296 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to reveal the factors that constraints and facilitators health and fitness club members in Ankara to attend the leisure activities. The population for the research consists of large-scale health and fitness club members in Ankara. Research samples include 389 participants of 190 (Mage= 31.26; SD= 8.86) women and 199 (Mage= 31.31, SD= 9.06) men selected with convenience sampling method from four large-scale health and fitness club members in Ankara. Leisure Constraint Questionnaire was used in the study to determine the participants’ constraints and Leisure Facilitators Scale to determine the facilitators they face while attending leisure activities. It was determined that though the health and fitness club users have constraints on leisure activity attendance, they use the facilitators to a considerable extent. While the most significant facilitators that enable the participants to attend the leisure activities were the intrapersonal facilitators, the least significant ones were interpersonal facilitators. When the constraints were analysed, the participants were seen to face these, the most on facility level and the least on lack of interest level. It was concluded that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the participants’ leisure constraints and facilitators, and also between the sub dimensions of the scales. This matter shows that the participants face constraints during leisure attendance but still attend or continue using the facilitators.  Article visualizations

    On Stability of Dynamic Equations on Time Scales Via Dichotomic Maps

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    Dichotomic maps are used to check the stability of ordinary differential equations and difference equations. In this paper, this method is extended to dynamic equations on time scales; the stability and asymptotic stability to the trivial solution of the first order system of dynamic equations are examined using dichotomic and strictly dichotomic maps. This method, in dynamic equations, also involves Lyapunov’s direct method

    The Investigation of Surplus of Energy and Signal Propagation at Time-Domain Waveguide Modes

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    Classical waveguide theory has been developed bearing on Bernoulli’s product method which results in separation of space and time variables in Maxwell’s equations. The time-harmonic waveguide modes have been stated mathematically for transmitting signals along the waveguides. As a starting point, present studies on transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) waveguide modes with previous results are taken and exhibited in an advanced form. They have been obtained within the framework of an evolutionary approach to solve Maxwell’s equations with time derivative. As a result every modal field is obtained in the form of a product of vector functions of transverse coordinates and modal amplitudes. The modal amplitudes which are the functions of axial coordinate z and time t are the central matter of this study. The amplitudes are generated by a potential which is governing by Klein-Gordon equation (KGE). The KGE has remarkable properties of symmetry which has great importance in our analytical studies of the transient modes. Ultimately, in this study, a time-domain waveguide problem is solved analytically in accordance with the causality principle. Moreover, the graphical results are shown for the case when the energy and surplus of the energy for the time-domain waveguide modes are represented via Airy functions

    A search on Dirac equation

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    The solutions, in terms of orthogonal polynomials, of Dirac equation with analytically solvable potentials are investigated within a novel formalism by transforming the relativistic equation into a Schrodinger like one. Earlier results are discussed in a unified framework and certain solutions of a large class of potentials are given.Comment: 9 page

    Tracing the early development of harmful algal blooms with the aid of Lagrangian coherent structures

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    Several theories have been proposed to explain the development of harmful algal blooms (HABs) produced by the toxic dinoflagellate \emph{Karenia brevis} on the West Florida Shelf. However, because the early stages of HAB development are usually not detected, these theories have been so far very difficult to verify. In this paper we employ simulated \emph{Lagrangian coherent structures} (LCSs) to trace the early location of a HAB in late 2004 before it was transported to an area where it could be detected by satellite imagery, and then we make use of a population dynamics model to infer the factors that may have led to its development. The LCSs, which are computed based on a surface flow description provided by an ocean circulation model, delineate past and future histories of boundaries of passively advected fluid domains. The population dynamics model determines nitrogen in two components, nutrients and phytoplankton, which are assumed to be passively advected by the simulated surface currents. Two nearshore nutrient sources are identified for the HAB whose evolution is found to be strongly tied to the simulated LCSs. While one nutrient source can be associated with a coastal upwelling event, the other is seen to be produced by river runoff, which provides support to a theory of HAB development that considers nutrient loading into coastal waters produced by human activities as a critical element. Our results show that the use of simulated LCSs and a population dynamics model can greatly enhance our understanding of the early stages of the development of HABs.Comment: Submitted to JGR-Ocean

    Acidólisis enzimática de trioleina con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico: Optimización de los parámetros de la reacción mediante la metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    An acidolysis reaction of triolein with caprylic and palmitic acids was performed using immobilized sn-1,3 specific lipase from Mucor miehei to produce a reduced calorie spreadable structured lipid (SL). Response surface methodology was applied to model and optimize the reaction conditions using a four-factor five-level central composite rotatable design. The selected factors were time (10-24 h), enzyme load (10-25 wt%), substrate mole ratio (Triolein:Caprylic acid:Palmitic acid), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) and temperature (45-60 °C). The produced SLs were compared to fat extracts of commercial margarine in terms of melting profile and solid fat content (SFC). SL with a melting peak of 42 °C and SFC of 40.69% at 0 °C was very similar to soft margarines. The caloric value of this SL was determined as 37.74 kJ/g, theoretically. The optimum reaction conditions were found as reaction time 14 h; substrate mole ratio 1:2.1:2.1; temperature 58 °C; and enzyme load 15 wt%. Under optimum conditions, the product contained 29.68% COC, 25.47% POC, and 3.80% POP.La reacción de acidolísis de la trioleina con los ácidos caprílico y palmítico se realizó utilizando lipasa inmovilizada Mucor miehei, específica de sn-1, 3, para producir una grasa de untar baja en calorías compuesta de lípidos estructurados (SL). La metodología de superficie de respuesta se aplica para modelar y optimizar las condiciones de reacción utilizando un factor-cuatro y nivel-cinco de diseño central compuesto. Los factores seleccionados fueron el tiempo (10-24 h), la carga de enzima (10-25% en peso), la relación molar de sustratos (Trioleína:Ácido Caprílico:Ácido Palmítico), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) y la temperatura (45-60 °C). Los SLs producidos se compararon con extractos de grasa de margarina comercial en términos de perfil de fusión y contenido de grasa sólida (SFC). El SL con un pico de fusión a 42 °C y SFC de 40,69% a 0 °C era muy similar a las margarinas suaves. El valor calórico de este SL se determinó teóricamente siendo 37,74 kJ/g. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción encontradas fueron 14 h de tiempo de reacción; una relación molar de sustratos 1:2.1:2.1; una temperatura de 58 °C, y una carga enzima de 15% en peso. En condiciones óptimas el producto contenía 29,68% de AOC, 25,47% de POC, y 3,80% de POP

    Brief communication "Stratospheric winds, transport barriers and the 2011 Arctic ozone hole"

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    The Arctic stratosphere throughout the late winter and early spring of 2011 was characterized by an unusually severe ozone loss, resulting in what has been described as an ozone hole. The 2011 ozone loss was made possible by unusually cold temperatures throughout the Arctic stratosphere. Here we consider the issue of what constitutes suitable environmental conditions for the formation and maintenance of a polar ozone hole. Our discussion focuses on the importance of the stratospheric wind field and, in particular, the importance of a high latitude zonal jet, which serves as a meridional transport barrier both prior to ozone hole formation and during the ozone hole maintenance phase. It is argued that stratospheric conditions in the boreal winter/spring of 2011 were highly unusual inasmuch as in that year Antarctic-like Lagrangian dynamics led to the formation of a boreal ozone hole

    Extracción asistida por microondas de compuestos no polares de cáscaras de pistacho y caracterización de los extractos

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    Soxhlet and microwave assisted extraction (MAE) methods were used to obtain non-polar compounds from pistachio hull. MAE parameters (liquid to solid ratio, microwave power, and extraction time) were studied to obtain maximum extraction yield. The optimal conditions were found to be liquid to solid ratio of 15:1 (v/w), microwave power of 250 W and extraction time of 12.5 min. The extraction yields were 9.81 and 9.50% for MAE and Soxhlet methods, respectively. The total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and tocopherol content of the extract obtained by MAE was found to be significantly higher than those of the Soxhlet extract (p < 0.05). The results showed that the extract contained α-tocopherols (567.65 mg/kg) and oleic acid (48.46%) as the major tocopherols and fatty acids. These findings propose that hull extracts can be considered as a good source of natural bioactive compounds and MAE can be a good alternative to the traditional Soxhlet method.Se utilizó la extracción mediante Soxhlet y métodos de extracción asistida mediante microondas (MAE) para obtener compuestos no polares de las cascaras de pistacho. Se estudiaron los parámetros para la MAE (relación líquido-sólido, potencia de microondas y tiempo de extracción) para obtener el máximo rendimiento de la extracción. Se encontró que las condiciones óptimas eran una relación líquido a sólido de 15:1 (v/p), potencia de microondas de 250 W y un tiempo de extracción de 12,5 minutos. Los rendimientos de extracción fueron 9.81 y 9.50% para los métodos MAE y Soxhlet, respectivamente. El contenido fenólico total, la actividad antioxidante y el contenido de tocoferoles de los extractos obtenidos por MAE fueron significativamente más altos que los de los extractos de Soxhlet (p < 0,05). Los resultados muestran que el extracto contiene α-tocoferol (567.65 mg/kg) y ácido oleico (48.46%) como los principales tocoferoles y ácidos grasos, respectivamente. Estos hallazgos proponen que los extractos de las cascaras pueden considerarse como una buena fuente de compuestos bioactivos naturales y MAE puede ser una buena alternativa al método Soxhlet tradicional

    Acidolisis de aceite de pistacho con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico en un reactor de recirculación de lecho compacto: optimización mediante metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    The acidolysis reaction of terebinth fruit oil with caprylic and palmitic acid has been investigated. The reaction was catalyzed by lipase (Lipozyme IM from Rhizomucormiehei) and carried out in recirculating packed bed reactor. The effects of reaction parameters have been analyzed using response surface methodology. Reaction time (3.5–6.5 h), enzyme load (10–20%), substrate flow rate (4–8 mL·min-1) and substrate mole ratios (Terebinth oil : Palmitic acid : Caprylic acid, 1:1.83:1.22–1:3.07:2.05) were evaluated. The optimum reaction conditions were 5.9 h reaction time, 10% enzyme load, 4 mL·min-1 substrate flow rate and 1:3.10:2.07 substrate mole ratio. The structured lipid obtained at these optimum conditions had 52.23% desired triacylglycerols and a lower caloric value than that of terebinth fruit oil. The melting characteristics and microstructure of the structured lipid were similar to those of commercial margarine fat extracts. The results showed that the structured lipid had the highest oxidative stability among the studied fats.Se ha investigado la reacción de acidolisis del aceite de pistacho con los ácidoscaprílico y palmítico. La reacción fue catalizada por la lipasa Lipozyme IM de Rhizomucormiehei y realizada mediante recirculación del reactor de lecho compacto. Los efectos de los parámetros de la reacción han sido analizados mediante el uso de la metodología de superficie de respuesta. El tiempo de reacción (3.5 hasta 6.5 h), la carga de enzima (10–20%), el caudal de sustrato (4–8 mL·min-1) relaciones molares de los sustrato (aceite de pistacho: ácido palmítico: ácido caprílico, 1: 1,83: 1,22–1: 3,07: 2,05) fueron evaluados. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción fueron 5,9 h de tiempo de reacción, el 10% de carga de la enzima, 4 mL·min-1 de caudal de sustrato y 1: 3,10: 2,07 de relación molar de sustratos. Los lípidos estructurados obtenidos en las condiciones óptimas tenías 52,23% de triacilgliceroles deseados y un valor calórico menor que la de encina aceite de la fruta. Características de fusión y microestructura de lípido estructurado fueron similares a las de los extractos de grasa margarina comerciales. Los resultados mostraron que el lípido estructurado tenía una estabilidad oxidativa más alta entre las grasas estudiadas