307 research outputs found

    Salification Controls the In-Vitro Release of Theophylline

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    Sustained released formulation is the most used strategy to control the efficacy and the adverse reactions of an API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) with a narrow therapeutic index. In this work, we used a different way to tailor the solubility and diffusion of a drug. Salification of Theophylline with Squaric Acid was carried out to better control the absorption of Theophylline after administration. Salification proved to be a winning strategy decreasing the dissolution of the APIs up to 54% with respect to Theophylline. Most importantly, this was accomplished in the first 10 min of the dissolution process, which are the most important for the API administration. Two polymorphs were identified and fully characterized. Theophylline squarate was discovered as trihydrate (SC-XRD) and as a metastable anhydrous form. Indeed, during the Variable Temperature-XRPD experiment, the trihydrate form turned back into the two starting components after losing the three molecules of water. On the other hand, the synthesis of the trihydrate form was observed when a simple mixing of the two starting components were exposed to a high humidity relative percentage (90% RH)

    Supramolecular Assemblies in Silver Complexes: Phase Transitions and the Role of the Halogen Bond

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    Weak interactions (hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds, CH···πand Ï€-πstacking) can play a significant role in the formation of supramolecular assemblies with desired structural features. In this contribution, we report a systematic investigation on how a halogen bond (XB) can modulate the structural arrangement of silver supramolecular complexes. The complexes are composed of X-phenyl(bispyrazolyl)methane (X = Br, I) and I-alkynophenyl(bispyrazolyl)methane ligands functionalized in meta (L3Br, L3I) and para (L4Br, L4I, L4CCI) positions on a phenyl ring with the purpose of providing different directionalities of the X function with respect to the N,N coordination system. The obtained [Ag(L)2]+ moieties show remarkable geometric similarities, and the L4Br, L4I, and L4CCI ligands exhibit the most conserved types of supramolecular arrangement that are sustained by XB. The increased σ-hole in L4CCI with respect to L4I leads to an occurrence of short (and strong) XB interactions with the anions. [Ag(L4I)2]PF6 and [Ag(L4I)2]CF3SO3 are characterized by the presence of three different phases, and the single-crystal evolution from phase-1 (a honeycomb structure with large 1D cavities) to phase-3 (solventless) occurs by a stepwise decrease in the crystallization solvent content, which promotes an increase in XB interactions in the lattice. The present paper aims to provide useful tools for the selection of appropriate components for the use of coordination compounds to build supramolecular systems based on the halogen bond

    Insight into the Properties of Heteroleptic Metal Dithiolenes: Multistimuli Responsive Luminescence, Chromism, and Nonlinear Optics

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    A comprehensive investigation of the functional properties of heteroleptic donor-M-acceptor dithiolene complexes Bu4N[MII(L1)(L2)] is presented (M = Pd, Pt). The acceptor L1 consists of the chiral (R)-(+)α-methylbenzyldithiooxamidate ((R)-α-MBAdto), the donor L2 is 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato (dmit) in 1 (Pd) and 2 (Pt), 1,2-dicarbomethoxyethylenedithiolate (ddmet) in 3 (Pd) and 4 (Pt), or [4′,5′:5,6][1,4]dithiino[2,3-b]quinoxaline-1′,3′-dithiolato (quinoxdt) in 5 (Pd) and 6 (Pt). L1 is capable of undergoing proton exchange and promoting crystal formation in noncentrosymmetric space groups. L2 has different molecular structures while it maintains similar electron-donating capabilities. Thanks to the synergy of the ligands, 1-6 behave as H+ and Ag+ switchable linear chromophores. Moreover, the compounds exhibit a H+-switchable second-order NLO response in solution, which is maintained in the bulk for 1, 3, and 4 when they are embedded into a PMMA poled matrix. 5 and 6 show unique anti-Kasha H+ and Ag+ tunable colored emission originating from the quinoxdt ligand. A correlation between the electronic structure and properties is shown through density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations

    Anti-Kasha Conformational Photoisomerization of a Heteroleptic Dithiolene Metal Complex Revealed by Ultrafast Spectroscopy

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    We investigated the anti-Kasha photochemistry and anti-Kasha emission of d8-metal donor-acceptor dithiolene with femtosecond UV-vis transient absorption spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Experimentally, we found a lifetime of 1.4 ps for higher excited states, which is exceptionally long when compared to typical values for internal conversion (IC) (10 s of fs or less). Consequently, a substantial emission originates from the second excited state. Molecular modeling suggests this to be a consequence of the spatially separated molecular orbitals of the first and second excited states, which gives a charge transfer character to the IC. More surprisingly, we found that the inherent flexibility of the molecule allows the metal complex to access different configurations depending on the photoexcited state. We believe that this unique manifestation of anti-Kasha photoinduced conformational isomerization is facilitated by the exceptionally long lifetime of the second excited state