22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Discharge Calculation in Open Pit Mining

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    This study presents the discharge calculation of open pit mining drainage system. Open pit mining is one of surface mining methods when the location of the coal is near ground surface. This research uses open pit mine at PT Maruwai Coal as the case study. Several methods of discharge calculation are performed, such as: rational method, FJ Mock and HEC-HMS model. The drainage system of the mine is analyzed using spatial analysis. The runoff coefficient based on observation and theoretical value is compared. Each calculation is compared with observation data based on pump operation on the mine. Several challenge and limitation of each method is analyzed and several parameter recommendations are given. Runoff prediction for design rainfall also compared, based on each approach. This study result can be used to optimize the run-off management on open pit mining


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    Waduk Way Apu terletak di aliran Sungai Way Apu dan masuk wilayah Kecamatan Waeapo di Pulau Buru, Provinsi Maluku. Secara geografis sesuai dengan koordinat UTM, Waduk Way Apu terletak di koordinat X = 260630,764 dan Y = 9608598. Waduk Way Apu mampu mengairi 5726 ha sawah padi. Waduk Way Apu direncanakan mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan irigasi, air baku, dan potensi PLTA. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut diatas, perlu adanya studi optimasi Waduk Way Apu untuk pemanfaatan irigasi, kebutuhan air baku, dan potensi PLTA. Dengan adanya studi optimasi dapat diketahui pengaturan cara pemberian air yang baik dan pengaturan pola tanam. Hal tersebut ditindaklanjuti dengan studi optimasi antara pola tanam dan kebutuhan air baku serta potensi PLTA sehingga fungsi dari Waduk Way Apu dapat digunakan secara optimal. Untuk analisa ini digunakan program linier dengan program bantu POM-QM for Windows 3. Dari hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan beberapa kesimpulan yaitu Debit andalan yang digunakan untuk menghitung besar kebutuhan air adalah Debit Andalan 80% terbesar adalah 21.27 m3/detik dan Debit Andalan 80% terkecil adalah 0.95 m3/detik, Alternatif Pola Tanam yang paling optimal adalah Alternatif Pola Tanam 1 dengan masa awal tanam Nopember 1, besar kebutuhan air untuk kebutuhan air baku pada tahun 2012 pada kondisi jam puncak adalah sebesar 44.67 liter/detik, dan besar energi yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan potensi PLTA didapatkan daya sebesar 152.16 kW dengan Debit Andalan 90% sebesar 2.47 m3/detik


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    Desa Tambak Pocok Kecamatan Tanjung Bumi Kabupaten Bangkalan adalah salah satu desa atau daerah yang kebutuhan air bakunya belum terpenuhi. Pada saat musim kemarau desa ini mengalami kesulitan air, sumber mata air utama penduduk yaitu sumur, sungai dan sumber mata air lainnya mengalami kekeringan. Padahal mayoritas penduduk di desa tersebut menggunakan air sumur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Sedangkan dilihat dari kondisi daerah desa Tambak Pocok merupakan daerah yang terdiri dari cekungan dan dataran berbukit, sehingga sangat cocok untuk digunakan sebagai tempat untuk menampung air. Perhitungan yang dipakai dalam perencanaan Embung Tambak Pocok yaitu meliputi perhitungan curah hujan rencana dengan menggunakan metode Log normal, Pearson Tipe III, dan Log Pearson Tipe III, analisa debit tersedia menggunakan metode FJ Mock, debit rencana menggunakan metode hidrograf Nakayasu, analisa kebutuhan air menggunakan metode analisa geometri, analisa tampungan menggunakan lengkung kapasitas waduk dan mass curve, sedangkan untuk penelusuran banjir menggunakan metode tahap demi tahap (step by step ), analisa tubuh embung dan kestabilannya, serta analisa spillway dan kestabilannya. Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh curah hujan rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar 82.561 mm, debit rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar13.613, debit andalan sebesar 0.000001153 m3/detik, proyeksi jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2038 sebesar 14511 jiwa, dan kebutuhan air total yang dibutuhkan adalah sebesar 0.022 m3/detik. Mercu bangunan pelimpah (spillway) menggunakan mercu tipe Ogee tipe I pada elevasi +72.50 dan elevasi banjir yang terjadi pada elevasi +73.15. Tubuh bendungan menggunakan urugan tanah dengan kemiringan hulu dan hilir adalah sebesar 1:2, elevasi puncak bendung terletak pada elevasi +75.00, dasar bendungan terletak pada elevasi +64.00, tinggi jagaan pada tubuh bendungan dipakai sebesar 2.5 meter, dan panjang tubuh bendungan sebesar 66 m. Perhitungan stabilitas tubuh bendungan dan spillway aman terhadap gaya-gaya yang terjadi baik dalam kondisi muka air banjir maupun dalam kondisi muka air normal dengan Sf = 1.7 > 1.5 (Sf minimum)

    Cold Jupiters and improved masses in 38 Kepler and K2 small planet systems from 3661 HARPS-N radial velocities. No excess of cold Jupiters in small planet systems

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    The exoplanet population characterized by relatively short orbital periods (P<100P<100 d) around solar-type stars is dominated by super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. However, these planets are missing in our Solar System and the reason behind this absence is still unknown. Two theoretical scenarios invoke the role of Jupiter as the possible culprit: Jupiter may have acted as a dynamical barrier to the inward migration of sub-Neptunes from beyond the water iceline; alternatively, Jupiter may have reduced considerably the inward flux of material (pebbles) required to form super-Earths inside that iceline. Both scenarios predict an anti-correlation between the presence of small planets (SPs) and that of cold Jupiters (CJs) in exoplanetary systems. To test that prediction, we homogeneously analyzed the radial-velocity (RV) measurements of 38 Kepler and K2 transiting SP systems gathered over almost 10 years with the HARPS-N spectrograph, as well as publicly available RVs collected with other facilities. We detected five CJs in three systems, two in Kepler-68, two in Kepler-454, and a very eccentric one in K2-312. We derived an occurrence rate of 9.3−2.9+7.7%9.3^{+7.7}_{-2.9}\% for CJs with 0.3−13 MJup0.3-13~M_{Jup} and 1-10 AU, which is lower but still compatible at 1.3σ1.3\sigma with that measured from RV surveys for solar-type stars, regardless of the presence or absence of SPs. The sample is not large enough to draw a firm conclusion about the predicted anti-correlation between SPs and CJs; nevertheless, we found no evidence of previous claims of an excess of CJs in SP systems. As an important by-product of our analyses, we homogeneously determined the masses of 64 Kepler and K2 small planets, reaching a precision better than 5, 7.5 and 10σ\sigma for 25, 13 and 8 planets, respectively. Finally, we release the 3661 HARPS-N radial velocities used in this work to the scientific community. [Abridged]Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The updated version of the article takes into account the A&A language editing and guidelines. Tables 1, A.1 and full Table 2 are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr ( or via https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/677/A3

    Cold Jupiters and improved masses in 38 Kepler and K2 small-planet systems from 3661 high-precision HARPS-N radial velocities. No excess of cold Jupiters in small-planet systems

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    The exoplanet population characterized by relatively short orbital periods (P<100P<100 d) around solar-type stars is dominated by super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. However, these planets are missing in our Solar System and the reason behind this absence is still unknown. Two theoretical scenarios invoke the role of Jupiter as the possible culprit: Jupiter may have acted as a dynamical barrier to the inward migration of sub-Neptunes from beyond the water iceline; alternatively, Jupiter may have reduced considerably the inward flux of material (pebbles) required to form super-Earths inside that iceline. Both scenarios predict an anti-correlation between the presence of small planets (SPs) and that of cold Jupiters (CJs) in exoplanetary systems. To test that prediction, we homogeneously analyzed the radial-velocity (RV) measurements of 38 Kepler and K2 transiting SP systems gathered over almost 10 years with the HARPS-N spectrograph, as well as publicly available RVs collected with other facilities. We detected five CJs in three systems, two in Kepler-68, two in Kepler-454, and a very eccentric one in K2-312. We derived an occurrence rate of 9.3−2.9+7.7%9.3^{+7.7}_{-2.9}\% for CJs with 0.3−13 MJup0.3-13~M_{Jup} and 1-10 AU, which is lower but still compatible at 1.3σ1.3\sigma with that measured from RV surveys for solar-type stars, regardless of the presence or absence of SPs. The sample is not large enough to draw a firm conclusion about the predicted anti-correlation between SPs and CJs; nevertheless, we found no evidence of previous claims of an excess of CJs in SP systems. As an important by-product of our analyses, we homogeneously determined the masses of 64 Kepler and K2 small planets, reaching a precision better than 5, 7.5 and 10σ\sigma for 25, 13 and 8 planets, respectively. Finally, we release the 3661 HARPS-N radial velocities used in this work to the scientific community. [Abridged]Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The updated version of the article takes into account the A&A language editing and guidelines. Tables 1, A.1 and full Table 2 are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr ( or via https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/677/A3

    Simple and practical technique for hysterosalpingography: results obtained in 564 cases.

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    About 5 years ago, we proposed a new technique for hysterosalpingography in order to make it simpler for the gynecologist and the radiologist and more readily acceptable for the patients. In our opinion, the technique is simple and practical; we have performed ISG's with it and have succeeded in 555 cases, that is, 98.4%; in 9 cases, 1.6%, we did not succeed. In 5 of these 9 cases, the failure was due to an error in the application of the technique. This technique, however, must not be used in patients with suspected didelphic uterus or septum or with an unsuitable portio. In none of the patients was the technique followed by complications

    The Comparison Between 2-D and 3-D Slope Stability Analysis Based on Reinforcement Requirements

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    The landslides in the field often do not have an infinite length, making 3-dimensional assumptions more appropriate for the design. Meanwhile, they are mostly analyzed in design by assuming the landslides occur infinitely with plane strain in a 2-dimensional approach. This assumption becomes less precise due to the consideration of the safety factor based on 2-dimensional conditions while the landslide happens 3-dimensional, and this has further effects on the need for reinforcement. This research was conducted to determine the level of influence 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional landslide safety factors have on the number of reinforcements required. A limit equilibrium method was used in the study. The number of geotextile reinforcement needs with a 3-dimensional sliding model is calculated based on existing research results. The results are then compared with the amount of geotextile reinforcement required with a 2-dimensional sliding model. The results showed the possibility of having the same amount of reinforcement under 2-D and 3-D assumptions in the homogeneous soil, while different results were found with heterogeneous soil layers due to the variations in soil conditions. Comparison of the number of geotextile reinforcement requirements between 2 dimensions and three dimensions still needs to be further developed by using more varied soil data. This is done considering that existing studies are only limited to soil, which tends to be homogeneous