73 research outputs found

    Baseline Survey on Nutritional and Health Status of Underfive Children at Poor Communities in DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bogor Year 2004

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    The high prevalence of anemia and vitamin A deficiency among underfive children is related to their food intake and health status. The situation appeared worst after multiple crisis hit Indonesia in 1997/1998. To obtain factors affecting the nutritional status of children aged 1-5 years, a baseline study was conducted in DKI Jakarta, Bogor, and Tangerang in collaboration with UN-WFP. The sample size was 1337 underfive children consisting of 666 boys and 666 girls. The study showed that malnutrition among underfive children was still high which indicated the high prevalence of underweight and stunting, especially in Bogor District and Tangerang District. The micronutrient intake of vitamin A, iron, and zinc among underfive children were certainly below the Indonesian RDA. The level of poverty and the education of woman as well as husbands were two conditions that were obvious from all areas, mainly Tangerang District

    Model Mitigasi Kebakaran Berbasis Masyarakat : Kajian Kualitatif pada Aparat Pemerintah dan LSM

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    Urban environment which is free from fire can be created through early fire prevention and controlling efforts. The research objective was to develop community-based model in mitigation of fire preparedness. Depth interviews were conducted in the selected 30 informants at Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi cities. They came from subdistrict authorities, villages, non government organizations, and Fire Government Institution staffs (Sudin Damkar). The majority of informants had familiarity with the organization, namely BALAKAR. However, its implementation had some constraints such as no provision of salary, employment status, and seasonal residents were attached to the members themselves. Consequently, many members were resigned and it was difficult to recruit new members. Type of fire prevention efforts undertaken in community were participating on fire simulation, extension, and training, and to be member of BALAKAR. However, the shapes were still scattered because each region had its own form depend on rules in society and had not yet legi-timized in a national law because on regional level. The best alternative community-based model was empowering BALAKAR because of this program is still running and known by community. It was expected that the model will be accepted easily by community for being part of development programs in several areas. Later on, strong support from the community will determine the successful of BALAKAR implementation in the field

    Low Immunity Response in the Elderly

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    Aging is related to a number of changes in the immunity function, mainly the reducing of Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI). The immunocompetence of elderly worsen with age including the rate of immune respons against infection. It means that older people have a high risk of getting diseases such as infection, cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune disorder, or other chronic diseases. All of these diseases occured in elderly due to the immunoglobulin production decrease. Thus, vaccination given to elderly often might not be effective against diseases. Older people who commonly suffer from a decrease of macro and micronutrients will have a low function and response of the immune system. Therefore, malnutrition cases in elderly should have early specific attention including consideration in given vaccination for preventing diseases. Infectious diseases mostly suffered by older people can be prevented or reduced through improving nutrition efforts because the immune system will be improved. If the immune function of the elderly can be improved, the individual quality of life increases and the health cost can be suppressed.&nbsp

    Pengetahuan dan Praktek Keluarga Sadar Gizi Ibu Balita

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    Poor family in Jakarta is a vulnerable group faced undernutrition problem with poor sanitation and health due to poverty. To anticipate it, the government has declared Kadarzi (Nutrition Awareness Family) movement. Up to now, mother's behavior on Kadarzi in poor urban villages areas in DKI Jakarta were almost unknown which caused by limited data studied about Kadarzi. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a study aimed to explore how is the knowledge and practice of Kadarzi's five indicators among underfives mothers at Penjaringan Village, Penjaringan Sub-district, North Jakarta. The study used qualitative data techniques through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews. Informants of the study were mother of underfive children, religious/community leaders, and posyandu cadres. The study revealed that the majority of informants had low knowledge and practice of Kadarzi due to lack of socialization from community health centers. They were unfamiliar with the terminology of Kadarzi. They considered that Kadarzi was identical with four healthy and five perfect for toddlers and pregnant women to improve their nutrition and health status. It was recommended to District Health Office of North Jakarta City to disseminate Kadarzi information for the community through printed and electronic media

    The Equation of Prediction Stature Based on Age and Ethnic in Six Institutionalized Elderly at DKI Jakarta and Tangerang, Year 2005

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    Height is an important clinical indicator to derive body mass index (BMI) predicting the nutritional status. However, height measurement in the elderly may impose some difficulties and the reliability is doubtful. Equations estimating height from knee height parameter to predict stature in elderly i.e. Chumlea have been developed, but no one study has developed an equation for Indonesian population according to variety of ethnics. Therefore, a cross sectional study was conducted to develop equations using two types of anthropometric measurements (knee height and arm span) for estimating stature in Indonesian elderly. A total of 217 elderly (aged 60 to 92 years old) from three major ethnic groups Javanese (56.7%), Chinese (31.3%), and others (12.0%) participated in this study. Anthropometric measurement included body weight, height, arm span, and knee height were carried out by trained nutritionist. Inter and intra observer errors was calculated for each anthropometric measurement of arm span and knee height of elderly. Main findings of this study were the mean of age of Chinese was the highest among other ethnics; the most elderly suffered from underweight (43%); the distribution of mean knee height and arm span was almost similar in each ethnic group; there was a significant difference between knee height with stature in elderly women, and the highest correlation indicated by knee height in elderly women and arm span in elderly men. Chumlea equation showed tend to be under-estimate in stature of elderly men and over-estimate in stature of elderly women. In conclusion, standing height is an ideal technique for estimating the stature of elderly. However, in cases where its measurement is not possible or reliable, height can be estimated from proxy indicators of stature. In this study, arm span showed the highest correlation with standing height in elderly men, and knee height in elderly women

    Training Effect on Improving Cadres\u27 Knowledge and Skills of Obesity and Hypertension in Older People

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    Poor skill of cadres on nutritional status assessment in older people with disability should be increased. BMI (body mass index) Meter tool has been developed to predict the nutritional status of the elderly. Interpretation of the measurement results in the form of nutritional status i.e. underweight, normal, overweight, and obesity need to be followed up with preventive efforts. Most nutritional problems which faced by elderly are obesity and hypertension. Therefore, obesity and hypertension counseling training for cadres posbindu and community health center staff was needed. The aim of this study is to assess the training effect on knowledge and skills in counseling obese and hypertension of elderly related to results of nutritional status asseesment of elderly using BMI Meter. Quasi-experimental design used in the study towards 38 cadres from 21 posbindus and 7 community health centers’ staffs in Depok City. The study results showed that most respondents knew the function of BMI Meter was to measure the predicted height of elderly with physical limitations at post-test (90%). Majority respondents aged between 40-49 years (42.2%) graduated from high school/vocational school (46.7%). At post-training,  knowledge score increased almost 15 points and knowledge score at pre-training had significant difference with post-training (p = 0.000). Respondents whose previous nutrition and health training had significant difference with knowledge (p = 0.002). It also supported by increase their ability to conduct obesity and hypertension campaigns for elderly during twice observation field visit. Almost all respondents were able to counsel well in the delivery of media content sistematically and in interesting way. It was concluded that knowledge and skills can be improved through training and post training retention

    Misbruik Van Omstandigheden dalam Perkembangan Hukum Kontrak

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    Sejatinya, kebebasan berkontrak berpangkal pada kedudukan kedua belah pihak yang sama kuatnya, memiliki posisi tawar (bargaining position) yang sama, sehingga masing-masing pihak berkedudukan sebagai mitra kontrak. Kenyataannya tidaklah begitu, dalam pembuatan kontrak masing-masing pihak, terutama pihak yang berada dalam posisi ekonomis kuat berusaha untuk merebut dominasi atas pihak lainnya dan saling berhadapan sebagai lawan kontrak. Pihak yang posisinya lebih kuat dapat memaksakan keinginannya terhadap pihak lain demi keuntungannya sendiri, sehingga melahirkan isi dan syarat kontrak yang berat sebelah atau tidak adil. Padahal, keadilan dalam berkontrak lebih termanifestasikan apabila pertukaran kepentingan para pihak terdistribusi sesuai dengan hak dan kewajibannya secara proporsional. Karena itu, harus selalu diingat, bahwa penyusunan kontrak senantiasa bertolak dari sikap win-win attitude, yaitu suatu sikap yang dilandasi oleh itikad, bahwa kontrak itu sedapat mungkin akan menguntungkan secara timbal Balik. Itulah sebabnya, pangkal tolak dari setiap kontrak sebenarnya adalah itiked baik, sekalipun dalam penyusunannya boleh saja melibatkan taktik dan strategi.2Dalam perkembangannya, penerapan kebebasan berkontrak mengalami pembatasan-pembatasan, terutama terhadap akibat negative yang ditimbulkan yaitu ketidakadilan dalam berkontrak.Dengan otoritas yang dimilikinya, Negara melalui peraturan Perundang-undangan maupun oleh putusan pengadilan memberi pembatasan terhadap penerapan asas kebebasan berkontrak. Hukum kontrak berkembang menjadi lebih publik dengan mengubah nuansa kepentingan privat menjadi kepentingan masyarakat. Dapat dicermati menyusutnya elemen-elemen hukum privat dan sebaliknya bertambahnya elemen-elemen hukum public. Akibat nyata dari perkembangan ini adalah berkurangnya kebebasan individu.3 Namun seperti juga dikatakan oleh Friedman, kebebasan berkontrak masih dianggap aspek yang essensial dari kebebasan individu, tetapi tidak lagi mempunyai nilai absolut seperti satu abad lalu (Freedom of contract is still regarded as an essential aspect of individual freedom, but is has no longer the absolute value attributed to it a century a go). KUHPerdata pasal 1321 menyebutkan 3 (tiga) alasan untuk pembatalan perjanjian yaitu :Kekhilafan/kesesatan (dwaling) yo pasal 1322 KUHPerdata.Paksaan (dwang), yo pasal 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326 dan 1327 KUHPerdata.Penipuan (bedrog) yo pasal 1328 KUHPerdata

    Sikap Ayah dan Jumlah Anak Serta Praktik Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif

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    Partisipasi ayah pada pola pemberian makan bayi harus dipersiapkan dengan baik sehingga mendukung ibu untuk menyusui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap ayah terhadap praktik pemberian ASI eksklusif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 536 pasangan suami istri yang mempunyai bayi usia 0-6 bulan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Desain yang digunakan adalah potong lintang dan analisis data menggunakan kai kuadrat dan regresi logistik. Rata-rata pemberian ASI eksklusif pada saat wawancara adalah 29,1%. Sekitar 83,6% dan 59,1% ayah mempunyai pengetahuan rendah tentang manajemen laktasi prenatal dan postnatal, tetapi 89,6% dan 61,9% ayah menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap praktik menyusui ketika masa kehamilan dan menyusui. Dukungan ayah terhadap praktik menyusui justru rendah pada saat persalinan (37,3%). Sikap ayah selama masa menyusui (nilai p < 0,05; OR = 1,623; 95%CI = 1,086 _ 2,425) merupakan faktor yang paling dominan memengaruhi praktik pemberian ASI eksklusif setelah dikontrol faktor lainnya dalam analisis regresi logistik. Pengetahuan yang baik dan sikap yang positif diketahui sebagai faktor penting dalam keberhasilan praktik pemberian ASI eksklusif. Hal ini menunjukkan kebutuhan keterlibatan ayah dalam berbagai program promosi praktik menyusui.Fathers participation in the decision making of infant feeding method have to be well prepared so that they can support mothers to breastfeed. The objective of the paper is to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitude of the fathers on exclusive breastfeeding practice. Couples whose baby aged 0-6 months were recruited in this study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study design was cross sectional in which chi square and logistic regression analyses were used for the statistical tests. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at time of interviewwas 29.1%. Around 83.6% and 59.1% of fathers had low level of knowledge on prenatal and postnatal lactation management but 89.6% and 61.9% had positive attitude toward breastfeeding. Only 37.3% fathers showed positive attitude about breastfeeding during labor. Attitude of fathers during nursing period was a dominant factor associated with exclusive breastfeeding (p value < 0.05; OR = 1.623; 95% CI = 1.086 _ 2.425) after controlling for other factors in the logistic regression analysis. Good knowledge and positive attitude were known as important factors for successful exclusive breastfeeding practice. This indicates a need of breastfeeding education for fathers
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