518 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Novick Berbantuan Conceptual Change Text Untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Pada Meteri Energi

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    This research was aimed to known effectiveness the application of Novick learning model assisted by conceptual change text to remediate students\u27 misconceptions on energy in SMA Negeri 1 Sambas. Pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design used in this research. Sample of this research was students from X MIA 1 class (n = 39) who choosen by intact group random sampling technique. Diagnostic test which consisted of 18 multiple choice question with open reasoning. Based on the results of data analysis found the findings, as follows: (1) the average decrease of misconceptions equal to 79,2%, (2) There was a significant conceptual change ( 166,9; 1; 0,05) after being given remedial learning, (3) There is a difference in the percentage of student misconception on energy before and after given remediation activity based on two-sample test of proportions (Zscore[14,123] > Ztable[1,96]); and (4) The level effectiveness of remediation is high (DQM = 79,2%). Based on these results, it is expected that Novick learning model assisted conceptual change text can be used as an alternative remediation activities to overcome misconception

    Literasi Matematis Siswa dalam Menyederhanakan Ekspresi Aljabar

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    This research aims to explain the mathematical literacy class IX students of SMP Negeri 8 Singkawang academic years 2014/2015, in simplifying algebraic expressions in terms of mathematical aspects of understanding, application, reasoning and communication. The method used is descriptive method with the form of case studies. The research subjects were 30 students. The results of data analysis showed that the mathematical literacy of students in terms of aspects of understanding, the student has to have knowledge of algebraic expressions and simplification, but not yet understood fully. Review of aspects of the application, the students have a smooth routine matters simplifying algebraic expressions, but not for non-routine problems and word problems. Judging from the aspects of reasoning, students tend to show ideas or evidence unfavorable answers. Judging from the communication aspect, students tend not fluent in expressing the ideas and the language of mathematics to express the mathematical ideas appropriately

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswatentang Kecepatan Menggunakan Keterampilan Bertanya Berbantuan Animasi di SMP

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of remedial activity using questioning skills assisted by animation on velocity misconception among students grade VII at Middle School number 8 Pontianak. Using intact group method, 33 students from class VII B academic year 2013/2014 was chosen to participate in the one group pretest-posttest experimental design. The average of percentage reduction in students\u27 number misconception was 46,89%. McNemar test indicated that the remedial activity significanly influence to reduce students misconception (count (12,02) >table (3,84)for db = 1 and = 5%). It is sugested for further study to conduct an alternative remediation activity in order to improve these results

    Wawancara Klinis Berbantuan Alat Peraga untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Siswa dalam Materi Perbandingan Trigonometri di SMA

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    The purpose of this research is to cope with and minimize studentss learning difficulties by clinical interview with the aid of props in learning trigonometric ratios of angels between lines and spheres at cube conducted in class X Santu Petrus Senior High School in Pontianak. The Method of the research is descriptive analytics which is in form of a study case. This research was conducted on the odd semester in the academic year 2012/2013. The subjects of this study were students of class XI IPA3 Santu Petrus Senior High School in Pontianak who had difficulties on the matter of trigonometric ratios, particularly at cube. Clinical Interview included solving students difficulties on the matter of trigonometric ratios with the aid of props. The result of data analysis indicates that, after the treatment, the mistakes that students had in the pre test can be minimzed in the post test

    Exploring water adsorption on isoelectronically doped graphene using alchemical derivatives

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    The design and production of novel 2-dimensional materials has seen great progress in the last decade, prompting further exploration of the chemistry of such materials. Doping and hydrogenating graphene is an experimentally realised method of changing its surface chemistry, but there is still a great deal to be understood on how doping impacts on the adsorption of molecules. Developing this understanding is key to unlocking the potential applications of these materials. High throughput screening methods can provide particularly effective ways to explore vast chemical compositions of materials. Here, alchemical derivatives are used as a method to screen the dissociative adsorption energy of water molecules on various BN doped topologies of hydrogenated graphene. The predictions from alchemical derivatives are assessed by comparison to density functional theory. This screening method is found to predict dissociative adsorption energies that span a range of more than 2 eV, with a mean absolute error <0.1<0.1 eV. In addition, we show that the quality of such predictions can be readily assessed by examination of the Kohn-Sham highest occupied molecular orbital in the initial states. In this way, the root mean square error in the dissociative adsorption energies of water is reduced by almost an order of magnitude (down to ∼0.02\sim0.02 eV) after filtering out poor predictions. The findings point the way towards a reliable use of first order alchemical derivatives for efficient screening procedures

    Evaluasi Sistem Proteksi Petir pada Tower PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) Pekanbaru

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    Lightning occurs because there is a difference of potential between the cloud and the earth or by other clouds. Lightning caused a lot of harm to people and damage to the equipment. Some places with the high rate of lightning strikes (frequency and intensity) of being the first priority in the use of the installation of lightning protection. Tropical countries like Indonesia generally have a high lightning day each year, including in the area of Pekanbaru. This paper proposes to evaluate lightning protection system in PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) Pekanbaru. Improvement of lightning protection system is made through a Rolling Sphere Method. The result of the data shows that the lightning protection system in PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) Pekanbaru was already capable of protecting the Base Station Transceiver (BTS) from lightning strikes. This results is proven to indicate that lightning protect is improved

    Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus : Pelayanan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Accountability is a must for each public service department, Department of Spatial Planning and Building is a government agency that provide Building Permit License. People have to be satisfied of the service that given by this department. That is the reason why accountability is a must to accomplish this goal.This study aimed to describe Accountability Services Building Permit License (IMB) in Pekanbaru. The author uses indicators such as Reference Services, Solution Services and Priority Services to look at the accountability of public services. This study uses data collection techniques interview, observation and documentation.Results of this research is the accountability of service delivery Building Permit conducted by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building in Pekanbaru yet fully accountable, guides the work has not been completely oriented to service users, solution services provided to service users not provide facilities, and kepetingan service users yet fully prioritized.Keywords: Accountability, Building Permi

    Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) in LTE-A Heterogeneous Networks based upon Power Ratio Evaluation

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    As the traffic demand grows and the RF environment changes, the mobile network relies on techniques such as SFR in Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) to overcome capacity and link budget limitation to maintain user experience. Inter-Cell Interference (ICI) strongly affecting Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of active UEs, especially cell-edge users, which leads to a significant degradation in the total throughput. In this paper we evaluate the performance of SFR with HetNet system in order dealing with interferences. Simulation result shows that the power ratio control in SFR HetNet system doesn’t have much effect on total achieved capacity for overall cell
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