534 research outputs found

    Temperature oscillations of magnetization observed in nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite

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    We report on unusual magnetic properties observed in the nanofluid room-temperature ferromagnetic graphite (with an average particle size of l=10nm). More precisely, the measured magnetization exhibits a low-temperature anomaly (attributed to manifestation of finite size effects below the quantum temperature) as well as pronounced temperature oscillations above T=50K (attributed to manifestation of the hard-sphere type pair correlations between ferromagnetic particles in the nanofluid)

    Dynamical reentrance and geometry imposed quantization effects in Nb-AlOx-Nb Josephson junction arrays

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    In this paper, we report on different phenomena related to the magnetic properties of artificially prepared highly ordered (periodic) two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays (2D-JJA) of both shunted and unshunted Nb-AlOx-Nb tunnel junctions. By employing mutual-inductance measurements and using a high-sensitive bridge, we have thoroughly investigated (both experimentally and theoretically) the temperature and magnetic field dependence of complex AC susceptibility of 2D-JJA. We also demonstrate the use of the scanning SQUID microscope for imaging the local flux distribution within our unshunted arrays

    Composição centesimal e efeito do cozimento no genótipo de feijão-caupi Pingo de Ouro-1-2.

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    O feijão-caupi, também conhecido como feijão-de-corda, feijão-macassar, feijão-de-praia ou feijão-miúdo, está presente nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais, estando amplamente distribuído pelo mundo. Das etapas de preparo do feijão-caupi, o cozimento é o mais importante, já que ele é responsável pela inativação de fatores antinutricionais e assegura ao produto, a textura, o sabor, o aroma e a coloração necessários para que o grão possa ser aceito na dieta humana. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar quimicamente e verificar o efeito do cozimento no genótipo de feijão-caupi Pingo de Ouro-1-2. O cozimento provocou um aumento no teor de umidade e no teor de proteínas e reduziu significativamente os teores de cinzas, carboidratos e valor calórico energético total do genótipo Pingo de Ouro 1-2. Apesar das alterações provocadas pelo cozimento, este genótipo manteve componentes e características nutricionais importantes que tornam seu consumo vantajoso do ponto de vista nutricional.CONAC 2012. Disponível em: http://www.conac2012.org/resumos/pdf/124e.pdf. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2013

    Invasion Percolation Between two Sites

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    We investigate the process of invasion percolation between two sites (injection and extraction sites) separated by a distance r in two-dimensional lattices of size L. Our results for the non-trapping invasion percolation model indicate that the statistics of the mass of invaded clusters is significantly dependent on the local occupation probability (pressure) Pe at the extraction site. For Pe=0, we show that the mass distribution of invaded clusters P(M) follows a power-law P(M) ~ M^{-\alpha} for intermediate values of the mass M, with an exponent \alpha=1.39. When the local pressure is set to Pe=Pc, where Pc corresponds to the site percolation threshold of the lattice topology, the distribution P(M) still displays a scaling region, but with an exponent \alpha=1.02. This last behavior is consistent with previous results for the cluster statistics in standard percolation. In spite of these discrepancies, the results of our simulations indicate that the fractal dimension of the invaded cluster does not depends significantly on the local pressure Pe and it is consistent with the fractal dimension values reported for standard invasion percolation. Finally, we perform extensive numerical simulations to determine the effect of the lattice borders on the statistics of the invaded clusters and also to characterize the self-organized critical behavior of the invasion percolation process.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submited for PR

    Fracturing highly disordered materials

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    We investigate the role of disorder on the fracturing process of heterogeneous materials by means of a two-dimensional fuse network model. Our results in the extreme disorder limit reveal that the backbone of the fracture at collapse, namely the subset of the largest fracture that effectively halts the global current, has a fractal dimension of 1.22±0.011.22 \pm 0.01. This exponent value is compatible with the universality class of several other physical models, including optimal paths under strong disorder, disordered polymers, watersheds and optimal path cracks on uncorrelated substrates, hulls of explosive percolation clusters, and strands of invasion percolation fronts. Moreover, we find that the fractal dimension of the largest fracture under extreme disorder, df=1.86±0.01d_f=1.86 \pm 0.01, is outside the statistical error bar of standard percolation. This discrepancy is due to the appearance of trapped regions or cavities of all sizes that remain intact till the entire collapse of the fuse network, but are always accessible in the case of standard percolation. Finally, we quantify the role of disorder on the structure of the largest cluster, as well as on the backbone of the fracture, in terms of a distinctive transition from weak to strong disorder characterized by a new crossover exponent.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Manifestation of finite temperature size effects in nanogranular magnetic graphite

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    In addition to the double phase transition (with the Curie temperatures T_C=300K and T_{Ct}=144K), a low-temperature anomaly in the dependence of the magnetization is observed in the bulk magnetic graphite (with an average granular size of L=10nm), which is attributed to manifestation of the size effects below the quantum temperature. The best fits of the high-temperature data (using the mean-field Curie-Weiss and Bloch expressions) produced reasonable estimates for the model parameters, such as defects mediated effective spin exchange energy J=12meV (which defines the intragranular Curie temperature T_C) and proximity mediated interactions between neighboring grains (through potential barriers created by thin layers of non-magnetic graphite) with energy J_t=exp(-d/s)J=5.8meV (which defines the intergranular Curie temperature T_{Ct}) with d=1.5nm and s=2nm being the intergranular distance and characteristic length, respectively