19,299 research outputs found

    Recent advances in satellite observations of solar variability and global atmospheric ozone

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    The launch of Nimbus 4 in April 1974 has made possible simultaneous measurements of the ultraviolet solar irradiance and the global distribution of atmospheric ozone by the monitor of ultraviolet solar energy (MUSE) and backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) experiments respectively. Two long lived ultraviolet active solar regions which are about 180 deg apart in solar longitude were observed to be associated with central meridian passages of solar magnetic sector boundaries. The boundaries may be significant in the evaluation of correlations between solar magnetic sector structure and atmospheric circulation

    Seasonal and temporal changes in the vertical profiles of polar stratospheric ozone: 1978-1986

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    The long-term changes in stratospheric ozone in both Antarctic and Arctic regions during the period November 1978 to October 1986 exhibit significant interhemispheric differences in terms of time of onset, altitude, latitude, longitude, and phase. The 8-year data set of stratospheric ozone derived from observations with the Nimbus 7 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) spectrometer instrument were deseasonalized by subtracting monthly deviations from 6-year monthly means for 10 degree bands centered at latitudes 80 S-80 N and the 64x64 standard NMC grid at standard pressure levels in the atmosphere. Linear trends are derived from the linear regression of monthly deviations from long term monthly means in terms of annual and monthly trends for the latitude region 55 to 81 degrees in both hemispheres. An assessment has been made of the SBUV instrument drift from analyses of annual deviations from long term annual means of stratospheric ozone in north temperate regions from 25 N-55 N with corresponding Umkehr observations from 5 stations at latitudes from 36 N-52 N which have been corrected for stratospheric aerosols derived from 5 lidar stations (DeLuisi and Mateer, 1988)

    Asymmetries in ozone depressions between the polar stratospheres following a solar proton event

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    Ozone depletions in the polar stratosphere during the energetic solar proton event on 4 August 1972 were observed by the backscattered ultraviolet (BUV) experiments on the Nimbus 4 satellite. The observed ozone contents, the ozone depressions and their temporal variations above the 4 mb level exhibited distinct asymmetries between the northern and southern hemispheres. Since the ozone destroying solar particles precipitate rather symmetrically into the two polar atmospheres, due to the geomagnetic dipole field, it is suggested that these asymmetries may be explained in terms of the differences in dynamics between the summer and the winter polar atmospheres. In the summer (northern) hemisphere, the stratospheric and mesospheric ozone depletion and recovery are smooth functions of time due to the preponderance of undistributed orderly flow in this region. On the other hand, the temporal variation of the upper stratospheric ozone in the winter polar atmosphere (southern hemisphere) exhibits large amplitude irregularities. These characteristic differences between the two polar atmospheres are also evident in the vertical distributions of temperatures and winds observed by balloons and rocket soundings

    Measures of the solar spectral irradiance between 1200 and 3000 A

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    Tabulated data on solar flux measurements are presented. The measurements, taken from balloons, rockets and satellites, are not new data, but have been critically re-evaluated. The eleven year sunspot cycle is discussed. Also discussed is the brightness temperature. The effect of solar radiation at various wavelengths, on the photochemistry of stratospheric ozone is briefly discussed

    A possible correlation between maxima of the far ultraviolet solar irradiance and central meridian passages of solar magnetic sector boundaries

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    Satellite observations of the sun over almost 5 yrs show that principally two UV active longitudes have persisted over a significant portion of this observational period. A comparison between the position of solar magnetic sector boundaries and UV enhancements of the sun seems to show, at least during the year 1969, that the UV maxima tend to occur near the times when a solar sector boundary is near central meridian. An estimate of the magnitude of the variable UV solar energy input into the atmosphere resulting from the rotation of active solar longitudes is that for wavelengths less than 175 nm and down to H Lyman-alpha it exceeds the annual variation, whereas at longer wavelengths it is less

    Blending single beam RoxAnn and multi-beam swathe QTC hydro-acoustic discrimination techniques for the Stonehaven area, Scotland, UK

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    Surface properties of the seabed in a 180 km2 area of coastal waters (14-57 m depth) off northeast Scotland were mapped by hydro-acoustic discrimination using single and multi-beam echosounders linked to signal processing systems (RoxAnn for the single beam, and Questor Tangent Corporation (QTC) Multiview for the multibeam). Subsequently, two ground truthing surveys were carried out, using grab and TV sampling. The RoxAnn and QTC-Multiview outputs showed strong similarity in their classifications of seabed types. Classifications generated by QTC-Multiview were used to supervise those based on seabed roughness and hardness indices produced by the RoxAnn system and thereby develop a ‘blended’ map based on both systems. The resulting hydro-acoustic classes agreed well with a cluster analysis of data on sediment grain sizes from the grab sampling, and indicated that the area could be described by distinct regions of surface texture and surficial sediments ranging from muddy sand to boulders and rock

    NIMBUS-7 SBUV (Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet) observations of solar UV spectral irradiance variations caused by solar rotation and active-region evolution for the period November 7, 1978 - November 1, 1980

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    Observations of temporal variations of the solar UV spectral irradiance over several days to a few weeks in the 160-400 nm wavelength range are presented. Larger 28-day variations and a second episode of 13-day variations occurred during the second year of measurements. The thirteen day periodicity is not a harmonic of the 28-day periodicity. The 13-day periodicity dominates certain episodes of solar activity while others are dominated by 28-day periods accompanied by a week 14-day harmonic. Techniques for removing noise and long-term trends are described. Time series analysis results are presented for the Si II lines near 182 nm, the Al I continuum in the 190 nm to 205 nm range, the Mg I continuum in the 210 nm to 250 nm range, the MgII H & K lines at 280 nm, the Mg I line at 285 nm, and the Ca II K & H lines at 393 and 397 nm

    The UV absorption spectrum of C60 (buckminsterfullerene): A narrow band at 3860 Ã…

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    The absorption spectrum of the special C60 cluster buckminsterfullerene has been studied in a supersonic beam by laser depletion of the cold van der Waals complexes of C60 with benzene and methylene chloride. Both complexes were found to display a single, isolated absorption band in the near ultraviolet superimposed on a structureless absorption continuum. For the methylene chloride complex this feature is centered at 3860 Å, and is roughly 50 cm−1 wide. In the benzene van der Waals cluster, the corresponding feature is located at 3863 Å, and has a similar width. This spectrum is tentatively assigned to the 0–0 band of the lowest 1T1u<--1Ag (LUMO+1<--HOMO) transition of a truncated icosahedral carbon shell structure, broadened by coupling to the underlying quasicontinuum of ground state vibrational levels
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