1,326 research outputs found

    Study of gravitational radiation from cosmic domain walls

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    In this paper, following the previous study, we evaluate the spectrum of gravitational wave background generated by domain walls which are produced if some discrete symmetry is spontaneously broken in the early universe. We apply two different methods to calculate the gravitational wave spectrum: One is to calculate the gravitational wave spectrum directly from numerical simulations, and another is to calculate it indirectly by estimating the unequal time anisotropic stress power spectrum of the scalar field. Both analysises indicate that the slope of the spectrum changes at two characteristic frequencies corresponding to the Hubble radius at the decay of domain walls and the width of domain walls, and that the spectrum between these two characteristic frequencies becomes flat or slightly red tilted. The second method enables us to evaluate the GW spectrum semi-analytically for the frequencies which can not be resolved in the finite box lattice simulations, but relies on the assumptions for the unequal time correlations of the source.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; revised version of the manuscript, accepted for publication in JCA

    Primordial perturbations from slow-roll inflation on a brane

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    In this paper we quantise scalar perturbations in a Randall-Sundrum-type model of inflation where the inflaton field is confined to a single brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. In the high energy regime, small-scale inflaton fluctuations are strongly coupled to metric perturbations in the bulk and gravitational back-reaction has a dramatic effect on the behaviour of inflaton perturbations on sub-horizon scales. This is in contrast to the standard four-dimensional result where gravitational back-reaction can be neglected on small scales. Nevertheless, this does not give rise to significant particle production, and the correction to the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations on super-horizon scales is shown to be suppressed by a slow-roll parameter. We calculate the complete first order slow-roll corrections to the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    New Q-ball Solutions in Gauge-Mediation, Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis and Gravitino Dark Matter

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    Affleck-Dine (AD) baryogenesis along a d=6 flat direction in gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking (GMSB) models can produce unstable Q-balls which naturally have field strength similar to the messenger scale. In this case a new kind of Q-ball is formed, intermediate between gravity-mediated and gauge-mediated type. We study in detail these new Q-ball solutions, showing how their properties interpolate between standard gravity-mediated and gauge-mediated Q-balls as the AD field becomes larger than the messenger scale. It is shown that E/Q for the Q-balls can be greater than the nucleon mass but less than the MSSM-LSP mass, leading to Q-ball decay directly to Standard Model fermions with no MSSM-LSP production. More significantly, if E/Q is greater than the MSSM-LSP mass, decaying Q-balls can provide a natural source of non-thermal MSSM-LSPs, which can subsequently decay to gravitino dark matter without violating nucleosynthesis constraints. The model therefore provides a minimal scenario for baryogenesis and gravitino dark matter in the gauge-mediated MSSM, requiring no new fields.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Some corrections and additional discussion. Version published in JCA

    Numerical study of curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation at high-energies

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    We study the evolution of scalar curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation model in a 5D Anti-de Sitter spacetime. The inflaton perturbations are confined to a 4D brane but they are coupled to the 5D bulk metric perturbations. We numerically solve full coupled equations for the inflaton perturbations and the 5D metric perturbations using Hawkins-Lidsey inflationary model. At an initial time, we assume that the bulk is unperturbed. We find that the inflaton perturbations at high energies are strongly coupled to the bulk metric perturbations even on subhorizon scales, leading to the suppression of the amplitude of the comoving curvature perturbations at a horizon crossing. This indicates that the linear perturbations of the inflaton field does not obey the usual 4D Klein-Gordon equation due to the coupling to 5D gravitational field on small scales and it is required to quantise the coupled brane-bulk system in a consistent way in order to calculate the spectrum of the scalar perturbations in a brane-world inflation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Advantageous grain boundaries in iron pnictide superconductors

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    High critical temperature superconductors have zero power consumption and could be used to produce ideal electric power lines. The principal obstacle in fabricating superconducting wires and tapes is grain boundaries-the misalignment of crystalline orientations at grain boundaries, which is unavoidable for polycrystals, largely deteriorates critical current density. Here, we report that High critical temperature iron pnictide superconductors have advantages over cuprates with respect to these grain boundary issues. The transport properties through well-defined bicrystal grain boundary junctions with various misorientation angles (thetaGB) were systematically investigated for cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 (BaFe2As2:Co) epitaxial films fabricated on bicrystal substrates. The critical current density through bicrystal grain boundary (JcBGB) remained high (> 1 MA/cm2) and nearly constant up to a critical angle thetac of ~9o, which is substantially larger than the thetac of ~5o for YBCO. Even at thetaGB > thetac, the decay of JcBGB was much smaller than that of YBCO.Comment: to appear in Nature Communication

    Psuedo-isotropic upper critical field in cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 epitaxial films

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    The temperature and angular dependence of the upper critical field (Hc2) is reported for cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 epitaxial films between Tc and 0.5 K in pulsed magnetic fields up to 50 T. For H parallel c, Hc2 is close to a linear function of temperature, while in the perpendicular direction there is significant downward curvature that results in an Hc2 ratio (gamma = Hc2(perpendicular)/Hc2(parallel) that decreases nearly linearly with temperature, approaching gamma = 1 at low temperature with Hc2(0) = 47 T. We measure the complete upper-critical field phase diagram including angular dependence and model the data using a two band theory allowing us to determine the anisotropy of both bands, their relative diffusivities, and the relationship between BCS coupling constant matrix elements. We find an unusual relationship between the diffusivities of the two bands, with two anisotropic and opposite bands. This relationship is supported by the observation of a local maximum for Hc2(parallel) at low temperature

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning the properties of complex transparent conducting oxides: role of crystal symmetry, chemical composition and carrier generation

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    The electronic properties of single- and multi-cation transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) are investigated using first-principles density functional approach. A detailed comparison of the electronic band structure of stoichiometric and oxygen deficient In2_2O3_3, α\alpha- and β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3, rock salt and wurtzite ZnO, and layered InGaZnO4_4 reveals the role of the following factors which govern the transport and optical properties of these TCO materials: (i) the crystal symmetry of the oxides, including both the oxygen coordination and the long-range structural anisotropy; (ii) the electronic configuration of the cation(s), specifically, the type of orbital(s) -- ss, pp or dd -- which form the conduction band; and (iii) the strength of the hybridization between the cation's states and the p-states of the neighboring oxygen atoms. The results not only explain the experimentally observed trends in the electrical conductivity in the single-cation TCO, but also demonstrate that multicomponent oxides may offer a way to overcome the electron localization bottleneck which limits the charge transport in wide-bandgap main-group metal oxides. Further, the advantages of aliovalent substitutional doping -- an alternative route to generate carriers in a TCO host -- are outlined based on the electronic band structure calculations of Sn, Ga, Ti and Zr-doped InGaZnO4_4. We show that the transition metal dopants offer a possibility to improve conductivity without compromising the optical transmittance
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