20 research outputs found

    Roles of <em>Wnt4/5a</em> in germ cell differentiation and gonad development &amp; <em>ErbB4</em> in polarity of kidney epithelium

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    Abstract The embryonic urogenital system generates the metanephric kidneys, the gonads and the adrenal glands, and its development is based on sequential and reciprocal cell and tissue interactions. The mechanisms which regulate urogenital ontogeny are still poorly understood. In this thesis, the roles of Wnt-4 and ErbB4 functions in gonad and kidney development were analysed by using in vivo functional genomic technologies. Wnt-4 is crucial in female development since its absence leads to a partial female to male sex reversal. We found that Wnt-4 mediated the interactions between the somatic and the germ cells and played a role in meiosis which is regulated in part by the secreted signal retinoic acid (RA). Expression of certain meiosis-controlling genes (Stra8, Spo11) was inhibited in the Wnt-4 deficient germ cells, while certain pluripotency genes (Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 and Dnmt3l) were activated similarly as in the wild-type male gonad. In addition to this, we noted that a gene encoding for a Cyp26b1 enzyme, which degrades RA in the embryonic testis, was ectopically expressed in the Wnt-4 deficient ovary. Microarray analysis was used to identify candidate Wnt-4 target genes by using the Wnt-4 knock-out mouse. Of these genes, Runx-1 may represent a novel signalling target to mediate Wnt-4 activity in the control female development The role of receptor-tyrosine kinase ErbB4 in kidney development was studied by using both in vivo gain and loss of function approaches. In the gain-of-function situation, we found that certain markers for the epithelial tubules and collecting ducts lost their polarized expression pattern. At the same time, the orientation of the cells in the kidney tubules was deregulated and an increase in cell proliferation was noticed. We suggest that the observed defects gave rise to an increase in the tubule diameter and to cyst formation in the kidney cortex. In the loss-of-function mouse, the lack of ErbB4 expression led to a similar phenotype as with the gain of function, and the renal functions of the mutant adult kidneys were compromised. In conclusion, the results point to specific roles for Wnt-4 and ErbB4 in the control of urogenital development. Wnt-4 appears to be crucial in sustaining proper female somatic cell and germ cell differentiation, and maintenance of gonad development during and after the sex determination event, while ErbB4 activity is critical for the regulation of tubular growth in embryonic kidney development.Tiivistelmä Sekä nisäkkään jälkimunuainen, lisämunuainen että sukurauhanen kehittyvät alkion urogenitaalialueen järjestelmästä ja solu- ja kudosvuorovaikutukset ohjaavat elinkehitysprosessia. Tapahtuman molekyylitason mekanismit ovat kuitenkin huonosti tunnettuja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin Wnt-4 signaalin tehtäviä sukurauhasen ja ErbB4- proteiinin munuaisen kehityksessä. Wnt-4 signaali on keskeinen naisen sukupuolisuuden kehityksessä, koska signaalin puutos aiheuttaa alkion sukupuolen osittaisen kääntymisen naaraasta koiraaksi. Tarkastelimme aluksi sitä, välittääkö Wnt-4 itusolujen ja sukurauhasen somaattisten solujen vuorovaikutuksia ohjaten itusolujen meioosia, jota mm. A-vitamiini säätelee. Havaitsimme, että Wnt-4 geeni puuttuessa tietyt meioosia säätelevät geenit kuten Stra8 ja Spo11 olivat heikentyneet, kun taas solujen monikykyisyyteen liittyvät geenit kuten Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 ja Dnmt3l aktivoituivat vastaavalla tavalla kuin havaitaan normaalisti koirasalkion kivesaiheessa. Tämän lisäksi havaitsimme, että Cyp26b1-geeni, joka johtaa A-vitamiinin hajoamiseen alkiossa ja estää normaalisti meioosin koirasalkion kivesaiheessa oli aktivoitunut munuaisrauhasaiheessa, jolta puuttuu Wnt-4 aktiivisuus. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että Wnt-4 säätelee osaltaan naarasalkion itusolujen meioosia. Tarkastelimme myös mikrosirututkimusten avulla niitä geenejä, joita Wnt-4 säätelee sukuelinaiheessa. Identifioimme useissa Wnt ja β-catenin signaalireittiin liittyvissä geeneissa muutoksia. Muuntuneet geenit voivat olla Wnt-4 signaalireitin kohdegeenejä. Näistä Runx-1 saattaa olla keskeinen Wnt signaalitien kohdegeeni, joka säätelee merkittävällä tavalla naaraan munarauhasen kehitystä. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa tarkastelimme ErbB4-reseptorityrosiinikinaasin tehtäviä munuaisen kehityksen säätelyssä. ErbB4-geenin tehtäviä tutkittiin käyttäen hyväksi siirtogeenisiä malliorganismeja, joissa ErbB4-geenin määrä oli joko koholla tai ajastetusti inaktivoitu. ErbB4- geenin kokeellinen yliaktiivisuus muutti spesifisti tekijöitä, jotka säätelevät osaltaan jälkimunuaisen epiteeliputkien solujen orientaatiota ja solun jakautumista. Solujen orientaatiomuutoksen yhteydessä myös solujen jakautuminen häiriintyi. Oletuksemme on, että nämä epiteelikudoksessa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat syy, miksi kohotettu ErbB4-aktiviteetti muuttaa epiteeliputkien paksuutta ja pituutta erityisesti munuaisen pintakerroksissa. Havaitsimme myös, että ErbB4-geenin ajastettu poistaminen munuaisen epiteelikudoksessa johti hyvin samankaltaisiin, mutta vastakkaisiin muutoksiin kuin ErbB4-aktiviteetin kohottaminen. Muutokset johtivat myös muutoksiin munuaisen toiminnassa. Yhteenvetona toteamme, että näillä Wnt-4 ja ErbB4 solusignallointiin liittyvillä molekyyleillä on keskeinen tehtävä alkion munarauhasen ja munuaisen aiheen kehityksen säätelyssä. Wnt-4 ohjaa sekä itusolujen että somaattisten solujen erilaistumista ja samalla sukupuolen määräytymistä ja jatkokehitystä, kun taas ErbB4-signallointireseptorin tehtävä on avainasemassa munuaisen epiteeliputken kasvun säätelyssä

    From ovarian development to folliculogenesis:essential networks sustaining the ovarian reserve

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    Abstract In the last four decades, transgenic and knockout mouse models have helped to understand the mechanisms of mammalian sex determination, germ cell development, and adult gonad functions. We have gained crucial insights into molecular factors and pathways of the cells generating either the supporting gonadal cells or germ cells of both sexes. In this review, we highlighted some of the main gene networks and regulatory mechanisms involved in the plasticity of sex-determining pathways that help to establish a functional ovary that can nurture the follicles to generate a good ovarian reserve, both in quantity and quality. Although this level of plasticity is still found in the fully differentiated gonads, errors like mutations or epigenetic modifications impact ovarian development and, later, folliculogenesis, resulting in infertility. To highlight some adverse reproductive outcomes associated with perturbations at the molecular and cellular levels in human folliculogenesis, two examples, i.e., Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), were selected and briefly discussed in this review

    Deciphering the minimal quantity of mouse primary cells to undergo nephrogenesis ex vivo

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    Abstract Background: Tissue organoids derived from primary cells have high potential for studying organ development and diseases in numerous organs. They recreate the morphological structure and mimic the functions of given organ while being compact in size, easy to produce, and suitable for use in various experimental setups. Results: In this study we established the number of cells that form mouse kidney rudiments at E11.5, and generated renal organoids of various sizes from the mouse primary cells of the metanephric mesenchyme (MM). We investigated the ability of renal organoids to undergo nephrogenesis upon Wnt/ β-catenin pathway—mediated tubule induction with a GSK-3 inhibitor (BIO) or by initiation through the ureteric bud (UB). We found that 5000 cells of MM cells are necessary to successfully form renal organoids with well-structured nephrons as judged by fluorescent microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR). These mouse organoids also recapitulated renal secretion function in the proximal tubules. Conclusions: We show that a significant decrease of cells used to generate renal mouse organoids in a dissociation/re-aggregation assay, does not interfere with development, and goes toward 3Rs. This enables generation of more experimental samples with one mouse litter, limiting the number of animals used for studies

    Exosomes as secondary inductive signals involved in kidney organogenesis

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    Abstract The subfraction of extracellular vesicles, called exosomes, transfers biological molecular information not only between cells but also between tissues and organs as nanolevel signals. Owing to their unique properties such that they contain several RNA species and proteins implicated in kidney development, exosomes are putative candidates to serve as developmental programming units in embryonic induction and tissue interactions. We used the mammalian metanephric kidney and its nephron-forming mesenchyme containing the nephron progenitor/stem cells as a model to investigate if secreted exosomes could serve as a novel type of inductive signal in a process defined as embryonic induction that controls organogenesis. As judged by several characteristic criteria, exosomes were enriched and purified from a cell line derived from embryonic kidney ureteric bud (UB) and from primary embryonic kidney UB cells, respectively. The cargo of the UB-derived exosomes was analysed by qPCR and proteomics. Several miRNA species that play a role in Wnt pathways and enrichment of proteins involved in pathways regulating the organization of the extracellular matrix as well as tissue homeostasis were identified. When labelled with fluorescent dyes, the uptake of the exosomes by metanephric mesenchyme (MM) cells and the transfer of their cargo to the cells can be observed. Closer inspection revealed that besides entering the cytoplasm, the exosomes were competent to also reach the nucleus. Furthermore, fluorescently labelled exosomal RNA enters into the cytoplasm of the MM cells. Exposure of the embryonic kidney-derived exosomes to the whole MM in an ex vivo organ culture setting did not lead to an induction of nephrogenesis but had an impact on the overall organization of the tissue. We conclude that the exosomes provide a novel signalling system with an apparent role in secondary embryonic induction regulating organogenesis

    Erbb4 regulates the oocyte microenvironment during folliculogenesis

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    Abstract Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders leading to infertility in women affecting reproductive, endocrine and metabolic systems. Recent genomewide association studies on PCOS cohorts revealed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the ERBB4 receptor tyrosine kinase 4 gene, but its role in ovary development or during folliculogenesis remains poorly understood. Since no genetic animal models mimicking all PCOS reproductive features are available, we conditionally deleted Erbb4 in murine granulosa cells (GCs) under the control of Amh promoter. While we have demonstrated that Erbb4 deletion displayed aberrant ovarian function by affecting the reproductive function (asynchronous oestrous cycle leading to few ovulations and subfertility) and metabolic function (obesity), their ovaries also present severe structural and functional abnormalities (impaired oocyte development). Hormone analysis revealed an up-regulation of serum luteinizing hormone, hyperandrogenism, increased production of ovarian and circulating anti-MĂĽllerian hormone. Our data implicate that Erbb4 deletion in GCs leads to defective intercellular junctions between the GCs and oocytes, causing changes in the expression of genes regulating the local microenvironment of the follicles. In vitro culture assays reducing the level of Erbb4 via shRNAs confirm that Erbb4 is essential for regulating Amh level. In conclusion, our results indicate a functional role for Erbb4 in the ovary, especially during folliculogenesis and its reduced expression plays an important role in reproductive pathophysiology, such as PCOS development

    Temporally and spatially regulated collagen XVIII isoforms are involved in ureteric tree development via the TSP1-like domain

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    Abstract Collagen XVIII (ColXVIII) is a component of the extracellular matrix implicated in embryogenesis and control of tissue homoeostasis. We now provide evidence that ColXVIII has a specific role in renal branching morphogenesis as observed in analyses of total and isoform-specific knockout embryos and mice. The expression of the short and the two longer isoforms differ temporally and spatially during renal development. The lack of ColXVIII or its specific isoforms lead to congenital defects in the 3D patterning of the ureteric tree where the short isoform plays a prominent role. Moreover, the ex vivo data suggests that ColXVIII is involved in the kidney epithelial tree patterning via its N-terminal domains, and especially the Thrombospondin-1-like domain common to all isoforms. This morphogenetic function likely involves integrins expressed in the ureteric epithelium. Altogether, the results point to an important role for ColXVIII in the matrix-integrin-mediated functions regulating renal development