168 research outputs found

    Surface-induced disorder and aperiodic perturbations at first-order transitions

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    In systems displaying a bulk first-order transition the order parameter may vanish continuously at a free surface, a phenomenon which is called surface-induced disorder. In the presence of surface-induced disorder the correlation lengths, parallel and perpendicular to the surface, diverge at the bulk transition point. In this way the surface induces an anisotropic power-law singular behavior for some bulk quantities. For example in a finite system of transverse linear size L, the response functions diverge as L^{(d-1)z+1}, where d is the dimension of the system and z is the anisotropy exponent. We present a general scaling picture for this anisotropic discontinuity fixed point. Our phenomenological results are confronted with analytical and numerical calculations on the 2D q-state Potts model in the large-q limit. The scaling results are demonstrated to apply also for the same model with a layered, Fibonacci-type modulation of the couplings for which the anisotropy exponent is a continuous function of the strength of the quasiperiodic perturbation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, epsf, RevTeX. Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. B. More details given about the quantum Potts model. Minor mistakes correcte

    Comparative study of the critical behavior in one-dimensional random and aperiodic environments

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    We consider cooperative processes (quantum spin chains and random walks) in one-dimensional fluctuating random and aperiodic environments characterized by fluctuating exponents omega>0. At the critical point the random and aperiodic systems scale essentially anisotropically in a similar fashion: length (L) and time (t) scales are related as t ~ log^{1/omega}. Also some critical exponents, characterizing the singularities of average quantities, are found to be universal functions of omega, whereas some others do depend on details of the distribution of the disorder. In the off-critical region there is an important difference between the two types of environments: in aperiodic systems there are no extra (Griffiths)-singularities.Comment: 13 pages RevTeX, 10 eps-figures include

    Critical exponents of random XX and XY chains: Exact results via random walks

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    We study random XY and (dimerized) XX spin-1/2 quantum spin chains at their quantum phase transition driven by the anisotropy and dimerization, respectively. Using exact expressions for magnetization, correlation functions and energy gap, obtained by the free fermion technique, the critical and off-critical (Griffiths-McCoy) singularities are related to persistence properties of random walks. In this way we determine exactly the decay exponents for surface and bulk transverse and longitudinal correlations, correlation length exponent and dynamical exponent.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 1 eps-figure include

    Exact Renormalization-Group Study of Aperiodic Ising Quantum Chains and Directed Walks

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    We consider the Ising model and the directed walk on two-dimensional layered lattices and show that the two problems are inherently related: The zero-field thermodynamical properties of the Ising model are contained in the spectrum of the transfer matrix of the directed walk. The critical properties of the two models are connected to the scaling behavior of the eigenvalue spectrum of the transfer matrix which is studied exactly through renormalization for different self-similar distributions of the couplings. The models show very rich bulk and surface critical behaviors with nonuniversal critical exponents, coupling-dependent anisotropic scaling, first-order surface transition, and stretched exponential critical correlations. It is shown that all the nonuniversal critical exponents obtained for the aperiodic Ising models satisfy scaling relations and can be expressed as functions of varying surface magnetic exponents.Comment: 22 pages, 8 eps-figures, uses RevTex and epsf, minor correction

    Random and aperiodic quantum spin chains: A comparative study

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    According to the Harris-Luck criterion the relevance of a fluctuating interaction at the critical point is connected to the value of the fluctuation exponent omega. Here we consider different types of relevant fluctuations in the quantum Ising chain and investigate the universality class of the models. At the critical point the random and aperiodic systems behave similarly, due to the same type of extreme broad distribution of the energy scales at low energies. The critical exponents of some averaged quantities are found to be a universal function of omega, but some others do depend on other parameters of the distribution of the couplings. In the off-critical region there is an important difference between the two systems: there are no Griffiths singularities in aperiodic models.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps-figures include
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