6,503 research outputs found

    Generalised CP and Δ(96)\Delta (96) Family Symmetry

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    We perform a comprehensive study of the Δ(96)\Delta (96) family symmetry combined with the generalised CP symmetry HCPH_{\rm{CP}}. We investigate the lepton mixing parameters which can be obtained from the original symmetry Δ(96)HCP\Delta (96)\rtimes H_{\rm{CP}} breaking to different remnant symmetries in the neutrino and charged lepton sectors, namely GνG_{\nu} and GlG_l subgroups in the neutrino and the charged lepton sector respectively, and the remnant CP symmetries from the breaking of HCPH_{\rm{CP}} are HCPνH^{\nu}_{\rm{CP}} and HCPlH^{l}_{\rm{CP}}, respectively, where all cases correspond to a preserved symmetry smaller than the full Klein symmetry, as in the semi-direct approach, leading to predictions which depend on a single undetermined real parameter, which may be fitted to the reactor angle for example. We discuss 26 possible cases, including a global χ2\chi^2 determination of the best fit parameters and the correlations between mixing parameters, in each case.Comment: 71 pages, 10 figure

    Leptogenesis and residual CP symmetry

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    We discuss flavour dependent leptogenesis in the framework of lepton flavour models based on discrete flavour and CP symmetries applied to the type-I seesaw model. Working in the flavour basis, we analyse the case of two general residual CP symmetries in the neutrino sector, which corresponds to all possible semi-direct models based on a preserved Z2Z_2 in the neutrino sector, together with a CP symmetry, which constrains the PMNS matrix up to a single free parameter which may be fixed by the reactor angle. We systematically study and classify this case for all possible residual CP symmetries, and show that the RR-matrix is tightly constrained up to a single free parameter, with only certain forms being consistent with successful leptogenesis, leading to possible connections between leptogenesis and PMNS parameters. The formalism is completely general in the sense that the two residual CP symmetries could result from any high energy discrete flavour theory which respects any CP symmetry. As a simple example, we apply the formalism to a high energy S4S_4 flavour symmetry with a generalized CP symmetry, broken to two residual CP symmetries in the neutrino sector, recovering familiar results for PMNS predictions, together with new results for flavour dependent leptogenesis.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Tri-Direct CP in the Littlest Seesaw Playground

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    We discuss spontaneously broken CP symmetry in two right-handed neutrino models based on the idea of having a {\it different residual flavour symmetry}, together with a {\it different residual CP symmetry}, associated with each of the two right-handed neutrinos. The charged lepton sector also has a {\it different residual flavour symmetry}. In such a {\it tri-direct CP approach}, we show that the combination of the three residual flavour and two residual CP symmetries provides a new way of fixing the parameters. To illustrate the approach, we revisit the Littlest Seesaw (LSS) model based on S4S_4 and then propose new variants which have not so far appeared in the literature, with different predictions for each variant. We analyse numerically the predictions of the new variants, and then propose an explicit model which can realise one of the successful benchmark points, based on the atmospheric flavon vacuum alignment (1,ω2,ω)(1, \omega^2 , \omega) and the solar flavon vacuum alignment (1,7/2,7/2)(1, -7/2, -7/2 ).Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Generalised CP and A4A_4 Family Symmetry

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    We perform a comprehensive study of family symmetry models based on A4A_4 combined with the generalised CP symmetry HCPH_{\rm{CP}}. We investigate the lepton mixing parameters which can be obtained from the original symmetry A4HCPA_4\rtimes H_{\rm{CP}} breaking to different remnant symmetries in the neutrino and charged lepton sectors. We find that only one case is phenomenologically viable, namely GCPνZ2S×HCPνG^{\nu}_{\rm{CP}}\cong Z^{S}_2\times H^{\nu}_{\rm{CP}} in the neutrino sector and GCPlZ3THCPlG^{l}_{\rm{CP}}\cong Z^{T}_3\rtimes H^{l}_{\rm{CP}} in the charged lepton sector, leading to the prediction of no CP violation, namely δCP\delta_{CP} and the Majorana phases α21\alpha_{21} and α31\alpha_{31} are all equal to either zero or π\pi. We then propose an effective supersymmetric model based on the symmetry A4HCPA_4\rtimes H_{\rm{CP}} in which trimaximal lepton mixing is predicted together with either zero CP violation or δCP±π/2\delta_{CP}\simeq\pm \pi/2 with non-trivial Majorana phases. An ultraviolet completion of the effective model yields a neutrino mass matrix which depends on only three real parameters. As a result of this, all three CP phases and the absolute neutrino mass scale are determined, the atmospheric mixing angle is maximal, and the Dirac CP can either be preserved with δCP=0,π\delta_{CP}=0,\pi or maximally broken with δCP=±π/2\delta_{CP}=\pm \pi /2 and sharp predictions for the Majorana phases and neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure

    Golden Littlest Seesaw

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    We propose and analyse a new class of Littlest Seesaw models, with two right-handed neutrinos in their diagonal mass basis, based on preserving the first column of the Golden Ratio mixing matrix. We perform an exhaustive analysis of all possible remnant symmetries of the group A5A_5 which can be used to enforce various vacuum alignments for the flavon controlling solar mixing, for two simple cases of the atmospheric flavon vacuum alignment. The solar and atmospheric flavon vacuum alignments are enforced by {\em different} remnant symmetries. We examine the phenomenological viability of each of the possible Littlest Seesaw alignments in A5A_5, which preserve the first column of the Golden ratio mixing matrix, using figures and extensive tables of benchmark points and comparing our predictions to a recent global analysis of neutrino data. We also repeat the analysis for an alternative form of Golden Ratio mixing matrix.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Diquark in Nona-quark States

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    We study the nonaquark states S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) which are reported by KEK-PS (Phys.Lett. B597 (2004) 236; nucl-ex/0310018) by means of the quark model with diquark correlation. The nonaquark states form 1,8,10,10ˉ,27,35ˉ\bf{1},\bf{8},\bf{10},\bar{\bf{10}},\bf{27},\bar{\bf{35}} SU(3) multiplets. The flavor wave functions of all the nonaquark states are constructed through the standard tensor technique. The mass spectrum is studied by using Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula. Some nonaquark mass sum rules are obtained. We further investigate the decay of S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) under the assumption of "fall-apart" mechanism. It has been found that the main decay mode is ΣNN\Sigma NN rather than ΛNN\Lambda NN which is consistent with experiment. Also we have uniquely determine the flavor wave function of S0(3115)S^0(3115) which belong to 27\bf{27}-plet with the quantum number Y=2,I=1,Iz=1Y=2,I=1,I_z=-1. Whereas the exotic states S+(3140)S^+(3140) can belong to either 27\bf{27}-plet or 35ˉ\bar{\bf{35}}-plet. In the exact SU(3)flavor×SU(3)color×SU(2)spinSU(3)^{flavor}\times SU(3)^{color}\times SU(2)^{spin} limit, both S0(3115)S^0(3115) and S+(3140)S^+(3140) belong to 27{\bf 27}-plet with negative parity. We predict that its flavor structure can be determined by measuring the branch fractions of its decay channels. The experiments to check this prediction are expected.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The energy spectrum symmetry of Heisenberg model in Fock space

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    We prove strictly that one dimension spin 1/2 Heisenberg model has a symmetry of energy spectrum between its subspace nn and the subspace LnL-n of the Fock space. Our proof is completed by introducing two general quantum operations. One is a flip operation of spin direction and another is a mirror reflection of spin sites.Comment: Revising version, 7 preprint pages, no figures; Published version contains some revisions in Languag

    Status and prospects of `bi-large' leptonic mixing

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    Bi-large patterns for the leptonic mixing matrix are confronted with current neutrino oscillation data. We analyse the status of these patterns and determine, through realistic simulations, the potential of upcoming long-baseline experiment DUNE in testing bi-large \emph{ansatze} and discriminating amongst them.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, numerical results refined, some more discussion added. Matches published version of Phys. Let.

    Generalized μτ\mu-\tau reflection symmetry and leptonic CP violation

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    We propose a generalized μτ\mu-\tau reflection symmetry to constrain the lepton flavor mixing parameters. We obtain a new correlation between the atmospheric mixing angle θ23\theta_{23} and the "Dirac" CP violation phase δCP\delta_{\rm CP}. Only in a specific limit our proposed CP transformation reduces to standard μτ\mu-\tau reflection, for which θ23\theta_{23} and δCP\delta_{CP} are both maximal. The "Majorana" phases are predicted to lie at their CP-conserving values with important implications for the neutrinoless double beta decay rates. We also study the phenomenological implications of our scheme for present and future neutrino oscillation experiments including T2K, NOν\nuA and DUNE.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, latex, Final version to appear in Physics Letters