1,489 research outputs found

    Financial Sector Reforms and International Trade Competitiveness: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    This paper explores the relationship between financial development and international trade competitiveness in the case of Pakistan. An earlier study on this issue, Hanif and Jafri (2008), has some empirical limitations as it is based on Engle-Granger (1987) two steps procedure while dealing with multiple variables regressions. In this study we have used ARDL model by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (1999). We have also applied Johansen test for cointegration and checked the robustness of results established by the ARDL model. We have estimated the cointegration vector using Stock and Watson (1993) dynamic OLS method. We find a stable long run positive relationship between international trade competitiveness of Pakistan and its financial sector development. The estimated external finance elasticity of international trade competitiveness of textile sector in Pakistan is found to be 0.26 which is significantly higher than 0.17 estimated by Hanif and Jafri (2008).Financial Development, Competitiveness

    Treatment of a System with Explicitly Broken Gauge Symmetries

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    A system in which the free part of the action possesses a gauge symmetry that is not respected by the interacting part presents problems when quantized. We illustrate how the Dirac constraint formalism can be used to address this difficulty by considering an antisymmetric tensor field interacting with a spinor field.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, typos correcte

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Biologi Materi Plantae Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Nilai Islam untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa SMA

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    The development research aims to produce learning materials Plantae such as devices based Guided Inquiry integrated Islamic values to improved understanding of the concept of high school students. Adapted development the procedure development according the Borg and Gall model. The results of the analysis of the learning device shows the value of the average percentage of expert learning device by 98.1%, 86.1% materials experts and teachers of 95.4%. Small groups of test results by 89.8%. The main test was conducted on the experimental class and the control class in high school Annur Bululawang. The results of data analysis using Anacova showed that the understanding of the concept of students in the experimental class is significantly different from the students in the control class. Scores understanding of the concept of students in the experimental class is higher (80.9) than the control group (67.5). The results of this study indicate that the application of Guided Inquiry-based learning device can significantly increase students' understanding of the concept.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran materi Plantae berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing terintegrasi nilai Islami dalam peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa SMA. Prosedur pengembangan mengadaptasi model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Hasil analisis perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan nilai persentase rata-rata dari ahli perangkat pembelajaran sebesar 98,1%, ahli materi 86,1%, dan guru sebesar 95,4%. Hasil uji kelompok kecil sebesar 89,8%. Uji coba utama dilakukan pada satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol di SMA Annur Bululawang. Hasil analisis data menggunakan anakova menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa di kelas eksperimen berbeda secara signifikan dengan siswa di kelas kontrol. Skor pemahaman konsep siswa pada kelas ekperimen lebih tinggi (80,9) daripada kelas kontrol (67,5). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa

    Penerapan Strategi Direct Reading Thinking Activity (Drta) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa Kelas V

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    Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas V SDN Pacarkeling 1/182 Suarabaya, ditemukan permasalahan membaca khusunya membaca pemahaman. Sebanyak 12 dari 25 siswa yang mendapatkan nilai dibawah KKM 70, jika depersentasekan yaitu sebensar 48%. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut maka Penelitian ini mengguanakan strategi DRTA dengan model PTK. Subyek yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas V. Teknik pengumpulan data yang diguanakan adalah teknik observasi, tes, dan catatan lapangan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mencapai 100% pada siklus I dan siklus II. Skor ketercapaian pada siklus I yaitu 84,3 dan siklus II yaitu 96,8 . Hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus I sebesar 65,2% dan siklus II sebesar 90,9% dengan peningkatan sebesar 25,7%. Sedangkan rata-rata kelas pada siklus I sebesar 74,3 dan siklus II sebesar 89,7 dengan peningkatan sebanyak 15,4. Berdasarkan aindikator keberhasilan penelitian yang ditetapkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi DRTA dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas V SDN Pacarkeling 1/182 Surabaya. Kata Kunci: keterampilan membaca, membaca pemahaman, strategi DRTA Abbstract: Based on observations made at the fifth grade students of state primary school Pacarkeling 1/182 Suarabaya, found problems reading especially reading comprehension. A total of 12 of the 25 students that scored below 70 KKM, if depersentasekan the sebensar 48%. The problems associated with the study was mengguanakan DRTA strategy with PTK models. Subjects were observed in this study were the teacher and student class V. Diguanakan data collection techniques are observation, testing, and field notes. Techniques of data analysis done with descriptive qualitative. The results showed feasibility study reached 100% in the first cycle and second cycle. Achievement scores in the first cycle is 84,3 and the second cycle is 96.8. Student learning outcomes showed classical completeness in the first cycle of 65.2% and 90.9% for the second cycle with an increase of 25.7%. While the average grade on the first cycle of 74.3 and 89.7 for the second cycle increase of 15.4. Based on research that determined the success aindikator can be concluded that the implementation of the strategy DRTA can improve reading comprehension skills of fifth grade students of state primary school Pacarkeling 1/182 Surabaya

    Pengaruh Assurance Sustainability Report Terhadap Market Value Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Pada Tahun 2011-2013

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    Currently Indonesian companies began to publish sustainability report as a corporate responsibility to the environment. To increase the credibility of the sustainability report, the company did assurance, but not much research the topic of assurance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of assurance on the sustainability report to the market value of the company. This study used independent assurance, size, leverage, ROA, the type of industry to measure the market value of the company.This study used secondary data documentation, they were sustainability report and annual report companies that listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011-2013. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling with some requirements. The number of samples obtained from these criteria were 36 companies with a total of 108 samples. in This study used multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis.The results showed that the assurance negative and not significant effect to the market value of the company. Other variables such as the size (the size of the company), leverage, and the type of industry also did not have a significant effect. Only ROA which had a positive and significant effect to the market value of the company

    Pembuatan Video Klip “Terbang” Oleh “Flourescent Band” Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Stop Motion

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    Development of music in Indonesia has experienced arguably the most significant advances, people are now getting to know a wide range of musical genres, and one of the most popular genres of music in Indonesia at the moment is kind of alternative pop music. Indonesian pop music in mushrooming as the presence of bands that carry these streams, as well as by "flourescent band", a band from the city of Yogyakarta, which stands on the basis of friendship and common hobby in the field of music, making the band think to try to create an homage to pop music arranger alternative with a slightly different color, as well as a design of a video clip with a different concept of course.The title track will be used in the design of a video clip entitled "Terbang" by Flourescent band. The design is intended as a video clip of implementation especially video-making skills using stop motion animation techniques, and also will serve as a media promotion of the band "Flourescent" itself.In the design of this video will be using the merger between videography techniques, stop motion and motion graphics techniques to the results generated from the design of the video clip will be more unique and interesting