200 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Lahan Basah Terkait Semakin Maraknya Kebakaran dengan Pendekatan Adaptasi yang Didasarkan pada Kovensi Ramsar

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    Lahan basah tidak saja dipahami sebagai pendukung kehidupan secara langsung, seperti sumber air minum dan habitat beraneka ragam mahluk, tapi juga memiliki berbagai fungsi ekologis seperti pengendali banjir, pencegah intrusi air laut, erosi, pencemaran, dan pengendali iklim global. Salah satu bentuk kerusakan lahan basah yang semakin banyak terjadi adalah kebakaran gambut mudah terjadi di hutan rawa gambut tropis. Akibatnya hutan yang telah dieksploitasi dan tajuknya relatif lebih terbuka karena terganggu mengalami kekeringan dan mudah terbakar, ditambah lagi adanya kegiatan penyiapan lahan dengan pembakaran yang dilakukan oleh peladang berpindah. Konven- si Ramsar adalah perjanjian Internasional untuk konservasi dan pemanfaatan lahan basah secara berkelanjutan. Indonesia masuk menjadi anggota Konvensi Ramsar pada tahun 1991 dengan di- terbitkannya Keppres 48 Tahun 1991 yang merupakan Ratifikasi Konvensi Ramsar di Indonesia. Strategi adaptasi dapat membantu manusia dalam mengelola dampak Perubahan iklim dan melind- ungi sumber penghidupan atau matapencaharian mereka. Salah satu program yang telah dijalankan dalam upaya mengelolan lahan basah dengan pendekatan adaptasi adalah Program Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Lahan Basah Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program/ SWAMP). Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain penanganan kebakaran di daerah penyangga ter- masuk penanaman tanaman tahan api, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat akan bahaya dan akibat kebakaran, dan juga program pengelolaan daerah tangkapan air untuk mencegah keringnya hutan rawa gambut

    Restorasi Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah di Pulau Bangka

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    Kerusakan akibat penambangan timah di Pulau Bangka semakin meningkat terutama sejak berkembangnya penambangan inkonvensional. Dampak kegiatan penambangan timah, baik tambang konvensional maupun inkonvensional terhadap lingkungan fisik berupa bertambahnya lahan kritis akibat berkurangnya hutan, rusaknya lahan pertanian dan kebun. Upaya rehabilitasi lahan bekas tambang ditinjau dari aspek teknis adalah upaya untuk mengembalikan kondisi tanah agar stabil dan tidak rawan erosi. Dari aspek ekonomis dan estetika lahan, kondisi tanah diperbaiki agar nilai/potensi ekonomisnya dapat dikembalikan sekurang-kurangnya seperti keadaan semula. Dari aspek ekosistem, upaya pengembalian kondisi ekosistem ke ekosistem semula. Dalam hal ini revegetasi adalah upaya yang dapat dinilai mencakup kepada kepentingan aspek-aspek tersebut, dimana reklamasi hampir selalu identik dengan revegetasi

    Analisis Yuridis terhadap Pembatalan Hak Asuh Anak oleh Pengadilan Agama (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama No. 5/pdt.g/2006/pa.mdn)

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    A child is the world's life ornament who becomes the parents' pride as it is stated in Al-Quran (QS, AL-Kahfi:46), “Wealth and children are an ornament of life of the world. But the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward, and better in respect of hope”; therefore, we have to obey the command of Allah to take care, raise, and educate our children. The research was judicial normative and descriptive analytic, based on general legal theory which was applied to explain a set of other data. The theory used in the research was the theory of legal protection for under-aged children (before mummayiz), looked after by their guardian. The cancellation of the right to look after under-aged children is because the parensts are considered not legally capable so that the judge abolishes their rights, the judge appoints the priority of the family who has the rights to look after under-aged children. It is recommended that psychological factor and the security of the children who are looked after by their guardian should be considered, the Religious Court's Ruling should be implemented according to the prevailing procedures by putting forward the principle of negotiation and consanguinity in the transferring of the rights

    Improving Students\u27 Reading Comprehension Through Two Stay – Two Stray Learning Model

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    This study deals with improving students\u27 reading comprehension through Two Stay – Two Stray Leaning Model. This study was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of the research was class XI-IPA SMA GAJAH MADA Medan which consisted of 28 students. The research was conducted in two cycles and every cycle consisted of four meetings and two meetings. The instruments for collecting data were quantitative data (multiple choice test) and qualitative data (diary notes, observation sheet, questionnaire sheet, and interview). In second competence test 14 % (four students) got 70 points. It means there was an improvement for 14 %. In next competence test 86 % (24 students) got 70 points. The improvement was 72 %. It can be concluded that Two Stay – Two Stray Learning Model could improve students\u27 reading comprehension

    Fungsi Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (Bptp) Riau dalam Pembinaan Usaha Tani (Studi pada Petani Komoditas Tanaman Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)

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    The research aims to identify and analyze the implementation of the functions Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) in Riau Farmers Business Development, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors. Formulation of research problems are: (1) How does the implementation of the functions Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) in Riau Farm Development on Commodity Crops Rice Farmers in Rokan Hulu? (2) What are the factors inhibiting and supporting the implementation of the functions Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) in the Development of Farming Lists?The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The research location is in BPTP Riau, and for the purposes of completeness of the data then data collection is also done at Rice Farmers in Rokan Hulu. As respondents used research informants consisting of Riau BPTP Head, Research and Extension Field in the institution, as well as Chairman of Farmers Group. Types of data are primary and secondary data. The data collection technique Interviews, documentation and observation. Data obtained and analyzed by descriptive-qualitative.This study concluded that: Function Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) in Riau Farming Guidance has been done effectively. This is due to the establishment of clear objectives, scope of duties and responsibilities in accordance with the working ability as well as availability of human resources, delegation of authority and a clear division of labor and in accordance with their duties and functions, and the existence of good coordination of the tasks and subordinates. The inhibiting factors encountered in implementing coaching Riau BPTP farm through program assessment, assembly and development of appropriate agricultural technologies specific for Farmers, among others, are: (a) coordination and synchronization program with local government is less than optimal; (b) the presence of extreme climate change (droughts and floods); (c) the majority of farmer groups are less dynamic in a group activity; and (d) There is still limited availability of human resources in the Ministry of Agriculture. While supporting factor for BPTP Riau in implementing farming guidance through program assessment, assembly and development of appropriate agricultural technologies specific for the Farmers, among others, are: (a) technology introduced to farmers easy to implement, and in additionthe information technology easy obtained, profitable and can be applied in a wide expanse; (b) Participation of the farmers are relatively well enough to collaborate in the success of the program is implemented and accepted technology introduced; and (c) There is support for local government in expanding the application of the technology at the farm level.Keywords: function, development, farming, agricultural technolog
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