percentage of naturalized aliens in the total flora of the region. Such hotspots of relative naturalized species richness appear on both the western and eastern coasts of North America, in north-western Europe, South Africa, south-eastern Australia, New Zealand, and India. High levels of island invasions by naturalized plants are concentrated in the Pacific, but also occur on individual islands across all oceans. The numbers of naturalized species are closely correlated with those of native species, with a stronger correlation and steeper increase for islands than mainland regions, indicating a greater vulnerability of islands to invasion by species that become successfully naturalized. South Africa, India, California, Cuba, Florida, Queensland and Japan have the highest numbers of invasive species. Regions in temperate and tropical zonobiomes harbour in total 9036 and 6774 naturalized species, respectively, followed by 3280 species naturalized in the Mediterranean zonobiome, 3057 in the subtropical zonobiome and 321 in the Arctic. The New World is richer in naturalized alien plants, with 9905 species compared to 7923 recorded in the Old World. While isolation is the key factor driving the level of naturalization on islands, zonobiomes differing in climatic regimes, and socioeconomy represented by per capita GDP, are central for mainland regions. The 11 most widely distributed species each occur in regions covering about one third of the globe or more in terms of the number of regions where they are naturalized and at least 35% of the Earth's land surface in terms of those regions' areas, with the most widely distributed species Sonchus oleraceus occuring in 48% of the regions that cover 42% of the world area. Other widely distributed species are Ricinus communis, Oxalis corniculata, Portulaca oleracea, Eleusine indica, Chenopodium album, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Stellaria media, Bidens pilosa, Datura stramonium and Echinochloa crus-galli. Using the occurrence as invasive rather than only naturalized yields a different ranking, with Lantana camara (120 regions out of 349 for which data on invasive status are known), Calotropis procera (118), Eichhornia crassipes (113), Sonchus oleraceus (108) and Leucaena leucocephala (103) on top. As to the life-history spectra, islands harbour more naturalized woody species (34.4%) than mainland regions (29.5%), and fewer annual herbs (18.7% compared to 22.3%). Ranking families by their absolute numbers of naturalized species reveals that Compositae (1343 species), Poaceae (1267) and Leguminosae (1189) contribute most to the global naturalized alien flora. Some families are disproportionally represented by naturalized aliens on islands (Arecaceae, Araceae, Acanthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Convolvulaceae, Rubiaceae, Malvaceae), and much fewer so on mainland (e.g. Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Boraginaceae). Relating the numbers of naturalized species in a family to its total global richness shows that some of the large species-rich families are over-represented among naturalized aliens (e.g. Poaceae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Amaranthaceae, Pinaceae), some under-represented (e.g. Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae), whereas the one richest in naturalized species, Compositae, reaches a value expected from its global species richness. Significant phylogenetic signal indicates that families with an increased potential of their species to naturalize are not distributed randomly on the evolutionary tree. Solanum (112 species), Euphorbia (108) and Carex (106) are the genera richest in terms of naturalized species; over-represented on islands are Cotoneaster, Juncus, Eucalyptus, Salix, Hypericum, Geranium and Persicaria, while those relatively richer in naturalized species on the mainland are Atriplex, Opuntia, Oenothera, Artemisia, Vicia, Galium and Rosa. The data presented in this paper also point to where information is lacking and set priorities for future data collection. The GloNAF database has potential for designing concerted action to fill such data gaps, and provide a basis for allocating resources most efficiently towards better understanding and management of plant invasions worldwide
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