35 research outputs found

    A low-FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome: Some answers to the doubts from a long-term follow-up

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    A low-FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) diet (LFD) is a possible therapy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This study investigates the short-and long-term efficacy and nutritional adequacy of an LFD and the patients’ long-term acceptability. Patients’ adherence and ability to perceive the “trigger” foods were also evaluated. Seventy-three IBS patients were given an LFD (T0) and after 2 months (T1), 68 started the reintroduction phase. At the end of this period (T2), 59 were advised to go on an Adapted Low-FODMAP Diet (AdLFD) and 41 were evaluated again after a 6–24 month follow-up (T3). At each time, questionnaires and Biolectrical Impedance Vector Analysis (BIVA) were performed. The LFD was effective in controlling digestive symptoms both in the short-and long-term, and in improving quality of life, anxiety and depression, even if some problems regarding acceptability were reported and adherence decreased in the long term. The LFD improved the food-related quality of life without affecting nutritional adequacy. When data collected at T0 were compared with those collected at T2, the perception of trigger foods was quite different. Even if some problems of acceptability and adherence are reported, an LFD is nutritionally adequate and effective in improving IBS symptoms also in the long term

    Low fermentable oligo-di-and mono-saccharides and polyols (Fodmaps) or gluten free diet: What is best for irritable bowel syndrome?

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    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common functional gastrointestinal disease. Its pathogenesis is multifactorial and not yet clearly defined, and hence, its therapy mainly relies on symptomatic treatments. Changes in lifestyle and dietary behavior are usually the first step, but unfortunately, there is little high-quality scientific evidence regarding a dietary approach. This is due to the difficulty in setting up randomized double-blind controlled trials which objectively evaluate efficacy without the risk of a placebo effect. However, a Low Fermentable Oligo-, Di-and Mono-saccharides And Polyols (FODMAP) Diet (LFD) and Gluten Free Diet (GFD) are among the most frequently suggested diets. This paper aims to evaluate their possible role in IBS management. A GFD is less restrictive and easier to implement in everyday life and can be suggested for patients who clearly recognize gluten as a trigger of their symptoms. An LFD, being more restrictive and less easy to learn and to follow, needs the close supervision of a skilled nutritionist and should be reserved for patients who recognize that the trigger of their symptoms is not, or not only, gluten. Even if the evidence is of very low-quality for both diets, the LFD is the most effective among the dietary interventions suggested for treating IBS, and it is included in the most updated guidelines

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Post-partum Depression Risk Factors: The Role of Socio-Demographic, Individual, Relational, and Delivery Characteristics

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    Postpartum depression is a common and complex phenomenon that can cause relevant negative outcomes for children, women and families. Existing literature highlights a wide range of risk factors. The main focus of this paper is to jointly investigate different types of risk factors (socio-demographic, psychopathological, relational, and related to labor and birth experience) in post-partum depression onset in women during first-child pregnancy, identifying which of these are the most important predictors. A cohort longitudinal study was conducted on 161 Italian nulliparous low-risk women (Mage = 31.63; SD = 4.88) without elective cesarean. Data was collected at three different times: Socio-demographic, prenatal anxiety and depression, and quality of close relationship network (with mother, father and partner, and the prenatal attachment to child) were assessed at T1 (week 31–32 of gestation); clinical data on labor and childbirth (mode and typology of delivery, duration of labor, duration of eventual administration of epidural analgesia, and child's APGAR index at birth) were registered at T2 (the day of childbirth); and the degree of post-natal depression symptomatology was measured at T3 (1 month after birth). Postpartum depression is associated with several risk factors (woman's age, woman's prenatal psychopathological characteristics, the level of prenatal attachment to child, the quality of romantic relationship, and some clinical delivery difficulties). Overall, the level of prenatal attachment to child was the most important predictor of post-partum depression. These findings emphasize the very important role of prenatal attachment for the onset of postpartum depression and the need to promote adequate and targeted prevention interventions. Limitations, strengths, and theoretical and clinical implications are discussed

    Pheochromocytoma diagnosed during pregnancy: a case report

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    Pheochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine producing tumor. During pregnancy, this tumor can mimic gestational hypertension, preeclampsia or eclampsia. We present a case of a 38-year-old, multiparous woman admitted at 36 weeks of gestation due to hypertension. After cesarean section, she developed an unexplainable worsening of her hypertension that was resistant to the traditional therapy. Additional investigation lead to the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. This case highlights the importance of an early diagnosis and the need of a multidisciplinary approach for the improvement of pregnancy outcomes in patients with pheochromocytoma

    Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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    La Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química RITSQ, se inicia en marzo de 2008 y desde entonces ha tenido 66.906 visitas a la página web de la misma, se han registrado 1.133 personas de 41 países y desde entonces hemos realizado y presentado 59 carteles en Reuniones, Conferencias y Reuniones donde se mantienen de forma constante los Objetivos de la RITSQ: 1. Coordinar la participación de los diferentes grupos existentes en universidades y organismos de investigación de Iberoamérica, implicados en estudios relacionados con la Toxicología, 2. Fortalecer la colaboración y el intercambio académico entre los programas de Doctorado y Maestría de diferentes países iberoamericanos que tengan como objeto el estudio y la investigación en Toxicología o áreas relacionadas, 3. Favorecer la realización de proyectos de investigación conjuntos entre docentes e investigadores de Iberoamérica, pasantías estudiantiles y eventos académicos; 4. Profundizar en el estudio de métodos de ensayo de corta y larga duración utilizados en la evaluación de la carcinogenicidad, la mutagenicidad y la toxicidad para la reproducción de sustancias y mezclas de productos químicos, 5. Desarrollar y estandarizar métodos analíticos para la identificación y determinación de biomarcadores de exposición, efecto y .susceptibilidad para sustancias y productos químicos en el hombre y el medio ambiente; 6. Aplicar métodos de evaluación del riesgo para la salud humana y el medio ambiente de sustancias y productos químicos, 7. Fomentar el intercambio científico de profesionales interesados alimentaria; y 8. Propiciar el uso de métodos alternativos a la experimentación animal (www.remanet.net).Peer reviewe

    Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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    1 página y 1 mapaLa RITSQ se creó bajo la iniciativa conjunta de la Dra. Barros, miembro de IUTOX, y del Dr. de la Peña, del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y Presidente de la Asociación Española de Toxicología (2001-2007), se inicia a partir de 2005, con la ayuda del Comité Español de Toxicología – IUTOX (CETox) y utilizando como plataforma su página web (http://ce tox.org/) de la Asociación Española de Toxicología (AETOX), se celebró una Reunión Promotora en Santiago de Chile en agosto de 2006. Se han realizado dos reuniones en sendos Congresos de IUTOX, Montreal, Canadá y Barcelona, España, celebrados respectivamente en 2007 y 2010.Peer reviewe

    Anxiety and depression in women hospitalized due to high-risk pregnancy: An integrative quantitative and qualitative study

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    Literature has shown that hospitalized women with high-risk pregnancy tend to develop anxious and depressive symptoms. Research has used quantitative or qualitative methods. By integrating both quantitative and qualitative methods, this study aims to analyze: a) the level of depression, anxiety, and pregnancy-related anxiety in a group of women hospitalized with high-risk pregnancy (hospitalized high-risk) compared with a group of non-hospitalized women with low-risk pregnancy; b) the content of hospitalization-related emotions in a high-risk group. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 30 hospitalized high-risk pregnant women and 32 women with low-risk pregnancy. Participants completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Anxiety), and Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire. The hospitalized high-risk group also completed open-ended questions about emotions experienced during hospitalization. Univariate Analysis of Covariance showed that the hospitalized high-risk group reported higher general anxiety and depression than the low-risk pregnancy group. Low-risk group reported higher level of concerns about own appearance than high-risk group. Narratives showed that the anxious and depressive symptoms of hospitalized women are related to the loneliness of being away from family. Despite attempts to understand hospitalization, they express concerns about pregnancy. Psychological support for hospitalized pregnant women should be provided to facilitate the communication of emotions that leads women to elaborate the experience of hospitalization to better adapt and cope with the critical condition

    Psychological factors and maternal-fetal attachment in relation to epidural choice

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    Introduction: A woman's first childbirth is an event of great importance to her life, involving her transition to parenthood. Many studies have analyzed the roles of depression, anxiety and fear of childbirth linked to childbirth expectations and the consequent choice of an epidural to avoid pain. Few studies have investigated the predictor role of maternal-fetal attachment on the choice of epidural. Objective: Explore, in a sample of low-risk pregnant nulliparous women, differences regarding the preference, or not, of epidural for vaginal childbirth. Design and Setting: 87 nulliparous women, aged 24 to 44 years of age, were recruited in the maternity ward of a public hospital of the metropolitan area of Tuscany (Italy) during the 3rd trimester of gestation. Participants were asked to complete the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire-R, Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire, Centrality of Events Scale, and Prenatal Attachment Inventory. Findings: Multivariate analyses of variance showed that women who chose delivery without epidural reported lower levels of fear of childbirth and anxiety, and higher levels of centrality of pregnancy and prenatal attachment to unborn child, than women who chose epidural. Key conclusions: Our data highlight the importance that medical staff focus on the maternal bond, to help future mothers have the best possible childbirth experience