3,626 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of microtektites Semiannual status report, 1 Jan. - 31 Jun. 1969

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    Magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and Curie constants for normal and bottle-green microtektites found in deep-sea sediment core

    Preliminary ultraviolet reflectance of some rocks and minerals from 2000 angstrom to 3000 angstrom

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    Ultraviolet reflectance measurements of rocks and minerals from 2000 A to 3000

    Melt-processed bulk superconductors: Fabrication and characterization for power and space applications

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    Melt-process bulk superconducting materials based on variations on the base YBa2Cu3O(x) were produced in a variety of shapes and forms. Very high values of both zero-field and high-field magnetization were observed. These are useful for levitation and power applications. Magnetic measurements show that the effects of field direction and intensity, temperature and time are consistent with an aligned grain structure with multiple pinning sites and with models of thermally activated flux motion

    Hopping on the Bethe lattice: Exact results for densities of states and dynamical mean-field theory

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    We derive an operator identity which relates tight-binding Hamiltonians with arbitrary hopping on the Bethe lattice to the Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor hopping. This provides an exact expression for the density of states (DOS) of a non-interacting quantum-mechanical particle for any hopping. We present analytic results for the DOS corresponding to hopping between nearest and next-nearest neighbors, and also for exponentially decreasing hopping amplitudes. Conversely it is possible to construct a hopping Hamiltonian on the Bethe lattice for any given DOS. These methods are based only on the so-called distance regularity of the infinite Bethe lattice, and not on the absence of loops. Results are also obtained for the triangular Husimi cactus, a recursive lattice with loops. Furthermore we derive the exact self-consistency equations arising in the context of dynamical mean-field theory, which serve as a starting point for studies of Hubbard-type models with frustration.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; introduction expanded, references added; published versio

    Random site dilution properties of frustrated magnets on a hierarchical lattice

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    We present a method to analyze magnetic properties of frustrated Ising spin models on specific hierarchical lattices with random dilution. Disorder is induced by dilution and geometrical frustration rather than randomness in the internal couplings of the original Hamiltonian. The two-dimensional model presented here possesses a macroscopic entropy at zero temperature in the large size limit, very close to the Pauling estimate for spin-ice on pyrochlore lattice, and a crossover towards a paramagnetic phase. The disorder due to dilution is taken into account by considering a replicated version of the recursion equations between partition functions at different lattice sizes. An analysis at first order in replica number allows for a systematic reorganization of the disorder configurations, leading to a recurrence scheme. This method is numerically implemented to evaluate the thermodynamical quantities such as specific heat and susceptibility in an external field.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    The absence of finite-temperature phase transitions in low-dimensional many-body models: a survey and new results

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    After a brief discussion of the Bogoliubov inequality and possible generalizations thereof, we present a complete review of results concerning the Mermin-Wagner theorem for various many-body systems, geometries and order parameters. We extend the method to cover magnetic phase transitions in the periodic Anderson Model as well as certain superconducting pairing mechanisms for Hubbard films. The relevance of the Mermin-Wagner theorem to approximations in many-body physics is discussed on a conceptual level.Comment: 33 pages; accepted for publication as a Topical Review in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Computational study of structural and elastic properties of random AlGaInN alloys

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    In this work we present a detailed computational study of structural and elastic properties of cubic AlGaInN alloys in the framework of Keating valence force field model, for which we perform accurate parametrization based on state of the art DFT calculations. When analyzing structural properties, we focus on concentration dependence of lattice constant, as well as on the distribution of the nearest and the next nearest neighbour distances. Where possible, we compare our results with experiment and calculations performed within other computational schemes. We also present a detailed study of elastic constants for AlGaInN alloy over the whole concentration range. Moreover, we include there accurate quadratic parametrization for the dependence of the alloy elastic constants on the composition. Finally, we examine the sensitivity of obtained results to computational procedures commonly employed in the Keating model for studies of alloys

    Atomistic modeling of amorphous silicon carbide: An approximate first-principles study in constrained solution space

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    Localized basis ab initio molecular dynamics simulation within the density functional framework has been used to generate realistic configurations of amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC). Our approach consists of constructing a set of smart initial configurations that conform essential geometrical and structural aspects of the materials obtained from experimental data, which is subsequently driven via first-principles force-field to obtain the best solution in a reduced solution space. A combination of a priori information (primarily structural and topological) along with the ab-initio optimization of the total energy makes it possible to model large system size (1000 atoms) without compromising the quantum mechanical accuracy of the force-field to describe the complex bonding chemistry of Si and C. The structural, electronic and the vibrational properties of the models have been studied and compared to existing theoretical models and available data from experiments. We demonstrate that the approach is capable of producing large, realistic configurations of a-SiC from first-principles simulation that display excellent structural and electronic properties of a-SiC. Our study reveals the presence of predominant short-range order in the material originating from heteronuclear Si-C bonds with coordination defect concentration as small as 5% and the chemical disorder parameter of about 8%.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure