8 research outputs found

    In-situ formation of Ag nanoparticles in the MAO coating during the processing of cp-Ti

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    Silver nanoparticle (Ag-NP) containing antibacterial micro-arc oxidation (MAO) coatings have already been synthesized over titanium-based materials via the MAO process employed in silver acetate (AgC2H3O2) containing electrolyte. However, the way of incorporation and in-situ formation of Ag-NPs within the MAO coating have not been documented yet. Present work was initiated to reveal the mechanism of Ag-NP formation within the MAO coatings. Thus, the structure of the MAO coating fabricated on commercial purity titanium in the AgC2H3O2-containing electrolyte was investigated by electron microscopy techniques. To this end, the cross-sectional high-resolution electron microscopy studies were carried out on lamella cut out with the focused ion beam technique, and these investigations were backed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements of chemical composition on the surface of the MAO coating. These studies revealed that Ag is dispersed in the form of nanoparticles throughout the coating and that a higher density was confirmed closer to the micro-pores

    Characterization and Tribological Properties of Hard Anodized and Micro Arc Oxidized 5754 Quality Aluminum Alloy

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    This study was initiated to compare the tribological performances of a 5754 quality aluminum alloy after hard anodic oxidation and micro arc oxidation processes. The structural analyses of the coatings were performed using XRD and SEM techniques. The hardness of the coatings was determined using a Vickers micro-indentation tester. Tribological performances of the hard anodized and micro arc oxidized samples were compared on a reciprocating wear tester under dry sliding conditions. The dry sliding wear tests showed that the wear resistance of the oxide coating generated by micro arc oxidation is remarkably higher than that of the hard anodized alloy

    Surface modification of titanium alloy by micro-arc oxidation

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    Implanty na bazie stopów tytanu są z powodzeniem stosowane w ortopedii i dentystyce. W celu poprawienia integracji implantu z kością wykonano porowatą, hydroksyapatytową powłoką na stopie Ti-6Al-7Nb techniką elektrolityczno-plazmowego utleniania. Otrzymaną powłokę poddano analizie pod kątem mikrostruktury, chropowatości i składu fazowego. Dodatkowo wykonano wstępne badania in vitro.Titanium based implants are used both in orthopedics and dentistry. For better integration of implant with bone porous, hydroxyapatite crystals containing coating was deposited on Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy by microarc oxidation process. Microstructure, roughness and phases composition of the coating was analyzed. Moreover preliminary in vitro studies were done

    Fabrication of oxide layer on zirconium by micro-arc oxidation: Structural and antimicrobial characteristics

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    The aim of this study was to cover the surfaces of zirconium (Zr) with an antimicrobial layer for biomedical applications. For this purpose, the micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process was employed in a sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide containing base electrolyte with and without addition of silver acetate (AgC2H3O2). In general, synthesized MAO layers were composed of zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and zircon (ZrSiO4). Addition of AgC2H3O2 into the base electrolyte caused homogenous precipitation of silver-containing particles in the MAO layer, which exhibited excellent antibacterial efficiency against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as compared to the untreated and MAO-treated Z