6 research outputs found

    Salud e interculturalidad : un estudio en una población migrante en Mendoza

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    Los objetivos propuestos en la investigación han posibilitado identificar y documentar las barreras de acceso y los factores de riesgo en los cuidados de salud en ginecología y obstetricia y evaluar la situación sociofamiliar en la población migrante instrumentando acciones de inclusión en el sistema de salud de la provincia en aquellas pacientes que requirieron una atención de mayor complejidad. La experiencia de trabajo interdisciplinario en una comunidad ha posibilitado estudiar a 99 mujeres en edad fértil, en un 45% de origen boliviano, con alta vulnerabilidad social que habitan en el Distrito Belgrano de Guaymallén. Se realizó un estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional con entrevistas semiestructuradas y control ginecológico, con toma de muestras para Papanicolaou y colposcopía en un consultorio que se instaló en el jardín maternal. Se aplicó un consentimiento informado a todas las mujeres antes de la realización de los estudios. La lectura de las muestras y los estudios específicos incluyeron mamografías y ecografías que se realizaron en los servicios de anatomía patológica y rayos del Hospital Universitario. El equipo del Hospital Universitario que concurrió a terreno estuvo formado por ginecólogos, trabajadores sociales, enfermeros y alumnos de las carreras de grado.The proposed objectives of the research were to identify and document possible barriers and risk factors in health care in gynecology and obstetrics and assess the family situation in the migrant population more steps for inclusion in the health system in the province in those patients requiring more complex care. Work experience in a community interdisciplinary study has enabled 99 women of childbearing age, 45% of Bolivian origin, with high social vulnerability living in the Belgrano district of Guaymallén. A study protocol, descriptive and observational semistructured interviews and gynecological surveillance sampling for Papsmear and colposcopy in an office that was installed in the garden nursery. Informed consent was applied to all women before the completion of the studies. Reading the signs and specific studies included mammography and ultrasound were performed in pathology services at University Hospital and lightning. The team from the University Hospital who attended field consisted gynecologists, social workers, nurses and students of undergraduate courses.Fil: Daguerre, Pedro. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Falco, Paula. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Alonso, Pablo. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Gimenez, Cecilia. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Sayegh, F. C.. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Sanz, Alba. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Pampillon, Javier. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Barg, Liliana. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Torres, Cecilia. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Valdes, Gonzalo. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Michel, Jorge. Hospital Universitario (Mendoza, Argentina

    The Agenda and Relevance of Recent Research in Microfinance

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    This paper studies recent research efforts in the field of microfinance. Two questions guide the study: What is the agenda of recent research efforts? And, for who is the research relevant? As for the agenda the “yin and yang” of microfinance; impact and sustainability, continue to influence most research efforts. The study illustrates that microfinance attracts mainly the interest of development researchers and journals. Accordingly the researchers seem mainly to interact with the donors’ and practitioners’ communities. The research produced seems to be relevant for them and less so for the governmental and banking communities. The paper concludes proposing the design of a new research agenda, this time in cooperation with the banking community