76 research outputs found

    Decision-Making Competence in Older Adults: A Rosy View From a Longitudinal Investigation

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    Cross-sectional studies have suggested age-related differences in decision-making competence, but these differences may also reflect cohort-related effects. We present a longitudinal study of age-related changes over 5 years in older adults (aged 60-85) for 3 important aspects of decision-making competence: resistance to framing, applying decision rules, and resistance to sunk costs. The findings show small age-related longitudinal declines in resistance to framing but no decline in applying decision rules or resistance to sunk costs. The results also indicate that individuals' decision-making competence after 5 years is significantly related to their initial decision-making competence assessment and that the contribution of crystallized abilities to decision making in older adults is greater than previously thought

    Life satisfaction during temporary housing after an earthquake: Comparing three cases in Italy

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    A disaster has a considerable impact on people who have lost their homes. We analyzed the life satisfaction of displaced people accommodated in temporary housing after three strong earthquakes that occurred in Italy in 2009 (Abruzzo), 2012 (Emilia), and 2016–17 (Central Italy). Information was obtained through an anonymous survey on a large number of variables related to socio-demographic features, temporary housing type and quality, social support and protection network, personal psychological resources and preparedness, and psychophysical health. Responses were collected through face-to-face and telephone interviews, stand-alone paper-and-pencil questionnaires, or online (N = 261). In the whole-sample analysis, the significant predictors of life satisfaction were earthquake preparedness, which earthquake out of three was experienced, protection network, accommodation type and quality, and general health status, thus highlighting the complex and multi-faceted nature of the underpinnings of life satisfaction in people displaced after an earthquake. However, different predictors explained life satisfaction in the analysis of each earthquake, pointing to the need to consider their specificity and the local context. Nevertheless, the perceived quality of the accommodation was a significant predictor both in the whole-sample analysis and in the analysis of two earthquakes (2009 Abruzzo and 2012 Emilia), highlighting the importance of providing temporary houses with appropriate properties (privacy, space, thermal and acoustic insulation, light, quality of materials, surroundings) and placed in locations that allow the resumption of life activities (e.g., education, work, socialization, health and public facilities and services)

    Le decisioni

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    Che cosa significa decidere? Quali processi sottendono la decisione? Le preferenze delle persone possono essere influenzate dal modo in cui un problema decisionale viene presentato? Queste sono le domande che alle quali il capitolo che state leggendo intende dare risposta. Nella prima parte del capitolo, verranno presentate alcune nozioni essenziali per comprendere gli studi sul giudizio e sulla decisione. Nella seconda parte, verranno riassunti alcuni risultati conseguiti dalla ricerca sui processi decisionali e verranno presentate sinteticamente varie teorie della decisione. Nell\u2019ultima parte del capitolo, verranno illustrati alcuni studi che dimostrano che le preferenze delle persone possono essere influenzate dal modo in cui un problema decisionale viene presentato

    L'arte e la scienza della strutturazione della decisione

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    Il capitolo presenta una rassegna ragionata e aggiornata degli studi sulla generazione delle opzioni, all'interno del contesto dei processi di strutturazione della decisione, affrontando gli aspetti cognitivi e le basi neurali dei processi di generazione
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