355 research outputs found

    Dynamical Mass Generation in Landau gauge QCD

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    We summarise results on the infrared behaviour of Landau gauge QCD from the Green's functions approach and lattice calculations. Approximate, nonperturbative solutions for the ghost, gluon and quark propagators as well as first results for the quark-gluon vertex from a coupled set of Dyson-Schwinger equations are compared to quenched and unquenched lattice results. Almost quantitative agreement is found for all three propagators. Similar effects of unquenching are found in both approaches. The dynamically generated quark masses are close to `phenomenological' values. First results for the quark-gluon vertex indicate a complex tensor structure of the non-perturbative quark-gluon interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Summary of a talk given at the international conference QCD DOWN UNDER, March 10 - 19, Adelaide, Australi

    Rho and Sigma Mesons in Unitarized Thermal ChPT

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    We present our recent results for the rho and sigma mesons considered as resonances in pion-pion scattering in a thermal bath. We use chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in p for the low energy behaviour, then extend the analysis via the unitarization method of the Inverse Amplitude into the resonance region. The width of the rho broadens about twice the amount required by phase space considerations alone, its mass staying practically constant up to temperatures of order 150 MeV. The sigma meson behaves in accordance to chiral symmetry restoration expectations.Comment: Proc. Workshop Strong and Electroweak Matter 02, Heidelberg, German

    Implementation of an effective time-saving two-stage methodology for microstructural characterization of cemented carbides

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    Linear intercept on scanning electron microscopy micrographs is the most commonly used measurement method to determine carbide grain size and contiguity in WC–Co cemented carbides (hardmetals). However, it involves manual time-consuming measurements and is critically dependent on the quality of the micrographs as well as on the identification and definition of grain boundaries. In this study a two-stage methodology for microstructural characterization of hardmetals is presented. First, a digital semi-automatic image analysis procedure for grain size determination of the carbide phase is presented. It involves an experimental assessment of grain size on processed images corresponding to a series of WC–Co and WC–Ni cemented carbide grades with different microstructural characteristics. Obtained results are then compared to the values obtained by means of the linear intercept technique. A good correlation between the mean grain sizes determined following both measurement techniques was attained. Based on experimental findings, a series of empirical relations were found to correlate grain size distributions obtained following both methods. Second, an empirical relation for estimating carbide contiguity in WC–Co cemented carbides is proposed. This relation considers simultaneously the influence of the binder content and the experimentally determined mean grain size on contiguity. The proposed equation for contiguity estimation is based on extensive data collection from open literature. An excellent agreement was attained between contiguity values estimated from such equation and those obtained using the linear intercept technique. This validates the two-stage procedure as an effective time-saving methodology for microstructural characterization of WC–Co cemented carbides.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tetraquark spectroscopy

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    A complete classification of tetraquark states in terms of the spin-flavor, color and spatial degrees of freedom was constructed. The permutational symmetry properties of both the spin-flavor and orbital parts of the quark-quark and antiquark-antiquark subsystems are discussed. This complete classification is general and model-independent, and is useful both for model-builders and experimentalists. The total wave functions are also explicitly constructed in the hypothesis of ideal mixing; this basis for tetraquark states will enable the eigenvalue problem to be solved for a definite dynamical model. This is also valid for diquark-antidiquark models, for which the basis is a subset of the one we have constructed. An evaluation of the tetraquark spectrum is obtained from the Iachello mass formula for normal mesons, here generalized to tetraquark systems. This mass formula is a generalizazion of the Gell-Mann Okubo mass formula, whose coefficients have been upgraded by means of the latest PDG data. The ground state tetraquark nonet was identified with f0(600)f_{0}(600), Îș(800)\kappa(800), f0(980)f_{0}(980), a0(980)a_{0}(980). The mass splittings predicted by this mass formula are compared to the KLOE, Fermilab E791 and BES experimental data. The diquark-antidiquark limit was also studied.Comment: Invited talk at 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), Julich, Germany, 10-14 Sep 2007. In the Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), Julich, Germany, 10-14 Sep 2007, eConf C070910, 163 (2007

    Hadronic aspects of exotic baryons

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    In this talk I look into three different topics, addressing first the possibility that the Θ+\Theta^+ is a bound state of KπNK \pi N, exploiting the results of this study to find out the contribution of two meson and one baryon components in the baryon antidecuplet and in the third place I present results on a new resonant exotic baryonic state which appears as dynamically generated by the Weinberg Tomozawa ΔK\Delta K interaction.Comment: Talk at the International Workshop PENTAQUARK0

    The BES f_0(1810): a new glueball candidate

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    We analyze the f_0(1810) state recently observed by the BES collaboration via radiative J/\psi decay to a resonant \phi\omega spectrum and confront it with DM2 data and glueball theory. The DM2 group only measured \omega\omega decays and reported a pseudoscalar but no scalar resonance in this mass region. A rescattering mechanism from the open flavored KKbar decay channel is considered to explain why the resonance is only seen in the flavor asymmetric \omega\phi branch along with a discussion of positive C parity charmonia decays to strengthen the case for preferred open flavor glueball decays. We also calculate the total glueball decay width to be roughly 100 MeV, in agreement with the narrow, newly found f_0, and smaller than the expected estimate of 200-400 MeV. We conclude that this discovered scalar hadron is a solid glueball candidate and deserves further experimental investigation, especially in the K-Kbar channel. Finally we comment on other, but less likely, possible assignments for this state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Major substantive additions, including an ab-initio, QCD-based computation of the glueball inclusive decay width, evaluation of final state effects, and enhanced discussion of several alternative possibilities. Our conclusions are unchanged: the BES f_0(1810) is a promising glueball candidat

    On the determination of Θ+\Theta^+ quantum numbers and other topics of exotic baryons

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    In this talk I look into three different topics, addressing first a method to determine the quantum numbers of the Θ+\Theta^+, then exploiting the possibility that the Θ+\Theta^+ is a bound state of KπNK \pi N and in the third place I present results on a new resonant exotic baryonic state which appears as dynamically generated by the Weinberg Tomozawa ΔK\Delta K interaction.Comment: 9 pags. Talk in the NSTAR04 Workshop, Grenoble, march 200
