115 research outputs found

    Contribution of weak localization to non local transport at normal metal / superconductor double interfaces

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    In connection with a recent experiment [Russo {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 027002 (2005)], we investigate the effect of weak localization on non local transport in normal metal / insulator / superconductor / insulator / normal metal (NISIN) trilayers, with extended interfaces. The negative weak localization contribution to the crossed resistance can exceed in absolute value the positive elastic cotunneling contribution if the normal metal phase coherence length or the energy are large enough.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, minor modification

    Aerosol direct radiative effect in the Po Valley region derived from AERONET measurements

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    International audienceThe aerosol direct radiative effect (ADRE) affecting the Po Valley and the adjacent North Adriatic Sea is studied using 10-year series of measurements collected at two AERONET sites located in the western part of the Valley (Ispra), and on a platform (AAOT) offshore Venice. This region is characterized by a high, mostly continental, aerosol load with comparable average aerosol optical thickness ?a at both locations (0.21 at 500 nm) and more absorbing aerosols at Ispra. A dynamic aerosol model accounting for the changes in scattering phase function with ?a is used for radiative transfer calculations, together with boundary conditions representative of terrestrial and marine surfaces. A sensitivity analysis allows the construction of an error budget for the daily ADRE estimates, found to be of the order of 20% and mostly due to uncertainties on aerosol single scattering albedo and ?a. The daily radiative efficiencies, normalized by ?a at 500 nm, increase from December to June, from ?17 to ?24 W m?2 ?a?1 at top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and ?33 to ?72 W m?2 ?a?1 at surface for the Po Valley, and from ?15 to ?32 (TOA) and ?35 to ?65 W m?2 ?a?1 (surface) for the AAOT site. The average of log-transformed ADRE for TOA, surface and atmosphere are ?5.2, ?12.2 and +6.8 W m?2 for the Po Valley case, and ?6.5, ?13.0 and +6.5 W m?2 for the AAOT site but these values can be much higher for individual days. Concurrent clear-sky days give indications on the regional atmospheric heating spatial gradients. Differences between the atmospheric ADRE at the two locations average 6.3 W m?2 with a gradient positive towards the inner valley in 65% of the cases. This study confirms the importance of duly considering the radiative impact of aerosols on the regional climate

    Strongly disordered Hubbard model in one dimension: spin and orbital infinite randomness and Griffiths phases

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    We study by the strong disorder renormalization group (RG) method the low-energy properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with random-hopping matrix-elements tmin<t<tmaxt_{min}<t<t_{max}, and with random on-site Coulomb repulsion terms 0≤Umin<U<Umax0 \le U_{min}<U<U_{max}. There are two critical phases, corresponding to an infinite randomness spin random singlet for strong interactions (Umin>tmaxU_{min} > t_{max}) and to an orbital infinite randomness fixed point for vanishing interactions (Umax/tmax→0U_{max}/t_{max} \to 0). To each critical infinite randomness fixed point is connected a Griffiths phase, the correlation length and dynamical exponent of which have well defined asymptotic dependences on the corresponding quantum control parameter. The theoretical predictions for the scaling in the vicinity of the critical points compare well to numerical RG simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Sign of the crossed conductances at a FSF double interface

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    Crossed conductance in hybrid Ferromagnet / Superconductor / Ferromagnet (FSF) structures results from the competition between normal transmission and Andreev reflection channels. Crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) and elastic cotunneling (EC) between the ferromagnets are dressed by local Andreev reflections, which play an important role for transparent enough interfaces and intermediate spin polarizations. This modifies the simple result previously obtained at lowest order, and can explain the sign of the crossed resistances in a recent experiment [D. Beckmann {\sl et al.}, cond-mat/0404360]. This holds both in the multiterminal hybrid structure model (where phase averaging over the Fermi oscillations is introduced ``by hand'' within the approximation of a single non local process) and for infinite planar interfaces (where phase averaging naturally results in the microscopic solution with multiple non local processes).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    What is the value of the superconducting gap of a F/S/F trilayer ?

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    Based on the model of F/S/F trilayer with atomic thickness [A. Buzdin and M. Daumens, cond-mat/0305320] we discuss the relative roles of pair-breaking and proximity effects, as a function of the exchange field, of disorder and of a finite thickness in the superconducting layer. The exchange field can be small (weak ferromagnets) or large (strong ferromagnets) compared to the superconducting gap. With weak ferromagnets we show the existence of a reentrant superconducting gap for the F/S/F trilayer with atomic thickness in the parallel alignment (equivalent to the F/S bilayer). Qualitatively small disorder is equivalent to reducing the value of the hopping parameters. In the presence of a finite thickness in the superconducting layer the superconducting gap in the antiparallel alignment is larger than in the parallel alignment, meaning that pair breaking dominates over the proximity effect.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Non local Andreev reflection in a carbon nanotube superconducting quantum interference device

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    We investigate a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) based on carbon nanotubes in a fork geometry [J.-P. Cleuziou {\it et al.}, Nature Nanotechnology {\bf 1}, 53 (2006)], involving tunneling of evanescent quasiparticles through a superconductor over a distance comparable to the superconducting coherence length, with therefore ``non local'' processes generalizing non local Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling. Non local processes induce a reduction of the critical current and modify the current-phase relation. We discuss arbitrary interface transparencies. Such devices in fork geometries are candidates for probing the phase coherence of crossed Andreev reflection.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, revised versio

    Production of non-local quartets and phase-sensitive entanglement in a superconducting beam splitter

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    Three BCS superconductors S_a, S_b, and S and two short normal regions N_a and N_b in a three-terminal S_aN_aSN_bS_b set-up provide a source of non-local quartets spatially separated as two correlated pairs in S_a and S_b, if the distance between the interfaces N_aS and SN_b is comparable to the coherence length in S. Low-temperature dc-transport of non-local quartets from S to S_a and S_b can occur in equilibrium, and also if S_a and S_b are biased at opposite voltages. At higher temperatures, thermal excitations result in correlated current fluctuations which depend on the superconducting phases phi_a and phi_b in S_a and S_b. Phase-sensitive entanglement is obtained at zero temperature if N_a and N_b are replaced by discrete levels.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; technical details attached in ancillary file http://arxiv.org/src/1102.2355v4/anc/EPAPS_Freyn_2011.pdf; higher versions: minor corrections, cleanup and corrected reference

    Spin resolved Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions with Zeeman splitting

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    Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions is derived in a regime in which Zeeman splitting dominates the response of the superconductor to an applied magnetic field. Spin-up and spin-down Andreev reflections are shown to be resolved as voltage is increased. In the metallic limit, the transition from Andreev to tunnel conductivity in the spin-up channels has a non trivial behavior when spin polarization is increased. The conductance is asymmetric in a voltage reversal.Comment: RevTex. 13 pages. 3 figures include

    Self-consistent microscopic calculations for non-local transport through nanoscale superconductors

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    We implement self-consistent microscopic calculations in order to describe out-of-equilibrium non-local transport in normal metal-superconductor-normal metal hybrid structures in the presence of a magnetic field and for arbitrary interface transparencies. A four terminal setup simulating usual experimental situations is described by means of a tight-binding model. We present results for the self-consistent order parameter and current profiles within the sample. These profiles illustrate a crossover from a quasi-equilibrium to a strong non-equilibrium situation when increasing the interface transparencies and the applied voltages. We analyze in detail the behavior of the non-local conductance in these two different regimes. While in quasi-equilibrium conditions this can be expressed as the difference between elastic cotunneling and crossed Andreev transmission coefficients, in a general situation additional contributions due to the voltage dependence of the self-consistent order parameter have to be taken into account. The present results provide a first step towards a self-consistent theory of non-local transport including non-equilibrium effects and describe qualitatively a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237003 (2006)].Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, 2 figures correcte
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