41 research outputs found

    Modeling of hydrogeological processes in irrigation areas based on modern programs

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    This article uses modern modeling systems to assess the impact of intensive irrigation on the state of groundwater and the rocks of the aeration zone. In doing so, existing ideas about aquifer recharge, flow, consumption, and changes in groundwater quality were considered, studying these areas' hydrogeological and reclamation hydrogeological conditions. Groundwater balance analysis was performed based on the results of solving the inverse non-stationary problem for total groundwater deposits. The correspondence of underground water at control points during this period (results of regular observations of Kashkadarya GGS) and underground water seeping into the collector-drainage network in natural and model conditions was observed. According to the research results, renewable (flowing) underground water reserves in the general balance are 15671-2476 = 13195 m3/day, while the indicators of consumption and saturation of underground water reserves are equal to 2476 and 8915 m3/day. It was proved based on the results obtained with sample solutions to the problem, taking into account the rise or fall of the level of underground water in different parts. The article determined that the accumulation of underground water reserves in the region is mainly due to the increase of infiltration in newly developed lands. At the beginning and end of the modeling period, the depth of the groundwater table was shown using maps and marked with numbers

    Investigation of a CCD modulation transfer function using the speckle method at different laser wavelengths and sub-windowing options

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    We have experimentally investigated the MTF of a scientific grade CCD, especially considering its behavior induced by different laser wavelengths (from 470 nm to 633 nm) and varying number of total charge transfers. The MTF measurements were performed using laser speckles and utilizing the single-slit method. The MTF of the sensor was examined from zero to the Nyquist frequency. The results obtained at different wavelengths were compared. It was shown that the spectral behavior of the MTF is negligibly small; moreover the small variation is observed at the high frequency region. It was also observed that the variation of the total number of charge transfers, adjusted by size and location of the region of interest for readout pattern, is within the intrinsic error of the single-slit aperture laser speckle method


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    Present material justifying the need for a moratorium on hunting the Caspian seal


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    The question of establishing the levels of selenium accumulation in fish Marine has consistently attracted the attention of researchers. This is due, no doubt, with a surprisingly high concentrations of trace elements in fishmuscle mass compared with terrestrial animals and the wide spread lack of public consumption of selenium in most countries of the world. By the ability to accumulate selenium species investigated can be arranged in series: carp < rudd < pike Kutum < perch < carp < mullet < silverside < pike < roach < sprat common < gobies < sprat anchovy << sturgeon. It is known that the main source of selenium to fish is the food, although there is some element passes through the gills during respiration. Comparing the results with data accumulation of selenium muscle tissue of fish from different regions of the world indicates the absence of express selenodefitsita in the Caspian Sea